That's Not Fair

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Requested: YasmeenAnwar

"And the suuuuuuuuun will riiiiiiise! Like a flaaaaaaame igniiiites!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, your head banging to the beat of the old 5 Seconds Of Summer song was pumping you up, you'd agreed to do a collaboration with one of the sidemen, Simon to be exact. The one you had secretly adored since day one.

You thought nothing of it, saw it as a simple schoolgirl crush and ignored it, the realisation of how much your friendship meant was overwhelming enough, to put actual feelings into it? Hell no!

"Come on you fucking egg, sit down and start!" Simon laughed, your hyperactive mood giving him the giggles as you climbed down from his bed and sat beside him, laughing as you threw your typical trademark SnapBack on your head.

"Okay ready?" You asked, settling yourself into a composed state, you checked yourself in the viewfinder along with Simon over-styling his hair as always.

"Let's do this" he cleared his throat before you started your intro, completely getting into the video mode.

"Hi guys how's it going? Today I have a few things I wanna talk about before we get to the main video, one of which, I just hit 4 million subscribers!" You squealed into the lens, both you and Simon squealing and celebrating as awkward as it could get. The sound effects that you'd put in later of the cheering and victory music, obviously isn't there in real life so you and Simon look like you're just being a couple of twonks waving their arms about. Causing yet another fit of giggles. A common problem when you're around Simon.

"I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone that has subscribed, everyone who has shared my face around the Internet and convinced more people to join us as we fuck up time and time again" there was a pause where you were both trying not to laugh before the whole room was filled with yet another bout of howling laughter.

"And to celebrate, I have my good and lovely friend mr MiniMinter right here!" You squeezed his cheeks as he waved enthusiastically at the camera that was perched atop a stack of books, after forgetting your tripod.

"Hi!" He smiled his award winning smile and your insides melted, but it was nothing right?

"How long have we known each other Si?" You asked out of the blue, just attempting to make a good intro to your video.

"I would say around 5 going on 6 years" he said as a low whistle escaped your lips,

"That's a long time. And in that amount of time how many one versus one videos have we made?" You asked, poking his cheek as you leant your elbow on his shoulder.

"None." He replied looking sorrowful, pouting before you turned to the camera dramatically,

"Until now!" There was an awkward pause where you waited for the right amount of time to transition into the gaming part. Only to have an awkward chuckle to break the silence needed for a smooth jump cut.

To keep things simple and to test the waters with this one versus one thing, in the hopes you could make it a series, you decided you'd start with an easy game of FIFA. You got the whole thing set up before sitting down beside Simon, shuffling for bum to get comfortable, you could feel Simons eyes on you by when you turned he was looking away.

"Ready?" You asked once again that night, checking a few final things with your mic, he mumbled a response as he set the game up.

"Okay guys so to make things interesting, you're allowed to try and put the other person off as long as you don't touch them or obstruct their view" you bit your lip as Simon nodded his head followed by him handing you your controller.

"Here we go" you smiled as the game kicked off, you were playing as well as you usually were, you were somewhat a FIFA legend amongst YouTubers. You'd managed to get the ball through his defence and were about to shoot when a hand flew up past your face and knocked the SnapBack off of your head, you squealed as you half tried to reach it, half tried to score a goal. You ended up on the floor and had given Simon a free kick.

"You're such a prick" you laughed, admiring the way his smile brightened as you playfully punched his arm.

"Takes one to know one" he muttered teasingly, you scrunched your eyebrows about I make a comeback but stopped when a plan hatched in your brain.

"Yeah you're right" you laughed as you carefully knocked his controller, making sure not to touch him, he freaked out and dropped his controller, not before pressing the shoot button though, missing the goal widely.

"No!" He screamed, he didn't mind losing all that much, but when it was to you he absolutely lost his shit.

"Hey I stayed in the rules, I didn't touch you" you defended yourself, raising your arms to surrender. He glared at you but you ignored it, too busy with the game.

A little while into the game and you were tied, 3-3. You'd been putting each other off so much that you'd had more footage of playful fighting than you did of actual gameplay. You were just about to score once more, squealing as you got ready to gloat as you were in the 88th minute. You could see the panic in Simons face out of the corner of your eye, he had no idea what to do, he wanted to put you off but he didn't know how. You were seconds from scoring the winning goal before kissing entirely as a face had smashed against yours and your lips locked together.

A pair of lips moving in harmony to yours, so tenderly and lovingly that you completely ignored the final whistle, not caring about the final score, all you could think about was the fact that Simon was kissing you.

He slowly pulled away, his breathing slightly heavy, staring into your eyes as his face remained expressionless.

"That's not fair you touched me" you pouted as Simons lips curved into a smile, soft giggles escaping them. He placed a hand on your cheek and moved your head to rest your forehead against his, a content smile on his face.

"Well it's not fair you're so beautiful, you distracted me the whole time" you smiled shyly as a tiny rose to your cheeks. You felt yourself biting down on your lips as you looked up into his gorgeous eyes.

"I call a rematch" you said, slapping your hand against his chest.

"Okay" he mumbled, pulling at your jaw to move your face towards his, pressing your lips together once again, you laughed into the kiss before playfully hitting his arm.

"I meant the game you fucking egg"

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