You Can't Tell Anyone (2)

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"I need to tell you something" you started, twiddling your thumbs together. Josh's nervous face twisting into confusion.

"I was talking to Harry-" you began, Josh sighed loudly and put his head in his hands, catching you off guard and stopping you in your tracks.

"What's wrong?" You asked, coming forwards a bit to stand nearer him.

"You're cheating on me with Harry aren't you?!" His sudden outburst made you jump back towards the door, Josh had started crying and his yelling was only making you feel worse.

"What? No I-" you were cut off yet again by Josh laughing nastily.

"Yes you are! All the boys were talking about it downstairs. I thought they were joking when they were saying stuff like 'they're taking a long time up there, maybe they're fucking?' And I laughed, Y/N. I laughed because I thought it was a joke. So they're right?!" He screamed, coming towards you. You stepped back so your shoulder blades made hard contact with the door, your heart pounding and your chest heaving. His face was in yours, his eyes glassy from tears.

"No Josh that's not-" you tried to defend yourself only making him angrier.

"Don't LIE!" His hand flew up and made contact with his closet, making a loud bang. Josh was never a violent person but when he got angry, you damn well knew he was angry.

"I'm not lying!" You screeched out, putting your face even closer to his, because he was nearly a foot taller than you, your intimidation stance was nothing compared to his, towering over you with dark eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Yes you are! I can always tell when you're lying!" He walked away and let out a lengthy breath before grabbing the photo of you and him that say on his desk and throwing it against a wall.

"Josh will you please listen to me?!" You squealed as the glass shattered to the floor like rain falling from the sky.

"Why?! So you can tell me how good the sex was? Tell me every sordid detail about the things you do together because, frankly, I don't want to hear it!" His arms were outstretched either side of him, making him seem bigger and scarier.

"No we never-" you were again cut of as he stood defeated in front of you asking you a question you felt sick to think about.

"Did you do it in our bed?" He asked, his voice cracking at the end. You'd always had a fear of Josh cheating on you and often had nightmares of coming home to him in bed with another girl. In your bed. Josh's question made your stomach churn and your heart plummet.

"Not once have I touched him" you muttered out harshly between clenched teeth. Josh shook his head and went to his chair to sit down. Not looking at you.

"You're such a lying slut" he muttered quietly. His words struck a chord in your brain that instantly tore down your fight. Being called a slut was never something he had called you before. It was something he would often cheer you up over, reading the comments online was harsh enough but being called a slut and reading accusations about sleeping with all the sidemen for money and fortune, it hurt. He knew you hated that word. And for him to use it against you was so fucking painful, you couldn't even describe it.

"Josh" you whispered as a few tears escaped your eyes, travelling down your cheekbone to your chin, dropping silently onto Josh's beige carpet. He didn't respond. Simply stated at his computer screen that was turned off.

"Josh" you said a bit louder. A catch in your throat and hurt running through your veins.

"Leave" he mumbled into his hands. You didn't know what to say. He obviously didn't want to be a part of your life anymore, so why would he want to be a part of the kids?

You didn't say anything else, simply grabbed a hoodie that sat on the bed and walked away.

You stood on the landing of the sidemen house and completely lost yourself. Everything was happening at once. The baby, the break up. Even the newfound rumour that you were hooking up with Harry. It was all too much. You managed to get down the stairs without falling down them completely, your vision blurry from the small cloud of tears.

"Y/N?" You heard a voice behind you. You turned to see Harry and Tobi stood in the living room doorway, both looking concerned and both very cautious about when to speak.

"We heard a load of screaming and crashing, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Tobi said quietly and gently, both of them stepping toward you. You shook your head but burst into another wave of tears, sobs flying past your lips and hiccups making your body shake.

"What happened? Did you tell him?" Harry whispered as they both came to your side and comforted you calmly. You shook your head again making Harry knot his eyebrows together.

"He thinks I cheated on him with you and now he's broke up with me. I don't know what to do" you cried into Harry's sleeve yet again. You felt Harry tense and you heard a small gasp/sigh come from Tobi. Harry rubbed your back soothingly as Tobi stroked your arm, softly whispering into your ear that t would be okay. But it wouldn't.

"Why don't you come to mine tonight? I made a promise and I'm gonna stick to it yeah?" Harry smiled sadly, you nodded your head and Harry mimicked your actions before placing an arm over your shoulders and walking you out.

Whether going home with Harry was a good idea, you didn't know, what you did know was that you needed help and you were willing to accept any that came your way. And Harry was willing to help. So why not?

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