You Can't Tell Anyone (24)

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"What do you say, Y/N?" They both looked at you with pleading eyes. Harry begging you to stay and Josh begging you to go back to the sidemen house.

As much as you wanted to go with Josh, you knew you wouldn't be able to with Melissa around. Just hearing her name and knowing she exists is enough to make your stomach churn, having to witness the relationship first hand would just kill you.

"Josh I-" you were about to decline the offer as best as you could but before you could even begin, the door flew open and Calfreezy, Joe Weller, Callux and Tobi all came bursting into the flat, yelling out for Harry.

"Harry! Harry! You're not gonna believe this!" Calfreezy started, completely ignoring the serious/distraught looks on all your faces.

"Cal we're kind of in the middle of something" Harry said and gestures around the room, trying to hint at them that they should go, Joe just shook his head before continuing.

"Nah, you're gonna wanna hear this. Squeezy just got a call from a woman called Lucy, she's got this thing set up in LA that's like some kind of survival thing and she wants us to be in a team." He dismissed you all and carried on, Harry wasn't paying much attention until the survival thing came up. He had been speaking about this new YouTube survival thing for a while, like a YouTube series where a group of you-tubers have to try and survive a bunch of challenges and wilderness stuff. Stuff that didn't excite you in he slighted but Harry got so excited when he talked about it.

"Are you serious?" He asked excitedly, bubbling up and bouncing around.

"We're representing the FIFA community!" Tobi yelled as they all screamed and hugged. To them this was amazing. There were a bunch of teams such as the FIFA community, vlogging community, minecraft community, gmod community and others, they're all meant to be taking part in it.

They were all jumping around, smiling and laughing like idiots, that was until Harry turned to you. You were smiling, yes, but you couldn't help the bad feeling in your chest, your smile was forced and Harry knew, making the excited grin slip from his face.

"What about Y/N?" He asked with a hint of disappointment in his tone, you weren't too sure why though. You were sad because everyone was leaving, you were going to be on your own for a while.

"She can't exactly stay home alone" he frowned making all the boys groan and Josh perk up.

"That's another reason why you should come back" Josh placed a hand on your knee which you quickly brushed off.

"Wait what? You're leaving us?" Callux asked with a sad pout. You just shrugged and looked between everyone. Really not sure what to do with yourself.

"I'll be alright on my own" you said quietly before being shut down by all the boys.

"Are you crazy?"

"No, not happening"

"As fucking if"

"Y/N please just come home." Josh threw his head back in desperation. Clearly fed up with you disagreeing all the time.

"I told you I am home" you said sternly, glaring at Josh who just scoffed.

"It makes a little sense you know" Joe suddenly chimed in, earning an appreciative smile from Josh and death glares from everyone else.

"What? I mean she'll be looked after, there's more room so Harry won't have to sleep on the sofa no more, no more stairs and Josh gets to be a part of it all. It makes sense is all" he shrugged as you looked down, thinking.

"I'll be fine on my own" you said confidently, Harry and Josh sighing.

"Y/N you can't-"

"Can't what? I want to be on my own for a while, it's been too long since I've had some alone time, I had his mobile number so I can call if I need him, I am capable of looking after myself" you scoffed. You weren't too keen on being alone of you were telling the truth but you'd do anything to make sure you didn't have to be in his house again with her around.

"And we can't change your mind?" Harry argued weakly, placing a hand on your shoulder which you nearly even noticed, the thing you did notice though was Josh's jealous and hurt look. You shrugged him off and not Harry.

"You can't change my mind. I want to be independent for a while. Now go, go have an adventure, nearly die in the wild" you grinned even though you were hurting a little inside. Harry gave you one last unsure glance before going into his room to pack. Josh looked disappointed but made an excuse to leave.

You felt bad but it wouldn't feel right. It's not like you wouldn't ever see him, he's taking you to a birthing class tomorrow. Which you had completely forgotten about until now, making you 10 times more nervous than necessary. It'd be fine, you were sure but you couldn't help the feeling that you would come out feeling like a bad mother.

Something you always feared.

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