You Can't Tell Anyone (43 FINALE)

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After your babies were born you had to stay in the hospital for a few days as they did some checks and observations. But today was the day, today you were finally allowed to bring home your little ones.

You walked through the doors of the sidemen house and covered your mouth with your palm, gasping in happiness. The whole house was covered in pink and blue streamers and a banner hanging on the stairs reading; 'WELCOME HOME BABIES!!!'

"You boys are too sweet" you giggled as a blush rose on your cheeks. You placed Nathan's car seat on the floor as he slept peacefully before taking off your coat and walking fully into the house, with Josh holding Skylar behind you.

"Well we need to celebrate somehow, even if it's just decorations and a nap" Vikk chuckled before pulling you into a hug.

"I think a nap would be amazing" Josh mumbled behind you, Simon took Skylar from him as Vikk was crouched by Nathan. Josh snakes his arms around your waist from behind, pressing a small kiss to your sweet spot.

"Alright, alright, you just had two babies you don't need to start making ore already" JJ exaggerated making you both laugh as Josh rocked you from side to side in his arms.

You watched all the boys interact with your children, how Ethan made funny faces, how Tobi played peek-a-boo with your little girl. It made your heart race and your eyes brim with tears.

"Oh Josh can I talk to you?" Simon asked awkwardly. There was an odd glance between the two before Josh nodded his head, peeling himself away from you. You made your way towards where Callux was sitting with Skylar in his lap.

"You look shattered" Ethan commented as you sighed. It was true, you were absolutely exhausted, there were bags under your eyes and you were yawning more than you were even aware of.

"Give her a break, she's had 2 kids within the last 48 hours. Obviously she's tired" JJ commented before you could even open your mouth.

"And rekindled her relationship after a shit storm" Freezy added.

"Alright thank you" you chuckled nudging him in the ribs with your foot as e was sat on the floor in front of you.

"How's that going by the way? How you feeling about this?" Harry asked, you could see he was a little concerned but you knew that's just because he had become a sort of big brother over the course of your pregnancy and he as only looking out for you.

"I feel good about it. I know we've had issues and I know out main issue was a rather horrid woman called Melissa but, I don't know. Now she's gone and we've got the twins, I feel like everything is exactly the way it's meant to be" you smiled to yourself. Staring off into space as the thought of your little family made your heart flutter. You were brought back into reality as you heard JJ making a fake gagging noise.

"Oh shut up mate, just because you have about as much romance of a damp sock" Callux laughed as he threw Skylar's dirty burping flannel at him, making him scream.

The sound of JJ's horrified screams sadly woke Nathan up with a start from his slumber, something he didn't take too kindly to as his small cries began to fill the room.

"Oooh I'm sorry buddy, come on, come give mummy a cuddle" you cooed as you bent down to pick him out from his car seat. You held him close to your chest and cradled him carefully in your arms.

"Sorry Y/N" JJ mumbled guiltily as you say back down.

"It's fine, I think he's just hungry." You smile warmly down at your little wriggly baby before placing him gently on your lap, lifting your shirt and allowing him to start feeding.

"Uhh, d-do you want us to leave?" Tobi asked nervously, scratching his neck and and avoiding eye contact with you.

"Oh right, sorry" you laughed nervously before picking him up carefully and carrying him upstairs trying not to disturb his lunch.

You sat on Josh's bed and allowed him to continue peacefully. Staring down at him as he suckled happily. You didn't even notice the room until you actually looked up from Nathan.

There were two cribs in the corner and a teddy bear sat inside each one. He had actually moved a large portion of his set up to fit them in. You felt quite guilty that he had to take minor damage to his YouTube career but slightly touched that he had been so thoughtful. You smiled at the sight of the two cots sat beside each other, waiting for Nathan and Skylar to dream sweet things in them.

"Sorry it's not perfect, I didn't have a lot of time" Josh chuckled nervously as he held Skylar in his arms, leaning against the doorframe.

"It's perfect" you said absentmindedly. You felt Nathan stop so you pulled him away and took him to the crib. You placed him gently into the cot before pulling a small blanket up to his waist. He wriggled happily before his eyes slowly drifted into a slumber.

You felt Josh's presence walk up behind you before placing a sweet kiss to your exposed shoulder.

"What did Simon want?" You asked lazily as you stared adoringly at your son. You heard him sigh before you turned around confusedly.

"You really wanna know?" He asked raising his eyebrows. You nodded slowly as he looked down at his daughter, stroking her cheek carefully.

"Melissa called in yesterday" he mumbled. You felt your breath hitch in your throat and your hands clench into a fist.

"What did she want?" You muttered through gritted teeth although said it slightly softly as you didn't want to have a negative presence around your kids.

"He said she was looking for me. She wanted to apologise and try again. She's realised her mistakes and she doesn't want to waste a good thing on someone like you" he scoffed before rolling his eyes.

"Bitch" he whispered harshly making you give him a scolding look, poking him in the ribs. He smiled apologetically before whispering a small 'sorry'.

"I don't need her. I've got a little prince and my little princess" he smiled adoringly before giving Skylar an Eskimo kiss.

"Hey. I thought I was your princess" you pouted playfully. He chuckled warmly before looking into your eyes with a bright smile.

"Nah. Not anymore. After all this? You're my Queen"

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