Christmas Harry

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Your eyes slowly fluttered open, the sunlight streaming in through a crack in the window, the beams of light travelling straight into your eyes.

You squinted as you say up and stretched your arms only to wince in pain as your head suddenly began to throb, the room felt loud though the only noise was the small whimper that escaped your lips.

Maybe the 7th vodka shot was a bit too many but hey, it's a JJ Christmas party, what were you supposed to do?

You threw the warm duvet off of your body, exposing your bare legs to the cold, winter morning breeze. You quickly grabbed the throw blanket that lay messily at the end of the bed and wrap yourself up. A slight wobble in your step as you make your way to the window.

Although the sunlight didn't do anything for your headaches, in fact made it worse, it was part of your morning routine to look outside at the world that day, you can't start your day without it.

You crept the blue curtain back and peeked past the fabric, your eyes landing on the fresh bed of snow that had fallen the night before, Christmas Day to be precise. Yes, it was Boxing Day and you had decided to spend it wth a hangover.

You groaned at the feeling of the bright white snow and the shining yellow sun and pulled the blanket over your eyes, turning away and plodding to the hallway being careful not to trip on the way.

You made your way through the hallway and into the living room where the feint sound of whisking filled your ear drums, even a sound as small and distant as that had made your ears ring.

You swept through the living room and went through the archway into the kitchen where your boyfriend was stood in only a white shirt and Calvin Klein boxer briefs. The shirt tight enough to reveal his back muscles slightly.

You watched him whisk up the yellow liquid, soon to be turned into scrambled eggs, his head flicked up for a moment before swivelling around to see you stood there with your fluffy white cape and makeup stained cheeks.

"Good morning boozy" he chuckled lightly as you groaned.

"Don't ever let me drink that much again" you whined before walking towards him and pressing your front to his back, wrapping his torso up in the blanket as he continued to make breakfast.

"I don't think I will. Simon and his girlfriend had to help me get you home, they were pretty drunk but sober compared to you" he laughed, you moaned quietly at the loudness of Harry's voice.

"Wait Simons girlfriend? Did they hook up at the party?" You asked before nuzzling your face into the space between his shoulder blades and placing small kisses.

"Yeah out on the balcony, it was really cute" you felt him tug at your hands to move before going to grab the bagels that had popped in the toaster. You stepped back and leant against a different counter with the blanket pulled up to your chin.

"That's good, they've liked each other for so long, I'm glad they finally got together" you hummed, sneaking a bite of your bagel before Harry could butter it.

"Yeah. But they won't take the role of best couple, that's us, right babe?" He smirked as you giggled and nodded, going to get yourself a glass of water.

"We are pretty great" you agreed. Rummaging around the medicine cabinet in hopes of finding an aspirin, you felt a body creep up behind you before an arm outstretched to the top shelf of the cupboard.

"We make a great team" he kissed your cheek as he handed you the medication you were looking for before returning to his cooking. You plodded over to lean against the counter next to him as he poured the scrambled eggs into the bagels.

"And we each have our strengths. Yours is looking after me when I'm both drunk and hungover-" you were about to finish your sentence with the strength you thought you brought to the relationship but got cut off as Harry had a better suggestion.

"And you give amazing blowjobs. We just work" you rolled tire eyes but smirked as he winked at you.

You watched the boy drown the bagel in tomato ketchup before reaching the plate up to your face.

"Merry Christmas babe" he smiled as you groaned in ecstasy, the smell of your hangover food making the insides of your mouth water before snatching he plate up and taking a huge bite as Harry laughed at your eagerness.

"Merry fucking Christmas" you moaned in pleasure, collapsing against the counter as you closed your eyes to enjoy your breakfast.

"Looks like you're having an orgasm over your bagel" he choked on his own breakfast as he laughed at your expression, you were in complete bliss.

"I am. And now I think you deserve one too" you smirked, playfully licking your lips as Harry bit his lip.

"Are you going to use your greatest strength on me?" He smiled with a devilish grin, placing his plate to the side.

"Hmmm maybe" you cocked your head to the side as he closed in on you, cornering you to the counter and edging his cave closer to yours, his nose finally touching yours. You both had list in your eyes as you placed your own plate down.

Harry's hands found your hips as yours landed on his forearms, the feeling of intimacy making your legs weak. Your eyes fluttered shut as his did the same, his lips were inches from yours, slightly brushing against each other before he stopped.

"Y/N your breath stinks of alcohol" he whispered as you both burst into laughter, unable to regain the sexual tension you both held before, you returned to your breakfasts. You looked up and locked eyes before bursting into lighter again. You crinkled your nose before faking an upset face and muttering;

"Bah humbug"

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