You Can't Tell Anyone (9)

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"Listen Ethan-" you started, running a hand through your hair as you slid the balcony door shut, only the thumping bass of the musics beat being heard now.

"You're pregnant?" He slurred, he appeared to be a lot drunker than he had seemed inside. Maybe the music had drowned out the lazy parts of his sleep where the alcohol had taken over, maybe you were to busy to notice, it wasn't until now that you realised as he had to grip the railings for support and his eyes were bloodshot. You knew he was drinking you didn't know just how much though.

"Yes okay? Yes but Ethan you can't tell anyone!" You pleaded as you ran over to him, holding him by his shirt in a small panic, you knew drunk Ethan and he couldn't hold a secret very well.

"With Harry's baby?!" He exclaimed making you wince, Ethan could be very loud, being this close to his bellowing voice was somewhat painful on the ears.

"No it's Josh's but you can't tell him" he scoffed as you warned him. Laughing as loud as he possibly could and as sarcastically as he could.

"You're having Zerkas kid! Jesus Christ Y/N I'm sorry your kid is related to him" tears were squeezing from the corners of his eyes as real laughter took over his intoxicated body.

"Yes but you must keep it quiet!" You scorned, patting his chest firmly.

"As if" he scoffed again. You have him a warning look but he sighed.

"I'm not as think as you drunk I am" he laughed to himself, thinking his mess up was so funny. You breathed out calmly before talking to him seriously, or as seriously as you possibly could.

"Ethan, you're drunk, please don't let this slip for me" you begged, practically screaming for help with your eyes, he stared into them for a moment before putting on a very "I'm drunk and it's obvious but if I act proper you'll never know" face and straightening up.

"Don't worry, Y/N, your secret is safe with me" he tried to walk away but he stumbled, being idle for so long must've made his legs forget how to work, especially with the amount of alcohol Ethan has consumed, he fell back and landed on you. You managed to steady him before helping him up.

"Maybe we should get you home" you chuckled as Ethan simply shook his head.

"I'm fine" he assured you but you weren't convinced.

"You don't look it" a voice sounded out behind you, you turned to see Simon standing there, an adorable smile on his face.

"Thank god, Simon help, he's heavy" you whined as Ethan had stumbled back onto you. He immediately came over and hoisted him up, the action shook Ethan a little which had some, not so nice, results, he bent forwards and promptly threw up on JJ's balcony, you jumped back in reflex, making sure none got on your shoes as Simon complained, laughed and patted his back comfortingly, simultaneously.

"Yeah home time for you buddy" he laughed. Ethan wiped his face as the three of you made your way over to Simons car. Helping Ethan in with a shove as he fell arse over tit again.

The car journey was quiet, Ethan had fallen asleep and the occasional snort/snore or groan came from him. You and Simon just drove comfortably, him behind the wheel and you sat timidly beside him.

"What were you doing out on the balcony anyway?" Simon asked, breaking the silence.

"I sort of... Told him" Simons head snapped towards you with wide eyes.

"What?! Why?! I thought you didn't want anyone knowing!" He exclaimed making Ethan emit a groan, the shouting obviously waking him up.

"He asked and I didn't know how to deny it!" You yelled back just as loud.

"Maybe we should take him to yours so when he wakes up you guys can talk sober" he thought aloud. More to himself but you hummed in agreement anyway.

A short while later you were helping Ethan into Harry's flat, not before he threw up again outside though. You couldn't do anything at that moment though, you had to leave it.

"There we go dude. Sleep tight" Simon laughed softly as he draped a blanket over him on your sofa. Ethan snoring like a bear and sleeping like a baby was a strange mix but as you stared at him you felt proud. You managed to take care of Ethan, how different would a baby be? It wasn't a convincing argument to how good of a mother you would be but, it was something.

You placed a bucket next to Ethan's head incase he was sick again before turning to Simon with a sigh.

"We'll talk in the morning" he smiled warmly before draping an arm over your shoulders and guiding you to Harry's room. The room you had invaded before Simon guided you to the bed. He tucked you in, pulling off your shoes before pulling the covers over you.

"Sweet dreams, you handled that great" he encouraged. Placing a small kiss to your forehead before stroking your hair softly. He was crouched by your bed when your eyelids became heavy, the sight of a smiling Simon being the last thing you saw before sleep took over.

When you woke up the next morning you were more than surprised to hear a feints snoring sound right next to you. When you turned to he other side of the bed though, you found not completely bare. Your eyes scanned the room before the sight of a pair of feet caught your eyes. You crawled down to the end of the bed, resting on your elbows as you lay on your stomach, a lighthouse giggle coming from your lips when you looked down to see a curled up Simon at the foot of the bed.

Your giggled had stirred him though, a groggy groan coming from him as you whispered;

"Good morning" Simon rubbed his eyes before grumbling a feint smile playing on his lips. He rolled over and curled back up again, obviously not wanting to get up yet. You took the hint and sat back again. Playing with the hem of your dress.

Wait why am I in a dress? You thought to yourself, looking down at the short black dress that was twisted around your body. That's when you remembered the party and that's when you remembered Ethan. You slowly got up and tiptoed to the living room. Yep, still there.

"You're awake?" You ask, surprised to see him crouched in your kitchen, raiding your cereal cupboard. He turned around and smiled groggily before pulling out a box of Bran Flakes, something you knew as his hangover cure. The weird twist that comes with hangover cures? Instead of milk he poured milky coffee in it, it was weird and gross but it helped him.

"Sleep well?" You asked and he groaned with a small laugh.

"I'm never going to drink again" he moaned, rubbing his temples whilst he recites the exact same vow he usually makes when he wakes up after a night out drinking. Does he keep it though? No.

"So uh. Do you remember what we talked about last night?" You asked nervously. He knitted his eyebrows together before speaking;

"What did we talk about last night?" He asked slowly as he shovelled a spoonful of BranFlakes into his mouth.

He doesn't remember.

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