You Can't Tell Anyone (4)

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Your heart was beating right out of your chest, your eyes so wide you thought they might fall out. He knew. He knew. He fucking knew.

You didn't know what to do, your mind was swirling. You did exactly what you would've done if you were together. You called him. If anything was every wrong, you would call him, any time, any day, any anything, he would always answer. But not this time.

You rang and rang, but as soon as the first ring sounded, he would hang up immediately. Instead you decided to text him.

Outgoing (1):

What do you know?

Although you were fairly sure you knew the answer, you knew you had better check, considering the events of yesterday, you knew Josh was always so unpredictable.

Within a minute your phone was sent into vibrations on your lap, taking you by surprise as you shovelled a mouthful of Frosties into your mouth.

Joshy (1):

I saw you leave with him.

You felt slightly relieved and slightly worried at the same time, on the one hand he didn't know about the baby, but on the other hand, he still thinks you're sleeping with Harry.

You decided your had enough and called him again. This time he answered. You were caught off guard, you were so sure he was going to hang up but when the raspy 'hello' echoed through the phone your heart skipped a beat.

"Josh listen to me" you pleaded, only making Josh huff through the phone.

"What?" He sighed, agitation in his tone.

"There is nothing going on between me and Harry" you said as calmly as possible, you knew how easily Josh could get riled up, this needed to be taken slowly.

"Then why would you leave with him?" He spoke in a frustrated manner making your anger rise slightly. How fucking blind must he be?

"Because he was being a good friend and took me into his home when I had nowhere else to go" you choked back a tear as you pictured Josh rolling his eyes, not believing you for a second.

"How am I supposed to believe that?!" Josh spat into the phone.

"Because I promised I would never lie to you" you said sweetly.

"But promises can be broken! I don't know how to trust you! You never really spoke to Harry before so when you suddenly got closer it was so fucking obvious. Were you avoiding each other and pretending you didn't like each other just so there would be no tension? Just so I wouldn't find out?!" You could hear his anger rising again and even though he was in the phone your body became stiff. Terror stricken.

"No Josh I've already told you-" you were tired of being cut off by now, never getting to finish your sentence and explain.

"You've told me lies, Y/N!" He screamed, you heard a crash and a thud, Josh's temper obviously getting the better of him and what sounded like a lamp falling to the floor.

"I haven't" you whispered, Josh simply scoffed.

"Goodbye Y/N" he spoke

"No Josh please wait-"

"I said goodbye!" And with that he hung up the phone. A few beads of water trickled down your chin as your sat there staring blankly into space, mouth hung open and eyes glazed over.

That was really it wasn't it?

You didn't want it to be over. You didn't want to leave. You needed Josh and you needed him now. More than ever.

There was a soft knock at the door, Harry's head appeared in the small crack of the door, he had a sad look on his face and his lips formed a sympathetic smile. He walked fully into the room but stood near the door. You held eye contact for a while before his arms rose up, inviting you in for a hug.

Immediately you shot up and ran into his arms. He held you tight, made you feel safe and your body was taken over by sobs.

Harry's arms were wrapped tightly around your waist as yours were wrapped even tighter around his neck. Creating wet patches on his shoulder.

"I heard" he whispered into your hair, taking you by surprise.

"Does he really think that's what happened?" He asked, when you pulled away you saw the guilt on Harry's face. You quickly shook your head at him.

"Don't give me that look, it's not your fault, it's his fault for jumping to conclusions. He's going to find out some day and come to his senses. Just, don't feel guilty okay?" You whispered softly as he slowly nones his head. You knew he still felt at fault but it was Josh's fault. He was so delusional with this idea he forgot to take the real world into account.

Your hug was broken apart by a pounding at the door. Your throat went dry as you thought about who you thought was at the door. Was it Josh? But that was awfully quick. Was it your parents? Did Harry call them?

Harry reluctantly went to the door and opened it, you hid in his room, staring out of the small crack in the door. You couldn't see anyone but Harry talking to someone on the other side of the door. Harry stepped aside and the last person you expected walked in.

"Simon?" You asked, opening the door as Simon looked up to you. He had a worried expression and his feet were shuffling awkwardly.

"Can I talk to you?" He said with a slight shake to his tone. You nodded your head and walked out to the living room where he and Harry sat down. Opposite you on the sofa.

"I know" Simon began. Oh god not again, I wish people would stop saying that now it's not good for my heart. You thought to yourself. You raised your eyebrows, gesturing for him to continue. He didn't say anything else, just reached into his pocket and pulled out a pharmacy bag.

He handed it to you so you looked inside. Your eyes went wide at the sight. You looked up to Simon, a look do terror etched onto your features. Simon sighed before speaking;

"I found it on the bathroom counter"

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