You Can't Tell Anyone (31)

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You tiptoed as best as you could with the weight on your front, gently pressing your bare toes into the carpet and creeping downstairs. Instead of going the usual way and turning into the upstairs landing, you turned to JJ's bedroom. He was back for a little while, staying in his old room while his London flat was being painted.

You slowly crept in, looking through the darkness to the empty bed. You sighed as you noticed the lack of life in his room. The item you had your mind set on obviously not in here. Or so you thought. In the corner of the room where his many monitors sat, a small buzzing sound and dim light had lit up.

Your hopes had begun to rise again as you swiftly but silently walked across the room, picking up his phone and sighing with relief.

Your plan was to contact Joe Sugg and ask him to come over using JJ's phone as you knew they were friends. What Joe wouldn't know was that JJ wouldn't be here to greet him but Melissa would, and hopefully Josh would be there too. But, there was one small problem;

"Dammit Jide what's your code?!" You exclaimed in hushed tones, becoming frustrated as the iPhone vibrated for the third time, access denied on every combination you tried.

You had tried his birthday, the date he started YouTube and his mothers birthday; a fact you knew and never forgot no matter how useless it was to you.

You began to give up hope before you raked your brain a little harder. Suddenly your last remaining hope had landed in the numbers "2014", also known as, the year of the rise of the Sidemen, as Tobi likes to refer to it as, never failing to make you laugh.

Thankfully, the sidemen means so much to JJ that his passcode was in fact "2014" You quickly went to contacts before sending a text to Joe and asking him to come over today at a time you knew JJ would be out. As it was 3:17 am, you weren't expecting a response just yet, but to your surprise, the three little dots flashed up and wiggled on the screen.

You waited for what felt like hours and the three dots kept wiggling, you were about to just put it down until you heard a noise that made your heart stop. JJ's door had just opened and shut, someone was in the room. You hesitantly turned around to see a swaying JJ, gently bumping into walls as he made his way to his bed. He wasn't drunk, he was tired, he was in a state that you recognised often. He was so tired he didn't even notice abnormalities such as, another presence in his room.

You watched him get into bed and lie down. Wriggling softly before snores began echoing around the huge room. You sighed with relief before your heart skipped yet another beat as the slim phone vibrated against your palm.

"Sure thing, be round at 2 :)" it took him that long to send that?! You groaned before setting his phone down. Creeping off to catch the last few hours of sleep you could get.

To your fortune sleep came easy to you, after the confrontations with both Josh and Melissa, the kiss and secret mission "destroy Melissa just like she destroyed her hair", your eyes were closed within a matter of seconds.

By the time you had woken up again, you had approximately an hour before the plan could commence, you washed your face and lightly applied makeup, dressing in ripped skinny jeans and a Boy Better Know shirt, Simons shirt to be specific, due to your size it was really the only thing that fit you.

You bounced downstairs, literally, before heading into the kitchen, your heart stopping and eyes widening as you saw what was in there.

"JJ?! I thought you were going out? I thought you had a date?" You said as causally as possible even though your surprised shaken voice wasn't hiding anything. He looked at you suspiciously as he forked some bacon into his mouth.

"Yeah at 2" he muffled out as he chewed. You glared at him for speaking with his mouthful but inside you began screaming, Joe was supposed to be arriving at 2, if JJ is here then Joe would confess to the 3am texts and complicate the whole plan.

"Oh and another thing Y/N?" He called after swallowing, catching you before you walked away.

"What were you doing in my room last night and why did you invite Joe over?" You heard the confused laughter in his tone and your feet froze against the cold tile floor. How the hell did he know, he was tired out of his mind he wouldn't have known you were in there.

"W-what?" You asked sounding surprised as if this was news to you. Your acting definitely needed improving as JJ simply laughed,

"Y/N when you send secret texts to y friends you might want to exit the screen before locking" he chuckled, you mentally slapped yourself for not remembering to close the text before leaving.

"How do you know it was me?" You asked with confidence, the feeling of a win on your hands yet was completely taken away as JJ smirked,

"First of all, Josh, Vikk, and Simon all have Joe's number and second of all, I accidentally left my camera and recording equipment on last night, I checked the footage this morning and saw you cursing at my phone. What's going on, Y/N?" He asked calmly but curiously as he sat up, pushing his plate away to give you full attention, JJ was never the serious type but he did know when to have adult conversations and he knew that this wasn't normal.

You didn't know how to respond, you stood there with your mouth opening and closing, fumbling for an explanation. Your body, however, decided against that and suddenly burst into tears. Within a matter of seconds JJ had panicked and stood up, gently rubbing your arms comfortably and speaking softly to calm you,

"Hey hey hey, it's okay, I'm not mad, I just wish you'd simply asked for his number if you were interested" he laughed quietly at his own joke and you stifled a laugh before shaking your head,

"No no it's just-" you hesitated. JJ was loud and outspoken, could you really trust him?

"You know you can tell me anything" he whispered. You took a deep breath before closing your eyes and rushing out your sentence.

"Melissa is cheating on Josh with Joe but Joe doesn't know Melissa is dating Josh and Josh doesn't know Melissa is texting Joe and I invited him round to get rid of Melissa after Josh sees the truth" you said your sentence without breath or stopping point, the words just tumbled out of your mouth like water from a tap.

JJ took a deep breath before stepping back, groaning a little, rubbing his temples ad contemplating on how to handle the situation.

"Look, I know you don't like Melissa and to be honest neither do I but you can't make accusations like that and put Joe in the middle it's not fair on him, Melissa, Josh or yourself." He sighed before looking back at you, you shook your head before explaining a little slower this time.

"She told me Jide. Last night she confessed so much to me but I can't do anything about any of it because I don't have proof. I don't want Josh to get hurt. Just let me do this okay?" You asked with pleading eyes. He was hesitant but nodded, you thanked him before turning to leave.

"Y/N?" JJ called again. He sounded uncertain and is voice was unsteady, you turned with a frown and saw him looking a little concerned.

"You're not doing this to get back with Josh are you? Because I don't know if I can let you do that. I can't sabotage let you Josh's relationship for your own personal gain" he stated simply. You stood and thought;

In al honesty you weren't doing. This for your own personal gain, you were doing this to both get rid of the negativity in your life that happened to be in the shape of Melissa, and to make sure that Josh came out happy. You could tell that Melissa was making him happy, but not nearly as happy as you knew he was before. You could see it in his eyes.

"I'm doing this for Josh, not me" you said sternly. JJ nodded before he started to open his mouth again, before any sound could be made though, a chirpy knock sounded at the door. You stared at each other in shock for a moment before you took a deep breath and moved towards the door.

Let's do this.

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