You Can't Tell Anyone (23)

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"What the fuck is this?" Josh's nostrils flared and his knuckles clenched around the bag in his hand. Harry had immediately stopped laughing and stood up in a flash, obviously terrified of Josh, you just sat there giggling.

"Just a bit of yoga" you said with a little hiccup of giggles, stretching your legs in the air as you lay back on the couch to try and show off all the yoga moves you had learnt.

"I don't remember the move where Harry has to be in between your thighs" he scoffed, his jealous side coming out quickly.

"I fell over, Harry tried catching me but it obviously didn't work we just-"

"I DIDN'T BANG HER" Harry suddenly blurted out making you stop mid-sentence. Even Harry was shocked by his outburst, all the nerves and all the tension between himself and Josh must've bubbled up and over the surface inside of him. Made you laugh nonetheless.

"This is for you" Josh sighed and shook his head, holding out the carrier bag in front of you, trying desperately to ignore what Harry had said. You wrapped your small fingers around the handle as Josh let it fall from his larger ones. When you pulled it open you saw a soft white material laying on the bottom.

"What's this?" You smiled as your heart fluttered, pulling out the small onesie and placing it on your lap. It was the softest thing you'd ever felt and when you pulled the hood up, you noticed two tiny bear ears poking from the top of it. As the fabric lay delicately in your fingers you couldn't help but trace the small bear face that sat on the left side of the chest with your thumb. Excitement was overflowing from every bit of you. When you looked at Josh you noticed his frowned face and his hands knotted together.

"That used to be mine" he reminisced, watching it carefully as if when he looked away it would cease to exist.

"It's adorable. Where did it come from?" You smiled in awe at how cute and tiny the infants clothes were. So fuzzy and warm.

"I told my mum. I was a little nervous and she just came over for a bit to talk some sense into me. She gave me that and said she's always wanted her grandchild to have it" he said, the corners of his lips turning upwards, the sheer memories of having this was making his heart flutter and for a flicker of a moment you saw the old Josh, the one that was so sentimental, could never let go of hints because the story behind it meant so much to him. How he could never replace things if they got lost. It's why you were so surprised he replaced you so quickly.

"I've always liked your mum" you hummed as you folded the onesie and places to on the arm of the sofa. Looking up at Josh with a warm smile. Not noticing that Harry had been watching the whole time and had become a little uncomfortable being in the middle of this.

"She liked you too. It's why she came over so quickly. I was so anxious" he chuckled painfully at himself, tracing his fingers over the couch fabric and not being able to look into your eyes.

"You know I've told you that you don't have to be a part of this if you don't want to. I'll be okay on my own" you lied with a smile that covered the sting in your throat. Desperately wishing he would stay.

"And I've told you that I wouldn't ever do that. I'll admit I considered it, quite a lot actually but mum talked some sense into me, she gave me some really old advice actually" he smiled at the floor, his nerves clear on his face.

"Breathe Josh" you reminded him, he gave you a thankful look before turning to Harry

"Could you give us a minute?" Josh requested, Harry looked reluctant but slid out of the room with eye contact firmly placed on Josh, sending a warning look through a glare. He waited until he heard the door close before sitting next to you on the couch.

"I want you to come home" he said bluntly with a small choke in his voice. The words you'd wished for were finally here but for the first time ever, you hoped he didn't mean it. You took a deep breath as you chewed your bottom lip.

"But Josh, this is my home" you shrugged innocently, trying hard to forget the house he was referring to as your home.

"No, I mean home home, back with me, back with the boys. I want to take care of you I want to be there for everything. I can't do that while you're all the way over here" he said sadly, you hesitated for a moment before you heard the slam of a door and stomps echoing through the flat,

"No, no no no! Absolutely not, no!" Harry yelled as he burst back into the room. Making sure to stand his ground.

"Come on Harry it would make sense, you don't really expect her to live here while she has a baby?" Josh argued,

"And you want her in your house with a baby?! Do you realise you live with 3 other loud youtubers? Do you realise you live with JJ?!" Harry countered, he was trying his best, he really was, you could see the strain on his face as he fought so hard for you to stay here.

"I spoke with all of them, they're fine with it, they miss you and want you to come home" Josh pleaded, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving his best puppy dog eyes. Before Harry could scream again you managed to speak up, the words falling out of your mouth left him a little lost for words.

"And Melissa?" He sat there quietly. Not dating to speak a word. He pursed his lips and thought for a moment before replying.

"She'll understand" yet again the ball that sat in your stomach plummeted, how he was still adamant on staying with her after begging you to move back in with him was beyond you.

"I don't want to miss anything. I want to be there, all of it, for the bump growing more, for the weird cravings at 3am, for the baby kicking for the first time-" he was trying to continue but the sad glance you shared with Harry made him stop in his tracks.

"What? What's wrong?" You smiled guiltily at him, stroking your stomach sadly.

"About 2 minutes before you arrived the baby kicked for the first time" your voice was quiet, you almost didn't want to be heard but you knew it'd be best that he did. His face dropped and his whole body slumped. He was the epitome of sadness and you couldn't feel guiltier.

"See, this is what I'm talking about, I don't want to miss this and I don't want to miss any of the stuff like baby's first steps or first words. I couldn't bare to be away for that. So please, come back home so I can be a real dad" he said with really broken eyes, begging you with every ounce he had.

"What do you say, Y/N?"

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