You Can't Tell Anyone (41)

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"What? What's wrong?" You asked frantically, your heart rate elevating and worrying the doctors as it showed up on the monitor.

"I'm not sure I'm afraid I'm going to need to have a look, I need an emergency scan done please" she barked at the nurse, she nodded her head before exiting in a hurry, you were panicked to say the least.

The doctor came and took your baby boy from your arms as you and Josh shared looks. She smiled unsurely before handing your baby to a nurse who took him away. You didn't know what was happening, you were still in pain and you didn't know why.

"There's a spike in her contraction monitor after the baby was out, it is possible there could be another one in there." Your doctor mumbled slightly embarrassed as she squirted some of the blue gel back onto you, the sensation just as cold as you'd remembered.

"Twins?!" Josh had choked on air and spluttered out a scared gasp.

"How is that possible?" You asked out of breath as the pain was still prominently there.

"Although doctors don't like to admit it, it happens a lot, sometimes they're at an angle where one is blocking the other, they're so far apart the scan won't reach them. And if you look right here you'll notice there's another little one wanting to get out" you could see the nerves on her face as she gave you the news.

You didn't have time to adjust, before you were ready you had been sent into a wave of excruciating pain, your stomach knotting once again as you felt more movement.

You'd been pushing for a good half an hour but something was still wrong. It didn't feel right.

"I see something" you felt relief as the doctor spoke those words, the odd sensation quickly deteriorating.

"But the baby is breached, you're going to have to push even harder now okay?" You felt exhausted, you didn't know if it would even be possible to push harder than what you were already doing. Especially now the baby was coming out backwards.

"It's alright darling, keep going we can do this, you can do this. Keep going you're doing amazing" all you could hear was Josh's whispers but suddenly, small cries accompanied his voice, you looked down to see your second baby being lifted from between your legs. You cried once more as the infant wriggled uncomfortably.

"Say hello to your daughter" Dr. Davidson beamed. Your heart melted. Now you had a girl and a boy. Twins, your very own babies.

You felt your whole body crash against the bed in exhaustion. The relief of not having little humans inside of you and the pain decreasing dramatically had left you feeling a little over tired.

"You did it" Josh whispered before pressing a butterfly kiss to your hairline. Lingering there as your breathing has steadied a fraction.

"We did it" you whimpered breathlessly. Josh gave you a puzzled look but before he could question it you pressed your mouth against his, he was hesitant at first but soon began kissing back, letting his hands wrap around you and his mouth form a perfect for accompanying yours.

"There we go, all cleaned up" a nurse hummed, breaking your moment to form a new one as she placed your child in your arms. You let out a shaky breath as you could see so much of Josh in your little girls facial features. Same nose and mouth, even had his black hair already.

"Welcome to the world sweetheart" Josh choked as a tear slipped down his cheek, he pressed a small, soft kiss to your little girls forehead before Josh removed himself entirely from your body. He was gentle at first but he second he was away from you he leapt into the air with joy. You giggled tiredly as you watched him dance around before running outside.

"I'm a dad!!" You heard him scream, there was a huge roar of cheers as you managed to peer through the rooms door window, watching him get tackled by the large group of boys.

The doctors had taken you little girl away so they could examine her and get her cleaned up properly before taking you back into your private room, you settled down quietly before you heard a knock at the door.

"May I come in?" Your head whipped around to see Josh's head poking through a gap in the door. His little face showing a smile brighter than the sun that had just started to peek above the city buildings, igniting your room in a beautiful orange glow.

You nodded weakly and watched as he emerged from behind the door, bouquet of white roses in one hand and two teddy bears being gripped by their own hands in the other. He wore a proud smile before placing the items on the bedside table.

"I am so proud of you" he mumbled in awe as he brushed a strand of your now greasy hair back. The pads of his thumb ghosting over a faded mascara streak that ran down your pale skin.

"I did it for us" you smiled with your eyes half shut. Josh was about to speak before a feint gurgling sound erupted from the doorway. You both peered around to see the nurses wheeling in two glass cradles, one with a pink rim and one with a blue rim.

You couldn't help the ginormous smile that plastered your face as you watched the infants being wheeled up to your bed, the knowledge that you made those tiny lives constantly making your heart flutter.

After the nurses had left, you watched as Josh delicately picked up his little girl before placing her in your arms, carefully adjusting her burrito-like blanket to keep her warm. He then turned and picked up his little boy before cuddling him into his chest. Placing a warm, loving kiss to his cheek, giggling quietly as you watched your son squirm at the feeling of Josh's beard brushing against his silky skin.

The silence that had surrounded you had made you forget that you were actually living right now, time was still moving, jut the sight of your child in your arms had made you forget what life was like before, but it also made you not want to remember. You couldn't t imagine anything being compared to the feeling of your daughter in your arms. It was only after Josh mumbled his thoughts aloud that made you snap back into the the real world.

"I guess we should name them huh?"

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