You Can't Tell Anyone (15)

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"Wow" Callux breathed, all the information about the previous month being explained to him had left him a little shocked. He sat fixed into his chair, his hands firmly gripping the armrests as he stared into space with his mouth hanging open.

"And you're sure it's Josh's?" He asked, narrowing his eyebrows as you sighed.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" You threw your hands up in frustration as Cal laughed.

"Well, no one really believes you actually touched Josh. I think Tobi still believes he payed you to act as his girlfriend" you raised your eyebrows at him before whipping your head around to the chuckling Harry as he walked in,

"Yeah, we just wanted to know if you actually realised you could get someone fitter than him and went for it" Harry laughed as you forced out a giggle.

Of course, from all the sidemen he wasn't considered the heartthrob to many, but to you he was your Prince Charming, to you, he was the most handsome man in the world. It hurt that you still thought this, it hurt that they would say these things. But you had to try and show you were better off without him, even though you knew you weren't.

"He's not that bad" you tried to reason as all the heads in the room looked up to you.

"I'm surprised you can even say that" Calfreezy said lowly. You narrowed your eyes as you looked around the room at all the confused faces staring back at you.

"Why?" You huffed, folding your arms over your chest.

"Do you not remember what he did to you? Do you not remember why you're here?" Harry asked slowly. You shuffled in your chair, trying to avoid answering.

"Y/N he accused you of cheating, he kicked you out if your house. If he hadn't of thrown you out sooner he might've hurt you. All this and you're carrying his kid. And he doesn't even know about it because he doesn't want to. Y/N I know the tadpole inside of you is partly him but you have to let him go, it's not healthy" Harry said as he moved to sit by your side, placing a hand on your knee as his voice softened.

You loved this side of Harry, the reasonable one, the calm and sensitive one, but sometimes he can get on your nerves completely. You did still love Josh, of course you did, you can't let him go, no way.

"I'm sorry but you're supposed to be his best friend, how could you talk about him like that?" You asked gently as Harry sighed.

"Because I know where my priorities are. Yes he's a knob and yes I'm still going to be his friend, in fairness I shouldn't abandon him like this, but your so much more important" he smiled sympathetically as you shoved his hand off of your knee and went to your room. Flopping down on the bed and burying your face into the pillow to scream quietly.

You led there for ages, your breathing steady and heart beats as calm as they could be. You just stayed there, thinking about Josh. Something you had tried to forbid yourself to do.

You did still love him and did still want to be with him.

It felt like shit to listen to them talk about him like that. To hear them speak badly of him. Especially when the only thing tearing them apart is you. It wasn't his fault, yes he was violent in the break up, yes he kicked you out and yes he completely shut you off and dismissed you before you could explain. But that's only because he was angry and confused.

Of course someone is going to get mad and defensive when you believe the person you love had been unfaithful. Of course your mind runs wild at the smallest rumours. Of course it hurts to thing about what you had when it was there and to think someone else had shared it would hurt even more.

You are still carrying his baby, you are still tied in with him because of his friends. You did need to tell him. You just didn't know how.

"Y/N?" There was a soft knock on the door. The familiar sound of a pinkie ring along contact with the wooden frame. What was he doing here?

The door knob jiggled and the door catch clicked. You watched as the door slowly creeped open and a small slither of light beamed into the dark room, making a stripe of sunlight run down your face.

"There you are" he chuckled softly. He opened the door and let himself in, shutting it quietly behind him. He walked over and sat himself down on the bed. The feeling of the mattress sinking beneath you making you shuffle towards him.

"Why are you here Simon?" You asked as he placed a hand on your hip, running it up and down your side soothingly.

"Came to check up on you. Then I hear from these dickheads that you'd been hiding in here after they said some stupid things that they're ever so sorry about" he chuckled as his hands moved up to pull some hair out of your face, the pads of his thumb running under your eye to catch tears you didn't even know had fallen.

"Yeah well, still shouldn't have said it" you mumbled into the sleeve of your jumper. Fiddling with a loose thread coming from the end of it.

"But you know as well as I do that sometimes Harry can't control what comes out of his mouth" the corners of his lips turned upward into a smirk making his dimples pop.

"He should learn, it's not hard. My 4 year old cousin knows when not to say things that could hurt someone so it can't be that difficult" you said, feeling sorry for yourself. A trait you had learnt with ease.

"We both know Harry is secretly 3 so he's not quite there yet" even in the dark you could see the sassy grin on his face, it made a small smile spread across your lips for a second before it faded back into a frown.

"I miss Josh" you whispered making Simon sigh. A long drawn breath escaping his lips.

"I know. It can't be easy but right now, he needs to be alone" you shut your eyes to hide the tears forming in the corner of your eyes. Then he said something that made your heart flutter for a moment.

"He really did love you. You could see it in his eyes" you opened one eye making him giggle before a croaky 'really?' Made its way into your voice box.

"Yeah, you should see the way he would look at you. You could tell. Just give him time. He'll realise what he's thrown away when he's ready"you smiled before Simon gave your legs a few playful slaps.

"Right miss Y/L/N get up, get dressed, put some make up shit on your face or whatever you do, we're going to Tobi's" he began throwing various items of clothing at you as you laughed. Dodging the jeans and tops that came flying your way. He giggled playfully as he managed to escape when you threw a ball of socks a him, he managed to duck out of the room just in time making him cackle.

You dressed in a Boy Better Know t-shirt and ripped jeans, a red SnapBack placed firmly on your head before you made your way out to the living room. Sorry looking face meeting you as you walked in, you sighed and opened your arms as Harry walked into them.

"In sorry that I'm an idiot" he mumbled into your hair.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it" you spoke against his chest. He gave you another quick squeeze before grabbing his keys. Exiting the flat and going to his car.

Maybe being at Tobi's would be fun? Maybe it would distract you from the real world for a while? Or maybe it would all end in disaster.

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