Everything Breaks (Part 1)

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You clung to the toilet, arms wrapped around the bowl and chin resting on the seat. What the hell just happened? One moment you were lying in bed on your phone, the next you were turning your insides out.

After a while you began to feel better and got up, cleaning your teeth and washing your face from sweat.

What was that?!

You thought to yourself as you wondered into the kitchen for a glass of water. You'd never thrown up like that before, you hadn't been anywhere or near anyone that was sick and you hadn't eaten anything strange. You were just as confused as your stomach felt.

"You okay baby?" You felt an arm briefly snake around your waist and a small kiss placed on your cheek. Ethan smiled at you worriedly as he placed his dish into the sink, eyeing you carefully.

"Yeah I think so" you placed a cold hand to your forehead, you felt a little warm but nothing worryingly hot.

"You look a little pale" he bit his lip in thought before copying your actions and feeling your forehead.

"Well I just threw up?" You grumbled, shoving Ethan's hand away so you could make some ginger tea for your nausea.

"Well you're not hot" he mumbled more to himself than you.

"Thanks" you said sarcastically, eyeing him with fake offended frown.

"You know what I meant. Take some aspirin and have a lie down. I have to go to the house for a minute but I'll bring you back a Nando's" he walked over before downing the last little bit of coffee in his mug and placing a kiss on your cheek.

You began feeling needy though so you grabbed him by the sleeve of his polo shirt and pulled him back, snuggling your face into his neck making him giggle softly.

"Baaaaabe" he laughed "I have to go. I'll be back before you know it, watch a film while I'm gone" he suggested before pulling away again. You groaned but allowed him to go, watching him grab his keys and hoodie before leaving with one last goodbye.

"Just me" you whispered to yourself. You grabbed your tea before looking for the aspirin, finding none in the kitchen you moved to the bathroom, however, when you found the bottle you found nothing but an empty case. As you threw the empty bottle into the bin, cursing Ethan for his habit of putting empty thing back where they would've been if they were full, you noticed the empty box of tampons in the small bin, reminding you that you really needed to go shopping.You threw on comfy clothes and decided the store was your only option.

As you wondered through aisles, putting various junk food into your basket, you began thinking. That box of tampons was put in that bin yesterday. When you used the last one because you were due. You were due a week ago.

There was a flip in your stomach and you suddenly began to feel ill again but this time, you knew why.

Abandoning your junk food stock up, the only thing in your sights was the pharmacy section and exactly what you were looking at. The small boxes sat on the shelves all stacked neatly, you ruined it though, placing your hand behind the boxes and sweeping them all into your basket. You payed as quickly as possible, which was difficult considering the woman in front of you seemed very familiar with the cashier, they talked more than they exchanged money and items. Only adding to your aggravation.

As soon as you got home you called out for Ethan, for the first time ever you were thankful he wasn't home. Making your way into the bathroom you ripped open two boxes at once, pulling them out as soon as possible.

You did what you had to do before holding the pregnancy test in your hands, your legs jiggling from the anticipation.

1 minute left

What were you gonna do? You can't have a baby. You can barely keep a plant alive! How on earth was this going to affect Ethan too?! He has his channel and so many other exciting new things, he has the sidemen, he can't have a child in his lap when he records videos, he wouldn't be able to take as many opportunities because he'll have a family holding him back.

30 seconds left.

That's if he even wants to stay. Oh god, you're gonna have to do this alone. Raise a child all by yourself and probably get resented for the rest of your life too, you're 18 goddammit. You're too young for this shit. What happened to the days of harmless fun? What happened to the days of fooling around?

They all seemed so distant now this was being handed to you.

10 seconds

I don't think I can do this


Its too much


I think I'm gonna throw up again


I need Ethan


Him and his damn cheap condoms


No please no


Please be negative 


I can't breathe


Oh god



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