How You Met|Vikk

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"Hey guys!" You waved into the camera with as much enthusiasm as you could possibly put out there.

The camera sat in front of you was a position you were used to by now, after being a YouTuber for 3 years, your channel had finally reached its fame. With a subscriber count of over 4 million, your name was known all over the Internet.

You usually uploaded gaming or challenge videos but occasionally conformed to YouTube trademarks and had a QandA on the first of every month. Today was one of those days.

"So after a little bit of procrastination, it's finally that time of the month again, welcome to your monthly QandA!" You over acted your excitement for the humour before you picked up your phone and opened up Twitter, scrolling through the heaps of tweets.

You typed in the hashtag you had created for the questions, your phone slowing down considerably. A lot of YouTubers pick the best questions beforehand so they have an answer ready. But that wasn't your style, you'd pick the ones that stood out the most and tried your best to answer them on the spot, sometimes coining up with the most bullshit you've ever said but it attracted your viewers, to them, your struggle was comedy gold.

"First question is from a girl called Abby, she wants to know if I was stranded on a desert island what YouTubers would I take" this question was asked by the same girl every single video and even though it's one of the most cliché and frequently asked questions, you decided to put her out of her misery and answer the question.

"I would have to say... Zoella for the first one because she could probably do her little fashion girl bit and maybe make some fancy clothes from leaves and... sand..." You honestly couldn't think of any other YouTubers, your mind had gone blank, you just picked a few of the YouTubers you liked.

"And I would have... I think I would have to have Hannah Hart because she can cook stuff and I manage to burn water" you giggled to yourself "and lastly.. I think I would have KSI simply for the funny side" you shrugged.

You answered a few more questions before a certain one cropped up that took your interest,

"Tami wants to know if I would ever consider filming with the sidemen?" You had been dreaming for an opportunity to try and hint that you would probably die if you got to even meet them and thanks to Tami, this was your chance.

"Of fucking course I would! I mean like, if they were interested I would 100% film with them" you smiled trying to play off cool when your sudden outburst had erupted from your lips.

As you looked down you noticed she had tagged all the sidemen in her tweet and a certain reply has caught your eye.

@Miniminter7: Yo, Y/N, hit me up ;)

You smiled to yourself and carried on with the next question;

"Kate is asking if I'm doing any meet ups this year, yes I am going to insomnia, E3, Vidcon, playlist Live, Digifest and... Loads more I can't remember but they're all linked in the description, I am doing meet ups and stage things at all of the events and I really hope to meet you there, if you want stuff for me to sign then you can go into the description and click on the link to my merch store and buy a t-shirt to wear and I will hug you because... You're awesome" you smiled into the camera before giggling again,

You had finished the video and edited it, pressing upload with attaching a thumbnail. You felt good about this video, you felt a weird sense of accomplishment like this video has achieved something, but you didn't know what.

It had been about 3 hours since you uploaded and already there were hashtags trending about possible collabs with the sidemen, your mentions were going crazy.

You scrolled through the hundreds of questions about when we would film before your phone was sent into vibration, a DM had popped up, you assumed it was a fan you had followed when favouriting some of the video tweets but were pleasantly surprised when Vikkstar123's name was spread across the screen.

He follows me?!?! You thought to yourself, wondering when on earth that happened.

"Saw your video, collab would be awesome, we could meet up at insomnia next week or if you want to play minecraft, here's my Skype name :)" your heart was jumping out of your chest, was this real? Was this happening?!

You typed a quick reply of "I'll add you, see you at insomnia, I'll be the one in the banana suit" before mentally smacking yourself in the face for such a stupid reply, that's your humour and you've just scared Vikk away with it.

You were slapping your forehead with your palm before your phone vibrated again with a reply.

"Ah dammit, that's what I was gonna wear, one of us is going to have to change, otherwise we'll look stupid" you laughed as a wash of relief went over your head and ran through your body, Vikk got your humour and not only thought it was funny, he replied with it, he was your kind of person you could already tell.

You thought it would be funny to tease your fans so you went and retweeted Simons tweet before replying to it with a smirking emoji.

You caught a few tweets of "COLLAB CONFIRMED" after your tweet to Simon before turning off your phone and going to sleep with a huge smile plastered on your face.

A/N: college was cancelled for today o you have to suffer with more of my writing hahahahahahahahahaha...ha 😋

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