You Can't Tell Anyone (30)

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You paced your room at a high speed, tears streaming down your face as you thought about how Josh must be reacting. Little miss fake sitting there with fake tears and whimpers while he believes every word that leaves her Botox lips.

"I need him to know but I don't know how." You mumbled to yourself.

"But he won't believe me if I tried. I need to find a way so he doesn't get hurt. God Josh why do you have to be so stupid?!" You exclaimed to yourself throwing your arms up before slapping them onto your cheeks to hide your confused little face.

"Genetics I suppose" a small voice spoke behind you. Your head whipped around to see Josh stood halfway in your room. Half of his red face hidden behind a door.

"Josh I-" you began but he put a hand up to silence you, stepping fully into the room and showing off the makeshift bandage wrapped around his hand. It was essentially just toilet roll that had been wound around his hand but you couldn't help but notice the small splodge of blood seeping through it.

"I want to hear your side of the story" e said calmly, as if his hand wasn't gushing blood beneath the worlds worst bandage.

"Josh your hand-" you were yet again silence but this time by his voice.

"I smashed another photo frame, I got cut, end of story, now I want yours" he said quickly, not allowing anymore detail. He waited patiently as you contemplated on what to say.

"I didn't touch her. We were talking in the kitchen and she left but I wasn't finished. I chased after her, barely touched her hand and she threw herself down on the floor." He nodded slowly as you wrapped your story up.

You were in silence for what felt like forever. He was staring at the floor biting his lip. A mannerism you had learnt as his thinking face. You saw it a lot when he was playing his video games or editing. He suddenly lifted his hand, drawing a sharp intake of breath. He looked around before turning to the door and roughly collapsing against it.

"God Dammit!" He screamed, banging the door again. Surely hurting his wound in the process. You didn't know what to do, you just stood there watching as he let his rage out.

"I hate this! I fucking hate it all!" He screamed before turning to you, a fresh river of tears gently cascading down his face.

"I'm sorry" you whimpered as a few fell down your own face.

"Sorry?! You're sorry?! No I'm sorry Y/N. Because it's my fault it's all my fault. You're pregnant, my girlfriend is lying to me-" he was throwing how arms about angrily as he began to pace your room.

"How do you know she's lying?" You asked quickly, not letting him speak over you.

"Because of you! I know you! I know that wen you lie, your ears twitch, I know that when you lie, your voice goes unusually high. I didn't see ANY twitches and your voice was its usual perfect self" he exclaimed, running his hands through his messy hair.

"I can't stand the thought that she's lying to me, my own girlfriend is lying to me! Why?!" He asked storming towards you, you were scared, you admit and as much as you wanted to put Melissa for who she was, you couldn't do it without proof.

"I-I don't know" you whimpered, terrified as you knew Josh was one angry marshmallow when he was upset.

"You have never lied to me! I don't know why I didn't see it that night when you told me about our baby" his voice softened as his mood changed to a calmer, tired one. He looked defeated and weak. You knew it was only a matter of time until he became an unintelligible mess that needed sleep.

"When you denied sleeping with Harry, I saw no twitches then either. I was just too angry, and I was scared to think it was something else, something worse. I didn't want to admit anything so I ignored the signs. And now- now I want your sweet little ears to twitch so I can go back to Melissa knowing she's never lied to me" he whispered, he had moved so close to you that your noses were nearly touching, he tucked a strand of hair behind your ears, caressing them gently as he spoke about them.

He leant his forehead on yours, a tired look on his face. The thing was, even if your ears twitched now, it wouldn't cancel out the fact that their whole relationship is one huge lie.

"But I don't know if I want to go back either way" he whispered. His warm breath brushing against your cheeks as his lips ghosted over yours. His hands barely touched your hips but you could feel the spark between his fingertips and your skin without he contact.

Before you could register what was happening in your brain, his lips had softly pressed against yours. His bottom lip fitting perfectly between your own. It was slow and tender, it felt like it was slow motion as the whole world around you stopped. He grazed his tongue against your top lip navies pulling away. Both of your eyes examined closed as you held each other for a while. Just being near each other.

"This shouldn't have happened" he mumbled, pulling away completely and turning away. Your heart sank as you but your lip, tasting his mouth as you did and wishing for it to come back.

"Josh-" you tried, your voice croaky as you hadn't said anything in a while and the crying wasn't exactly helping.

"I'm with Melissa" he mumbled going towards the door.

"She doesn't love you" you said a little louder, making him stop as his fingers lingered over the doorknob.

"What do you mean?" He asked with his back still facing you. Probably scared to turn around incase the cold hard truth was too much.

"She's using you for your money. She doesn't love you" you repeated. You watched his body tense before sighing and opening the door.

"Josh she's cheating on you too sit believe her-" you called but he was already leaving.

"Josh!" You shouted once more but he click of the door was enough to silence you.

You sat down on your bed with your eyes fixed on the door, the feeling of his lips pressed against yours still lingering in huge mind. You were so confused. Did he love you still? Or was he too tired and angry to be thinking straight?

Either way, you needed to find a way f proving Melissa's disloyalty. And you knew exactly how you were going to do it.


Hey!!! Sorry I've been away for a while, I've been in a bit of a bad place and I've been struggling with a few things but I thought it just put this here hehe.

I have a lot to sayyyy and I can't remember any of it!!!

Okay so one of them is that a couple of my friends have new stories out and you need to read them when they come out/nooowww!!! Also follow them because they're awesome and lovely :3



@ehhZerkaa  (link y u no wrk?!?!)

Another thing is that I've made a complete tit of myself, I accidentally grinned at a cute boy because we accidentally made eye contact and at the exact moment my brother said something funny and I grinned like a fucking idiot and I think he got the wrong idea and a little while later he came up to me and I shat myself because boys never talk to me and all he wanted was to know if I was in the queue and I was so surprised I accidentally yelled "NO" in his face as he laughed and I nearly cried wow.

I feel like there was more but I can't remember it :c If I remember it then look out for it in either the next chapter or an A/N.

Thanks for 50+ votes on the previous chapter by the way!! Thank you thank you thank you. You're all angels and you makes me so happyyy!!

-Ashii 😋

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