Christmas Tobi

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You were curled up in your bed, your knees hugged tightly to your chest as you nestled your cheek further into your pillow. Sleep alluded you, no matter how hard you tried, the thought of having this bed all alone at a time like this had kept you up all night.

Your boyfriend, Tobi, was away visiting family somewhere across the country. You'd offered to go with him, but he told you to stay, he told you that you'd hate it, that his family was very full on and that he would spare you the interrogation. It was your first Christmas as a couple after all. Maybe it was also a little too soon?

He was supposed to be back by now. He was supposed to be tucked up in bed, his nose touching yours as your fingers laced perfectly together. You were supposed to be acting like children and giggling under the sheets, whispering to each other about hearing Santa downstairs.

But no.

You were spending Christmas Eve in bed all alone.

Somehow, the sky decided to drop a shit ton of snow down, making it unsafe for Tobi to come home. It snowed the day after Tobi left, the day before you were supposed to visit your own family before returning to your little flat to spend Christmas with the one you loved.

It was still quite early, there was still some time before you would probably even start getting tired. It was only 23:37, normally you and Tobi would've stayed up playing FIFA together long into the night. But FIFA isn't the same without him. You couldn't play online with him because he doesn't have an Xbox with him.

"Merry Christmas" you muttered to yourself in a huff as you flipped yourself onto your back. Staring intently at the dark grey ceiling. Wishing for some kind of Christmas miracle.

You closed your eyes and wished, scrunching your face and curling your toes, trying to wish as hard as you could.

Then something unexpected happened. The soft buzzing of your doorbell sounded through the house. Had your wish come true? Had you wished that hard? Do Christmas miracles actually exist?!

You slowly crept out of bed, throwing the warm duvet off of yourself and allowing the cold air to circle your bare legs. Your feet padded along the soft carpet, creeping downstairs, your palm sliding against the wooden banister.

You tried peering through the net curtain that hung in front of the window on your door, making the silhouette even more disfigured and unrecognisable. Your hand connected to the cold door knob and twisted it slowly.

Your heart began to race at the thought of Tobi standing on the other side of the door. Your spirits rising with every inch the door opened.

"Hello!" The man said happily, who could be happy at a time like this?! You were spending Christmas all alone and it was literally minutes before Christmas Day!

Your heart sank as you realised the man wasn't Tobi, your excitement quickly dying. You leant against the door and hugged your body to shield it from the cold wind.

"Oh. Hi, is there a problem officer?" You asked slightly embarrassed, the police officer shon a bright smile at you before chuckling.

"No no, I'm simply going around everyone's houses to warn them of the snow storm, there are a lot of elderly people living in this street and it's part of my job to let everyone know that they should stay inside. It will be icy and there will be potential blockages. All roads will be closed for miles from here" he shoved his glove clad hands into his pockets as he let out a sigh, the small cloud of condensation coming from his lips.

"Oh right" you sighed, the possible chances of Tobi turning up were completely gone now. The pang in your heart bringing a very sad expression to your face.

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