You Can't Tell Anyone (27)

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"Well Y/N it's definitely not labour" he smiled, removing his hand from a place you'd rather it wasn't. You sighed with relief as you felt Josh's grip on your hand listen slightly.

"From what I can tell it's just the bump growing. When the bump grows, it pushes all of your organs around and that can cause some major discomfort. What used to be down there is now all jumbled around to fit your baby in. It's nothing like labour though so don't worry" he sat down and shuffled some papers on his desk as you sat up on the hospital bed. A worrisome look on your face.

"You mean, labour is different?" You asked quietly, scared for the answer. A loud chuckle made him throw his head backwards before giving you a superior grin, making you feel slightly put off.

"Labour is a lot worse, although this is major discomfort, this is seen as mild compared to labour" he nodded, going back to his forms. You took a shaky breath and turned to Josh. He had gone almost as pale as you, obviously feeling for you.

"This seems to be in order. Clean yourself up and tell a nurse when you leave" although you deemed this doctor to be rude, you smiled politely and waited until the door was shut secretly before calling him a 'massive twat bag'.

"Well that was-" Josh could barely finish his sentence, the two of you sharing a knowing look before laughing.

"What an asshole. That's one way to help someone into motherhood I guess" you sat up as pain etched across your stomach making you wince. Josh was startled as you grumbled but hesitated with saying anything, he had no idea how to help.

"Do you want help getting your trousers back on?" He asked awkwardly. You thought for a moment, truthfully your love his help but it would feel too weird and the tension was unbearable enough.

"No no it's fine" you smiled, pushing yourself up to sit on the edge of the bed, he raised his hands as if to say 'fine but I did offer' before edging away, closing the hospital curtain that reached all the way around the bed to give you privacy.

"Besides, wouldn't want Melissa finding out you helped me put my joggers back on would we?" You joked, raising an eyebrow that, yet again, he couldn't see. You heard a low sigh from the other side and noticed his silhouette as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Yeah like I was gonna say. We've been talking." Your heart stopped momentarily. Although you didn't like the bitch, finding out they broke up because of you would leave you both thankful and guilty.

"Oh" was all you could say. You pulled yourself into your jeans with difficulty but remained on the other side of the curtain to button and zip them up.

"She's still struggling with the whole baby thing but-" he was cut off by a sudden scoff coming from your lips. You understood that it takes time to come to terms with such a thing but it had been months now, she doesn't need that long.

"What? What's wrong?" Josh asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"I'm sorry but she's been struggling with this for months now, is she ever going to get used to it or is she always gonna be bloody useless?" You don't know what came over you, suddenly your bubbly attitude towards Josh did a complete flip over to hostility.

"Excuse me? You can't exactly expect her to be okay with her boyfriend having a baby with someone else?" Josh spoke making you scoff.

"I expect her to accept it by now. Or does she still think I should abort this child of mine?" You were becoming very angry and hot in the face, you were struggling to get the button done up, adding to your frustration, channeling a lot of it towards Josh.

"I'm not gonna lie she has mentioned it a little bit-" you were trying to listen to Josh but the button on your jeans were making you so annoyed and frustrated. You couldn't see it and the fiddling was too much for your nerves.

"And that's okay?! Do you realise your girlfriend has virtually asked me to kill my own baby?! Do you realise what she's asking me?! Do you realise how upsetting that is for me?!" You huffed, throwing yourself back against the hospital bed in a struggle, a change coming from the bed frame making contact with your elbow.

"Y/N are- re you okay?" In all honesty you weren't okay but you were to focuses on being angry that you didn't even notice him talking, let alone notice him start walking towards the curtain.

"And another thing, how could you move on so fucking quickly?! And with her nonetheless, you met her at a JJ party! I thought you had so much more self respect than that!-" you began ranting, Josh had pulled the curtain back and sighed at the sight of you, walking towards you and taking your hands away.

"Calm down, let me" he whispered gently as your hands flew up to cover your face, a complete mess.

"And why why why did you have to get me pregnant?" You whispered, defeated as tears started to glide down your cheeks. You felt the pop of your jeans' button being done up, Josh's hands stayed attached to the hem of your jeans as he let out a sad sigh, leaning forewords so his forehead rest against yours. You hands came up and rest on his chest as you both stood there in silence, the only noise was the occasional sniffle from you.

"I'm sorry" he whispered. As his forehead was resting against yours you couldn't exactly see his face. The only thing you managed to see was the single droplet falling from his hidden eyes.

"What for?" You asked gently. A tiny hiccup in your throat as you lightly grabbed his t-shirt.

"This. I've caused all this pain you're in. I've thrown you into the deep end and not even bothered to help keep you afloat" he said bitterly towards himself. You didn't have a reply. You just let it stay silent for a while until he whispered again.

"I want you home with me. I don't know what would've happened if you'd done this while you were at Harry's all alone." He mumbled, you were scared too and honestly didn't think about what would've happened if it was just you at home.

"But Josh it was just growing pains I'm-" you began declining but got cut short by Josh's protests,

"But next time it could be more, it could've worse. And I hate the thought of you being alone. Harry and the boys will be gone for a couple of months if they don't get kicked out beforehand. Please. You know we have a spare room and right now it's got your name on it" he did make an appealing case.

What would happen if something bad were to happen and he wasn't there? What would happen if you went into a very early labour and he wasn't there. What would happen could be fixed to much easier with someone around. Melissa was an obstacle you had to learn to get around. She wasn't going to ruin this for you now.

You thought. And thought and thought. Maybe it would be better if you weren't alone, Josh being there today was the only thing that calmed you, made you less scared. Maybe it was the right idea. You moved your head slightly, nudging his forehead in the process before looking into his eyes and nodding.


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