You Can't Tell Anyone (40)

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You tossed and turned as best as you could but nothing felt comfortable, it was all hell, constant pains and aches, never a second of redemption for the sleep you so dearly missed. It was now bordering on 1AM and the rest of the sidemen had arrived, all being so patient and waiting around, talking to you, anything to make the time pass.

"So like, in a few hours, you're gonna have a child" JJ mumbled as he stared into space, filling the silence that had absorbed you all.

"...Yeah" Josh nodded blankly, the sudden realisation that after this, it's all go go go, there's no chance of a stop or change, this was it. If you were being honest you had began shitting yourself about it all too.

"And it's gonna be like, a real baby" Callux had managed to squeak out after looking ever so pale ever since he had gotten here.

"As opposed to a prosthetic one yes" you grunted although everyone could hear your sarcastic humour, understanding that your groans were of pain. There was a collective laughter in which Callux had gone dead silent again.

"But it's gonna be so different, you'll be parents" Harry suddenly mumbled after the laughter had died down. It's like within that one sentence, the whole world stopped and you all suddenly became overwhelmed with the reality of the situation.

"You won't be able to come out places anymore to Thorpe park or conventions and stuff" Ethan pointed out making everyone node solemnly.

"You won't have as much time for videos. Even GTA, you'll probably have a baby crying in the background that you'll have to edit out" Vikk joined. They all had good points, they all had validity in their statements, the only problem was the guilt that had to creep up your spine. The heavy feeling of guilt making the pain somewhat outweighed.

You felt a hand slip into your sweaty palm as you panted heavily, you followed the arm to see Josh with a sympathetic smile, obviously sensing your feelings.

"Yeah but look on the bright side, you'll all be uncles and we'll have a little sideman" Josh perked with a bright smile, the corners of your lips pulling upwards as well, it felt like the thick air of negativity suddenly floated away.

"We can make baby onesies with XIX on them" Tobi laughed, the image of a baby in a sidemen onesie making you giggle through a moan.

"Girls live babies too, they'd make the perfect wing-man" JJ laughed, you were about to moan at him about using your baby as a way to pick up girls but Ethan had beaten you to it... Sort of...

"Or wing-woman" you rolled your eyes at their ways but couldn't help the small smirk that played on your features.

"Don't forget the videos we could make" Calfreezy joined in.

"I'm sorry but when did my child become some sort of clickbait?" Josh chuckled, you tried to laugh along but the pain just wasn't ceasing, you threw your head back as a collective groan of sympathy filled the room.

"Oh miss Y/L/N, are we struggling?" The doctor frowned as she walked in, pulling on her gloves.

"I wish I'd had the drugs" you squealed, referring to the numbing drugs. She chuckled heartily as she stepped into the room, stopping in her tracks as she walked fully into the room, spotting the number of boys that had joined you for moral support.

"My my, there's, ahem, there sure is a lot of you here." She commented with a nervous smile even though you could see the humour twinkle in her eyes.

You watched as her hands reached under your blanket and all the boys averted their eyes. You watched the concentration on her face before her lips spread into a warm smile.

"Well it's a good thing you won't be in pain much longer, sweetheart, you're 10'centimetres. It's time to go into the delivery room" her bright smile made your eyes go wide and the grip Josh had on you hand tightened. This was it.

All the boys gave you a hug and a peck on the cheek before the doctor and several nurses wheeled you out of your room. The delivery room was nice and calm, a light shade of blue coating the walls and the nurses all wearing reassuring grins.

She got you all set up as she instructed Josh to let you lean into his chest, his arm coming around you and his hand squeezing tightly into yours. She lifted your ankles into the stirrups before getting herself ready in disposable bibs and masks.

"Alright Y/N, the next contraction should be coming along very soon, what I'm gonna need you to do is push down with  all your might do squeeze this baby out okay?" You nodded your tired head before a rush of pain washed through you, you groaned out as she repeated the word 'push' to you, you definitely felt a shift and some movement but you assumed it was nothing.

"Okay that was a great push, it looks like this is going to be a really easy birth, I can already see the head slightly, you're very strong, you just have to be forceful with these pushes" she warned, you were surprised with how quickly this was all going.

You were there for a little while before you were sent into another wave, bearing down on your lower lip with your teeth as Josh was the one whispering reassuring things in your ear this time.

There were several more pushes before you felt a huge shift, suddenly squirming at the feeling.

"That's the head darling, stay still we don't want to harm the baby" the doctor spoke, you looked up at Josh who was looking at the doctor longingly, got nudged him in the ribs with your shoulder before smiling tiredly.

"Go and look" you knew how he had talked about seeing the baby as it was coming out. He gave you an unsure look but leaned down to see anyway, he first showed a look of horror making you nervous before laughing,

"It's so gross" he whispered before coming back to his position as your support. You laughed weakly before you felt another rush.

You groaned out in pain before it all subsided suddenly. It wasn't long before you could hear tiny cries, your hear stopped and your eyes brimmed with tears. You did it.

The doctor lifted the baby in her arms, his little squirming, yucky body making your whole body shake with sobs. You felt a shudder beside you and watched Josh's face collapse in tears.

"Congratulation, it's a boy" she smiled after cleaning him up slightly, you couldn't explain the joy that filled your whole body as she lifted him into your arms.

"Hey there" you squeaked out, unable to form words as you pressed a soft kiss to his warm forehead, his cries the only thing you could hear in this moment. You didn't even notice the nurses fiddling around with you again.

"Uh oh" you suddenly heard from your doctor, your heart stopped again but for a completely different reason. You looked down in shock before you saw her scrunch her eyebrows.

"Somethings not right"

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