Why Do I Try (Part 3)

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You were sat on a nearby wall for god knows how long, slowly eating your hotdog, Simons sat next to you, going cold and attracting bugs. By the time Simon had broken free from the fans you had finished your hotdog and were thinking about going home.

"Sorry" he smiled apologetically making you shrug your shoulders, not feeling like you could admit that it hurt.

"Sorry it's cold" you mumbled, pushing the hotdog towards him. He picked it up and scrunched his nose. You couldn't blame him, the taste wasn't much better than the looks of it. You watched him set it down, eyeing you carefully. It wasn't like him rejecting it was going to hurt your feelings. Your relationship was past the point of being afraid to reject something the other person offered such as food without worry of hurt feelings.

"Come on. Let's find something better than fairground junk food" he draped an arm around your shoulder and you wanted nothing more than to push it off. He took you to the car and drove you to a restaurant. A nice fancy one too. You looked up at him and scrunched your eyebrows.

"I told the fans tonight was our anniversary and one of them said I could take you here. Their dad owns it" he smiled proudly. It still doesn't make up for the fact that he shouldn't have to be lucky with getting a table. He should've prepared for tonight.

When you got inside you immediately knew it was an Italian restaurant, your favourite. A woman greeted you two and Simon told them what was going on, the woman seemed unsure but smiled and lead you two to a small table at the back. One you knew was probably the one they use when a customers booking gets lost and they demand a table.

As she set your menus down and placed some glasses in front of you, she "accidentally" pressed herself up against Simon. The worst part was that Simon didn't seem uncomfortable about it. He didn't mind that her boobs were practically in his face.

She had taken your orders, skipping over yours quickly before turning to Simon and taking his full attention. She giggled at his joke about the Italian vampire and laughed so hard she had to clutch onto him so she wouldn't fall over. It made you feel sick to your stomach to watch someone try so hard.

You tried to shrug it off but it was just so infuriating when Simon didn't even try and push her away.

"Sorry about that" he coughed awkwardly as she walked away, making sure to swing her hips to make Simon look. Which he did.

"No it's fine" you sighed sarcastically, you took a sip of your water and leant back in your chair, chewing your cheek from pure anger. He didn't even seem that sorry.

"Listen I know I forgot tonight and I know I've been busy these past few days but tonight has helped me remember what I had" he reached across the table as you set your glass down, taking your hand and brushing his thumb over your knuckles. And act of romance in many eyes, an act of terror from seeing you fed up with him in yours.

You tried to stick through the night and think things over tomorrow morning, smiling sweetly at him and squeezing his hand, but when the waitress came back over with a bottle of champagne that you hadn't even ordered arrived, you began to get angry again.

"We didn't- did we order that?" Simon asked, laughing adorably as she poured the champagne flutes up.

"On the house" she winked, you nearly threw up on the table, her flirting was absolutely terrible. You were about to take a sip when she "accidentally" knocked your glass over. Spilling the contents into Simons lap.

"Oops" she said in such a fake girly squeal you had to refrain from groaning out loud.

"You're very clumsy aren't you? Lots of accidents" you forced out a laugh as she looked at you with daggers in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" She asked sweetly.

"Well, spilling things, accidentally leaning into other people's boyfriends" you smiled maliciously as she furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

"She's joking, can we have another glass?" Simon asked her kindly, as she walked away Simon glared at you.

"That was rude" he commented making you roll your eyes.

"No what rude is neglecting me for weeks then forgetting an important milestone in our relationship and when you try and make it up to me, you completely forget our first date, you get abducted by fans and now you're flirting with this bimbo in a mini skirt!" You finally let your cap blow, taking Simon aback slightly.

"Y/N I-" he tried to reason but you were so furious you cut him off.

"No I get it, other things are more important. You've already said that right now YouTube is your major commitment, that you could only fit one other commitment in next to it. It used to be me but now I've been replaced and I don't even know what by. Is it another girl? A video game consuming your time? Or have you got no other tie? You're just bored of me?" All the feelings and thoughts you'd had the last week were finally coming out and you couldn't stop it.

"No, Y/N that's not what I-" yet again his efforts were wasted as you pushed his argument aside to end this conversation as quickly as it started.

"No, you know what? I'm fairly sure it's the second one, I'm no longer a tie for you because you've just gotten bored. We'll find yourself a new commitment because I'm saving you the trouble of letting go of this one, I'm gonna do it for you" you said as calmly as possible before getting up and walking out. Leaving Simon sat alone in the restaurant with his mouth hung open and his mind completely boggled.

You left with a sad feeling in your heart but a weight lifted from your chest. You could breathe again. You stepped outside into the cold night and walked to your friends apartment. Forgetting the life you and with Simon. You needed your own, you needed a new one. And it was starting now.

A/N: oooohhh things be happening!!! There is one more part to this and then that's it for this mini series, I keep on forgetting to credit the story donation, it's from Moo-Moo-Singz2306 again, she gave me an idea and I kind of reshaped it into this, hope that's okay? Also I just got a Twitter because I figured that would be easier to talk you you all on than Instagram, it's @ashii_sweets (I think, check comments for the actual one because I'm fairly sure I got that wrong) thanks for reading
-Ashii 😋

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