How Could You (2)

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Your P.O.V

You walked up the path towards the house after paying your taxi driver an extortionate price, sniffling as the last of your tears made their way down your face. You were supposed to be enjoying yourself at a house party one of your friends was throwing but instead you'd come home early after your boyfriend abandoned you over a fight.

You'd heard a rumour about him and an Instagram model getting close and only inquired because she happened to be at the party too, waving flirtatiously from across the room. He got super defensive and stormed off into the sea of people, you'd searched for ages but couldn't find him at all and decided to call it a night.

You quietly shuffled into the house so as not to disturb anyone but to your surprise Simon was at the bottom of the stairs. He looked confused and had a McDonald's straw sticking out of his pocket.

"Y/N?" He said with wide eyes, as if I had startled him.

"Oh, hi Simon, I see you bailed from the party too then?" you feigned a laugh in attempt to hide the fact you'd been crying but you were pretty sure he had figured it out.

"Yeah, had some editing to do, are you okay?" He scratched the back of his neck anxiously as you shuffled your feet on the floor, wanting to find JJ as soon as possible so you could forget today had ever happened.

"Uh, yeah I'm okay. JJ and I got into a bit of a fight at the party, something to do with rumours" you shrugged, not really wanting to get into it "he stormed off and left me by the bar, I searched for him but couldn't find him so I figured I should look here"

"Yeah I think he's here, I think he's in the kitchen though so maybe check in there?" You followed Simons advice as you heard him running back upstairs but JJ was nowhere to be found, you checked all the downstairs rooms, even outside before deciding to head to bed. If he was in his room then the problem was solved, if not, you'd sleep on it.

As you made your way upstairs you could hear a lot of shuffling and mumbling coming from JJ's room, it made you anxious and a little uneasy, you knew Simon was home and hoped it was him making the noise but when he appeared from the room with a red face and the noise hadn't stopped, your worry grew and grew.

"Oh is he in there?" You asked, hope evident in your tone but concern painted on your face.

"Uh..." you saw his eyes flicker between yourself and he door before he bit his lip and sighed "listen Y/N, if you need me, I'm only up the hallway, don't be afraid to come in." He gave you a sad smile as you knotted your brows together, he pulled you in for a quick hug before scampering back to his room.

Your heart filled with dread at what could be going on in there and your palms began to sweat. You grabbed the doorknob and took a deep breath before entering. Immediately feeling your heart shatter.

"What the fuck is this?" You asked, a calm anger filling your body. You were distraught but couldn't find the emotions to convey it.

"Babe, I know what this looks like but-" he started but you wouldn't let him finish.

"No you know what JJ, you don't need to explain because I'm not stupid, I think I can figure out what's going on, the rumours were true, you were getting close with Natasha and my question made you worry, you went to her to talk things over and she 'comforted' you" you bit your lip as you felt the tears starting to line your lashes.

JJ was struggling with what to say after that, his mouth opening and closing as he paced with only his boxers on, Natasha was simply dressing herself with a guilty face, trying to avoid eye contact. You should've known the rumours were true, she's an Instagram model for fucks sake, any man would be begging to get in her knickers and she handed JJ a free pass he couldn't refuse.

"I think you should leave" JJ said solemnly, you were unsure of who he was talking to, if he was talking to that bitch you were thankful, if he was talking to you, you were about to tear him a new one, your parents were a 5 hour drive away, you had nowhere to go.

"Which one of us Jide?" You asked sternly, staring him down as he clicked his tongue

"Natasha obviously" he rolled his eyes as you began chewing your cheek, trying not to scream at him.

She slowly gathered her things and waved goodbye to JJ before leaving, not without giving you a dirty look though. You waited to hear the front door close until you decided to sit on the floor.

"I'm sorry" he said after what felt like hours of silence, tears slipping down your cheeks as you both tried processing what was happening.

"I don't want to fucking hear it Jide" you spat back quietly. He hung his head low before sitting on the bed, knitting his hands together and breathing heavily.

"So what now? You wanna leave me? Tell all your friends I'm a disgusting human being?" He asked, anger evident in his voice.

"Don't worry, until I can find a place to stay, your title won't be tarnished" you muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"Well that shouldn't take long, you've got plenty of friends" he said with a hint of annoyance.

"No, you've got plenty of friends, I can't seek comfort in people I only know because of you, all my friends are back home" you sighed. Part of you wanted to get up and start yelling at him for everything, the other half was so tired and shaken that you were thankful this was fairly calm.

"Fair enough. Look, you know I'm headed out to LA tomorrow, you can stay in the guest room until you find somewhere to go. I would appreciate it if you were gone by the time I get home though" he muttered before getting up and sitting at his desk. You could tell he wasn't prepared to talk yet and honestly neither were you.

You nodded your head quietly before getting up and grabbing a few things, doing it as quietly as you could but you couldn't help the occasional sniffle. You left the room and felt a huge wave of emotions come over you, you started sobbing quietly in the hallway before remembering what Simon said.

You made your way towards his door, creaking it open gently, he turned around and got up as soon as he heard you, instantly coming to hold you as your body started shaking with sobs.

"Shh shh, hey, I got you okay? Everything's going to be okay" he whispered into your hair. You wanted to believe him, but you couldn't even imagine how anything could be okay after this.

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