Game On|JJ

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It had been ages since JJ and his friends had arrived, you learned their names were Caspar, Callum and Harry, and you were getting bored of Sams terrible flirting. Instead you went over to the window which overlooked the track. Your heart beginning to speed up as a car was heading straight for the window, only easing when he turned sharply.

"Okay, we're all geared up, let's do this" JJ said into the camera with a low dark voice, pulling your eyes away from the track to watch them film.

"Is there any way we could race remote control cars instead?" Caspar shouted to JJ out of shot, making you giggle slightly. Caspar was a funny guy from what you could gather, the quiet one that wasn't as upfront with his viewers as JJ probably was.

The filming had stopped as the cameras had dropped, instead Harry had come over to the window where you were and filmed the track.

"Sorry" he mumbled as he accidentally nudged you in the arm with the piece of equipment.

"No worries, here, I'll move" you smiled as he gave you a thankful glance, you moved out of the way as he got a full shot of the track, from where we were you could see the entirety of it.

"Gonna put some sick dramatic music over that" he mumbled to himself as he re-watched the panning footage. You laughed softly as JJ made his way over.

"You getting the track shot?" He asked, giving you a small smile before looking over Harry's shoulder.

"Yeah, it's a pretty bendy track JJ I don't know how you're gonna do it" you answered for Harry, making him look up at you, he want angry you talked over him, just amused.

"Hey hey hey, I can do this, I will win!" He shouted, his confidence only a facade though as his voice shook slightly at the glance of the track.

"I bet Caspar will win" you smirked making Harry laugh, he joined in on your little joke and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, Caspar is bound to win" Harry tried to keep a straight face but faltered slightly as JJ backed away with a hand over his chest and his face in complete shock.

"How dare you!" He shouted at you both, bringing out his Nigerian accent.

"Caspar's chill, you're more likely to get too cocky and spin off" Harry reasoned, you hadn't had much time with them enough to base what either of them were like but the evidence was suggesting he was right.

"Mate, mate" JJ pushed Harry away with his palm "I bet I win"

"Care to make it interesting?" You quirked an eyebrow.

"If I win, you have to give me a kiss" there as a low 'ooh' from Harry at JJ's stakes. You thought for a moment before outstretching your hand. JJ went to shake it but you pulled your had back at the last second.

"But if he wins, I have to give Caspar a kiss" you were only joking, you were so confident JJ was going to win that the promise of giving Caspar a kiss if he should win was simply to tease JJ.

JJ thought for a moment before taking your hand and shaking it once. He places his helmet on and stalked out to the track, Caspar was clueless of the bet, innocently jumping into his car and starting the ignition.

There was a glance towards you from JJ before he made evil eyes at Caspar for the camera but part of you knew it was also because of the bet. There was a countdown, a wave of a flag and they were off. Caspar had actually taken the lead with his acceleration but JJ started to pull back in with the speed of his own car.

They were neck and neck for most of the track, making you bounce on the balls of your feet in anticipation, Caspar was cute, but he wasn't JJ. If JJ didn't win you didn't know what you'd do. You were so confident but Vadodara driving skills seemed to be just as good as JJ's.

They were up to the last corner of the track when JJ's back wheels span out, tyres screeching on the Tarmac creating a cloud of smoke which Caspars Ferrari sped through and over the line.


JJ came back through the doors into the lobby with a disappointed look on his face, Caspar following behind with his arms raised above his head in victory, Callum and Harry following behind chanting his name.

They took their helmets back and put the cameras away, your heart was beating and you looked to JJ to send an apologetic smile toward him but he avoided your eyes as best he could.

"Now, you have another prize" Harry said, he grabbed your arm and tugged you over to Caspar. Caspar smiled at you but looked at the other boys with a questionable look.

"Go on, claim your prize" Harry said. Nudging your back towards Caspar so your body was pressed against his, you looked up to his towering height and blushed hard.

"Let's get this over with" you mumbled before going onto your tippy toes and pressing your lips to his. He was shocked to start with but as the other boys cheered he relaxed and settled his hands on your waist.

This was so wrong, these weren't the lips you wanted. You felt so bad. And JJ felt worse.

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