You Can't Tell Anyone (39)

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"Thank you" you smiled weakly at the nurse from earlier, you believed her name was Maria.

"No problem, if you need anything just shout" she beamed and began walking away, you quickly called her back though,

"Am I allowed to eat or drink anything?" You asked, she chuckled sweetly before shaking her head.

"Only ice chips I'm afraid" you frowned at this information, you were starving, you hadn't eaten anything that morning because you'd been to miserable. You regret it now of course.

"Do they at least have cool flavours?" You asked hopefully, she laughed but shook her head yet again, you sighed as she left the room, falling back against your horrid pillow.

"Ugh, if these pillows were any more solid you could use them as bricks to build a house with" you grumbled, shuffling around making both Harry and Josh let out small giggles.

"I'm gonna go and get you some ice chips, do you want anything else" Josh smiled as he stood up from sitting at the end of your bed, you shook your head lightly as it was throbbing quite a bit.

"Some chocolate would be nice" Harry joked as he kicked off his shoes and rest his feet upon your bed, leaning back in the rickety armchair he had claimed as own as soon as he saw it.

Josh shook his head with a small laugh before exiting the room and leaving you and Harry to entertain yourselves. You let out a sigh as you tipped your head back, rubbing small circles into your stomach, the pain never really left; only increased when contractions hit which was annoying.

"So you and Josh looked pretty cosy when I walked in" Harry commented as he began playing with a plastic glove he had found on your bed.

"I don't know what you mean" you mumbled, half trying to hide the fact that, yes it had been rather intimate and yes you rather liked it.

"Well the last time I saw you looking at each other like you were was when you were dating, it was pretty cute but you know I worry about you" he said nonchalantly, swinging the glove around on his fingers.

"I know. I just- I never really stopped loving him, Harry. But then Melissa came along and all that shit blew up and the threats and the kiss and the break up and-" you began rambling but Harry soon stepped in,

"Woah woah woah, what on earth happened while I was away?" Harry asked, you realised Harry never really did get the whole story given to him, you were to tired to go into the long of it so decided to rush as much information out as you possibly could, explaining it all in full.

"Wow" Harry breathed as you sighed. It was a long ass story even the short version. It all seemed to unreal, like it was all just a movie unfolding and it was all scripted. Shame it wasn't, when the birthing part wouldn't hurt as much.

"So why did you say no even though you still love him?" He asked as he began playing with the glove again.

"Because you know what Josh is like. He can't be alone, he grabs the first person he sees and latches on. I don't want to just be another replacement" you sighed sadly. Harry nodded understandingly before tipping his head back against the windowsill behind him, throwing the glove in the air and catching it.

"You know that glove has been in my vagina" you mumbled with a smug grin.

"What?!" Harry yelled wide eyed before throwing the glove at the wall on the complete other side of the room, you couldn't conceal your laughter as the shocked expression on his face mixed with his frozen body made you nearly cry with laughter. The only interruption was a contraction which seemed to last a lot longer than any of the other ones.

"Jesus" you breathed as you came down from the spike of pain. Harry had also relaxed as you started showing calmer signs. Just as you began relaxing again Josh had walked in with his arms full of things.

"Josh?! What did you do?!" You asked with a small hiccup of laughter. He walked in with a small balloon bobbing on the ceiling as he walked in, a pillow under his arm, a small bear in his grasp and the tiniest cup you'd ever seen in your life full to the brim with ice chips.

"I thought you'd like some presents, I got the balloon for you because I know you like balloons, a teddy from the gift shop for the baby, yellow because it's gender neutral, a comfier pillow for you and your ice chips" he grinned proudly as he placed all the items down on the small table, replacing your pillow after.

"Ahem" Harry faked a cough to bring attention to him, Josh reached into his pocket and pulled out a Snickers bar before chucking it as the blond. A satisfied smirk on his features.

"How you feeling?" Josh asked softly, stroking your hair out of your eyes.

"Tired" you sighed with a small yawn.

"Hope you're not too tired for some visitors" he grinned and as if on queue, Simon, Ethan, Vikk and both Cal's walked in, Ethan with a huge bouquet of roses in his hands.

They all piled in quietly, each with a huge smile tugging at their cheeks, they all delicately gave you a hug and some gave you a kiss before settling in the corner of the room.

"Aww thank you" you cooed tiredly. They all chuckled in unison.

"Does it hurt?" Calfreezy asked, reviewing a smack to the back of the head from Simon. You laughed at their childishness before answering his question.

"Like a bitch" you commented, crunching on some of the ice chips Josh had brought.

Somehow things didn't seem so bad now that they were all here and supporting you.

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