Don't Test Me Darling

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Requested: SashaTomanButler
Sorry of lack of updates I've been away all week on a mini vacation, allow me.

"Oh god" you groaned, rubbing your temples and trying to steady your breathing, earlier this morning you'd gone out for your usual coffee run. Unfortunately it was the coffee that did the running, all down your top as some incredibly handsome idiot walked straight into you, knocking the coffee and making a huge mess. He apologised profusely before not-so-smoothly asking you to dinner tonight as an apology.

Leading to your current situation, ultra panic. You were stood before your bed wearing nothing but a robe, staring at the plethora of clothes you'd thrown all over your mattress. It was a mountain of lace and silk, varied colours and styles but nothing seemed to suit you.

"Okay I have to wear something" you mumbled to yourself, grabbing a dress and throwing it back on the pile, waving your arms in frustration. You scanned the mass of clothes, praying for something to jump out at you. Eventually your eyes landed on a set of black and red lace underwear. You weren't planning on anything risqué tonight, maybe just some drinks and a meal, then home. No expectations tonight, it's just a bit of fun.

You de-robed and slipped the skimpy material on, a sexy confidence already putting a smirk onto your face. After a lot of deliberation, a short black dress seemed to bring you the most satisfaction, quickly sliding into it before checking yourself over in the mirror.

"Well.. It's close enough" you sighed, twirling for yourself and shrugging at the reflection.

After collecting everything you needed and checking yourself over a thousand times more, you finally made it out of the door, heels clapping against the pavement and freshly curled hair blowing in the wind, the restaurant was a little ways down the street so you didn't think it was necessary for him to pick you up simply to go back on himself.

You opened the door to this Italian restaurant, beautiful music filling your ears and the dim lighting from the candles making the romantic atmosphere buzz. As you looked lost, wondering around the restaurant without a clue of where you were to go, a waiter directed you to an empty table, your date nowhere to be seen.

Feeling slightly self conscious you ordered a glass of wine and sat back, taking in the surroundings and familiarising yourself with the restaurant. You sipped the wine the waiter brought over and sighed. Maybe he forgot.

You'd had up to 3 glasses of wine now and it was safe to say you were slightly tipsy, you were still in your right mind, everything was just a little wobbly, the lipstick mark smeared around the rim of your glass told you not to drink anymore.

"Y/N?" You heard a smooth voice call out behind you, you stood up and smile as the handsome idiot leaned in to kiss your cheek, a small tint rising where his lips touched.

"I am so sorry I'm late, I was working" he apologised for possibly the 30th time that day as you giggled shyly.

"It's fine, I understand" you honestly didn't mind, it gave you time to calm down and relax, maybe a little too much time to drink nearly half a bottle of wine but you were content nonetheless.

"You know how it is with work" he smiled shyly before burying his face in the menu, ashamed of himself right now although he had no reason to be.

"Yeah of course, what do you do by the way?" You asked, leaning back and sipping on the water the waiter had brought over before your wine.

"I'm a gaming YouTuber" he blushes slightly as if this was something to be ashamed of, you, however, got a little over excited and blurted out;

"Oh my god really?! That's so cool!" Your wide eyes and huge grin giving him a relieved look and smiley eyes.

"Would I have heard of you? What's your name?" You asked, now leaning into the table, your excitement knowing no bounds.

"MiniMinter" Simon laughed, placing his menu down. You hummed for a minute trying to scrape your brain for at least an idea of who he was although none came to mind.

"Hmmm I don't think I remember you" you frowned.

"Well maybe after tonight you will" he smirked, startling you at first but you soon giggled it off, biting your lip to stop the blush from being so prominent.

"So Mr. MiniMinter, what kind of games do you play?" You smirked, sipping at your wine again which could possibly be a mistake.

"Mainly FIFA videos but lately I've been wanting to do some horror games" he seemed so much more relaxed now, talking about something he was interested in and taking pride in what he did which you could tell he didn't do a lot. He seemed so ashamed of what he did which is such a shame because you found it so interesting.

"Oh I hate horror games. They make me scream" you blurted out, not taking into account how that could've sounded.

"That's a shame, I'm good at making people scream" he said calmly yet sensually, your heart rate picked up and your breathing hitched, you didn't know if it was the wine in you or how good this boy looked in a button down but something started stirring in your stomach. Like an itch that needed to be scratched.

"Oh honey, you couldn't make me scream if you tried" you pouted playfully, your finger tracing around the rim of your wine glass. You watched as Simon ran his tongue across his bottom lip, his fists clenching slightly as a devilish grin spread into his face.

"Don't test me darling" he said darkly under his breath. You raised an eyebrow at him as you could see the strain in his eyes.

"Or what?" You whispered sexily. A slightly innocent smile playing on your lips. It was a matter of seconds before Simon couldn't take it anymore, quickly standing up and taking your hand, dragging you out of your seat and throwing money down on the table, blanking the confused waiter and leading you into the street.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked, a small pit of scare in your stomach although the adrenaline pumping in your body was exciting you.

"You bet I can't make you scream princess?" He asked as his eyes darkened, a lustful look in them.

"I guess we'll see" you teased, crawling into the passenger seat, eagerly putting your seatbelt on and wiggling your toes with anticipation.

You gave him directions to your house as he sped off, his excitement for tonight becoming rather prominent in his jeans, his hand running up and down your thigh, dangerously close to the place you wanted his touch the most. This isn't exactly what you were expecting tonight but it's better than what you were going to do. Fuck laundry that can wait, your body can't.

As you leapt out of the car and fumbled for the keys, you felt a hand slip around your wrist, pulling you around to come face to face with Simon, his eyes were dark and his grin had faded into a smirk.

"You sure you want to do this? I can be pretty rough" he warned although you could see the physical struggle he was having. You nodded your head with a smirk, after you have consent, he pressed his lips to yours, hungry for what lies ahead, pushing you against the door and slowly slipping the keys out of your hand, deciding he had better take charge in unlocking it.

The door burst open as his lips travelled down to your neck, sucking harshly on your sweet spot as a loud moan elicited from your now smudged lips. His fingers traced your back as he reached for the zipper on your dress, your fingers shaking from the adrenaline so much you struggled to unbutton his jeans. He managed to unzip you and himself by the time you'd made it upstairs.

Part 2 coming soon.

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