You Can't Tell Anyone (18)

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It had been a couple of weeks since Josh had broken your heart for the second time and, this time you knew it was really over. You knew it had all gone to the first pits of hell.

You didn't feel like leaving your bedroom a lot, stayed in when the boys went out, even when they went to places they knew you'd want to go. Deep down you knew you did want to go. But just above that fact, the feeling of weakness and loneliness had won, pushing you further and further away from everyone.

Harry still looked after you, he made sure you were still healthy and looking after your baby. The bump had grown a lot now and was starting to take a really nice sphere shape. It was the only thing that made you happy right now.

You were currently sat/slouched on the sofa in the front room with a bowl of pretzels balanced on your stomach, somewhere you hadn't been in a while, you were usually in bed, it gave the boys quite a nice surprise when they came home from Tobi's new flat upstairs.

"You're out of your cave!" Callux laughed as Harry punched him in the ribs as a warning incase you were pushed back to your room again.

"Yeah. It was dark and hot in there. Just wanted a change of scenery" you smiled lightly. The boys shared a glance with smiles on their faces, they were so happy you were finding the energy to actually be dressed again. A week in pyjamas was something the boys all envied but still worried about.

"How's my little buddy doing?" Harry walked over and rubbed your tummy a few times. He has become very attached to the idea of having a kid around, even if it wasn't his. He has formed a really nice bond with the bump, it made you so giddy to think about what he would be like when the baby is actually born.

"Annoying the crap out of me but they're good" you hummed as you removed the bowl and pat your stomach, Harry's eyes narrowing.

"Annoying?" He asked concerned but you simply nodded your head.

"Mm, just been a little bit of pain is all" you shrugged, passing it off as nothing when the boys all looked at you with worried expressions.

"That probably isn't good" Cal mentioned as the distinctive sound of a can clicked open making you whine. You weren't allowed caffeine so the redbull sat in Cal's grip right now really pissed you off.

"I don't know. Maybe it's just the little person inside of me just pushing all of my organs around that's doing it?" You said sarcastically making Harry chuckle before going to the kitchen.

"Well whatever it is make sure to mention it this afternoon" Harry said as if it was nothing. It was all news to you though.

"Wh-what's this afternoon?" You asked with a hint of scared in your tone.

"We have the appointment with Dr Davidson at 3" he said as if it was obvious, the look on your face told him that it wasn't.

"We did tell you?" Callux asked more than told as he munched down on a slice of cold pizza he had gotten from the fridge.

"does this look like the face of someone that was told?!" You almost yelled making Cal jump slightly.

"It's okay, calm down. It's just another check up see how the baby is doing" Harry said calmly making you feel more at ease, the small 'thank you' being whispered from Callux made you feel a little bad for yelling.

A few hours later and you were in the car again, travelling to the far far away hospital in the front seat of the car. As you were leaving you ran into Tobi, as he was lonely and ran into you in the hopes of company as he was bored of unpacking, you invited him along.

It seemed quicker this time, the car journey not seeming to take as long as it maybe did the first time. Whether it's because you were used to it so quickly or whether it was because you were too focused on the discomfort in your abdomen to notice the lengthy car ride? You didn't know.

You had checked in and sat down with Harry as Cal, Callux and Tobi had all gone to get a drink. The waiting area seemingly more busy than last time. You were sat next to a heavily pregnant woman with a toddler in her lap.

"Mamma I wanna play with the toooooyyyys" the small child whined, waiting was obviously not her favourite thing in the world. The woman smiled and set her down. Keeping a close watch on her as she sat down with a stuffed unicorn, making the clicking noises as she made it hop around on the floor.

"She's three next week" the woman spoke, noticing how you watched her so intently and began striking your bump. You were surprised as she began talking but replied anyway.

"She's adorable" you beamed as she began giggling at a small wooden frog that was stuck inside another toy.

"She's just liked her daddy" she sighed. The child's hair mismatching the woman's as well as her eyes. The woman looked at you before looking at Harry.

"Is this your first child together?" She asked, Harry had his earbuds in and was scrolling through Twitter, being the conversational delight as ways.

"Oh this isn't the father, this is just my best friend" you smiled awkwardly and she gave you a sympathetic but knowing look.

"Not to be rude but, does the father know?" You nodded before she smiled sadly. Looking down to her child again.

"Kimberly was the same. She doesn't know her daddy and daddy doesn't want to know her. Same with her little brother in here" she sighed as she rubbed her belly, you felt so bad for her, she was about to have her second child and she was all alone.

"That must be tough" you said unintentionally, it was just a thought you didn't mean to speak it aloud.

"You don't know the half of it. You're lucky you've got all those boys with you. I saw you come in. They all seem to really care about you" she gave you a knowing smile as you have her a thoughtful one. You'd never really taken into consideration how much they actually cared. You felt like a liability hit maybe they did actually care.

"Thank you, uh-" you realised you didn't get her name as she laughed softly.


"Thank you Ellen" you giggled as she looked up to a nurse that had made her way over to the two of you.

"We're ready for you Ms Nicholson" she beamed as Ellen stood up, following the nurse but not before she turned to you;

"You're gonna be okay sweetheart. Keep those boys by your side and you'll be a great mum" she called her child to follow before walking away. Leaving you with a good sensation in your head. A happy one. A content one. But that soon disappeared as someone you didn't expect came bursting into the room.

"Y/N?" He asked as he looked around the room with a pant.


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