You Can't Tell Anyone

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"Oh dear god" you groaned, holding the white stick up to your face. Unsure about whether you were seeing what you were actually seeing. Yep. Positive. You threw the strip of plastic onto the countertop, placing your palms to your cheeks and staring at your reflection.

"Whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoido?!?!" You repeated to yourself continuously without breath or stopping point. Your eyes traveled down your face to your pyjama clad body, landing on the spot where your pyjama top had ridden up. Where the rest of your life currently sat, the size of a peanut and already it had changed everything.

You had only been with josh for a year and a half and you were already springing this on him! In an ideal world you were to wait and be more careful so when you did decide you wanted to introduce kids into the world, you were older and you were happily going along with the plan. Now the plan has been fucked.

"Oh shit! Sorry I didn't-" your thoughts were interrupted when the door of the bathroom had opened and a rather flustered looking Harry had entered, you didn't quite know how to react, you just stood there, wide eyed and staring. He was in the middle of apologising for walking in until his eyes landed on the pregnancy test you had thrown down on the counter.

"What's- that?" He asked slowly, his finger pointing in the direction of the test. Your mouth hung open and your heart stopped. You just stared between Harry and the test before you burst out crying, ugly sobs flying from your small frame.

"Hey hey hey! Come on. Sshhh" Harry comforted, rushing to you immediately and placing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest where you let your face press into his t-shirt. Not caring about the tear marks you were making or how loud your sobs were.

You stayed in Harry's embrace for a while, a long while. Long enough for your legs to ache, they had already turned jelly-like when you had read the test but now they were just giving way. A mix of tiredness, shock and panic all rolled into one, Harry kept a firm grip around you before offering to lift you onto one of the counters, you laughed weakly but shook your head. Instead you lead him into your bedroom, allowing Harry to sit next to you and comfort you.

"You're pregnant" Harry whispered to himself, allowing a low whistle to blow past his lips. You nodded your head, resting it against Harry's shoulder, he brought his arm up and dangled it over your shoulder out of instinct, you didn't mind though, it was quite comforting.

"Mhmm" you hummed, your eyes transfixed into a single spot in the room, your mind going absolutely wild.

"And you're sure it's Josh's?" Harry asked making you smack the back of your hand against his stomach, a groan coming from Harry at the contact.

"Just making sure" he wheezed out, your slap obviously winded him, surprised at your own strength, you pay it gently and apologised.

"Sorry I'm just- just as shocked as you I suppose" you laughed nervously.

"I bet you are, imagine carrying Zerka's baby!" He fake shuddered making you laugh softly, his humour making you feel somewhat at ease.

"Do you think he'll be mad?" You mumbled, turning your head to press your face into the side of his chest.

"You know Josh, he's a rational guy, he won't be mad, maybe be a little lost and might yell out of shock but you know he won't be mad at you" he comforted, rubbing small circles into your shoulder.

"Just disappointed" you laughed bitterly at yourself, nothing in your head but Josh's voice screaming 'hot fault!' Over and over again.

"No! I always knew Josh would be the first to have kids anyway" Harry laughed, hushing you from your mean comment.

"What if he leaves?" You asked timidly, your voice cracking as another couple of tears slip from the corners of your eyes.

"Then me and the guys will probably kill him. If he does, he won't be thinking, if he does you come to me, you can stay in our flat if you like, me and the guys will look after you" he smiled making you feel a little safer, knowing you have someone to fall back onto, someone prepared to catch you when you're pushed away.

You and Harry had never been close, you rarely talked actually, because he didn't live with you and wasn't over as often as Ethan or Tobi was, you never spent much time with him. You never realised how caring he could actually be, you were thankful he was here right now, and thankful to call him a friend.

"Josh would be an idiot to throw you away simply because of this. The sidemen love you too much to let him do that too. You're safe" he reassured. Squeezing you even tighter.  You squeezed him back, this newfound friendship making you feel a hundred times better.

"You can't tell anyone okay?! Not a soul, this stays between us, promise?" You panicked, pulling away from the hug to confirm your secret, ha laughed lightly before nodding his head and hugging you again.

After a while, you decided to go downstairs, a few questionable looks from the rest of the sidemen as you came downs stairs together, probably knowing that Harry was going to the bathroom.

"Hey, you okay?" Simon asked as you walked into the room, the only boy in the room not actually doing anything but scrolling through Twitter on his phone.

"Yeah fine" you said nervously. You scanned the room as Harry placed a hand on your back for encouragement, quickly sliding it off as he walked past. Your eyes landed on the boy you were looking for and your stomach did a jolt, how were. You supposed to go about this?!

"Josh?" You croaked from the doorway, every single head in the room turning around to look at you, making you even more nervous than you needed to be.

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" You asked, a silent tension surging around the room as the watchful eyes averted to Josh. He anxiously got up and follows you back upstairs to your shared bedroom. Sitting him down on the bed, ignoring the amount of whispered from downstairs as you shut the door.

"I need to tell you something"

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