36. The Beginning

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It was dark as Victoria walked through the hallway her palms sweating as she took quiet steps. She was in Malfoy manner. She knew it when she looked at the dark green and silver detailing's on the wallpaper. She didn't know why she was there, but she was nervous and scared as she approached a large set of doors. Her hand shook as she gripped the long, elegant handle gently. She paused trying to calm her shaky breath before opening the door. She peaked through the crack the sight causing her to freeze. The long black dining table she had sat at so many times was filled with some of the most elite pureblood families. 

"Avery, Black, Lestrange, Nott, Rosier..." Victoria muttered under her breath so quiet she didn't even hear herself. There were more but the families weren't as important as the classmates she saw sitting at the table. Regulus being the most notable one. He looked directly at a man who sat at the head of the table. He wasn't recognizable. She had never seen him at any pureblood ball or dinner. 

"My Lord if I may make a suggestion." Bellatrix began to speak. Her voice quiet but the excitement very evident. The man at the head of the table waved for her to continue the dots starting to connect. This was a death eater meeting. "Regulus is ready to join the ranks. He is a much better option than that blood traitor. He's eager to take on a task Dark Lord."

Regulus held is head high as his cousin spoke. The Dark Lord looked at him closely. 

"You wouldn't say that without a task in mind now would you Bella." The Dark Lord spoke as he examined the black family intently. "What do you suggest?" His eyes never left Regulus as he asked.

"I want to bring you the songbird." Regulus spoke clearly a confident look in his eyes. The man chuckled. 

"You think you can get me the shifter?" The Dark Lord perked up at his words an excited glint in his eyes accompanied by a wide smile. 

"I can my lord." Regulus reassured with a smile. 

"Victoria Hearts." The Dark Lord spoke calmly as his index fixed grazed the rim of his glass. "The Black family will be strong if there was a union with the Heart family." he spoke mostly to himself. The look on Mr. Black's face though was one of hope though. 

Victoria couldn't believe her ears as she continued to listen in. Her body in a cold sweat shivering as her chest heaved. She was struggling to breath as she fell against the wall. 

Victoria shot up her body sticky with sweat. Remus rolled over looking at her confused and sleepy. 

"Love?" Remus said in a groggy sleepy voice as he looked up at her with squinted eyes. 

Victoria didn't respond as she got up from the bed. She put on her socks and robe before rushing out of the room unintentionally shutting the door loudly behind her. Her feet moved quickly as she moved to Sirius's room. She needed to tell him what she saw. She needed to show him. She needed to show them all but since it was his brother she felt she needed to go to him first. She was intercepted by Mr. Potter though. 

"You need to come downstairs." Mr. Potter spoke in a shaky voice. 

"I need to see Sirius." Victoria replied trying to move around him. 

"The boys will meet you downstairs. You need to go now." He said this time more commandingly. Victoria nodded in response as she made her way down the stairs. Mrs. Potter met her at the bottom ushering her into the living room to one of the couch's next her dad. 

"I thought you were away for work?" Victoria asked quietly as she sat next to him hugging him. 

"I was but Dumbledore called me back." 

"Dad, I had a dream. He's coming for me. He's sending Regulus for me." her voice shook as he tightened his grip around her. 

"They won't get you. I promise." When he finally let her go, she looked around the room. Dumbledore, the divination teacher, and a few others she didn't recognize stood around the room. 

The boy's followed by Mr. Potter entered the room. Sirius seemed to be the most awake out of the three as he rushed toward her wrapping his arms around her.

"Someone needs to talk now. Why are all of you here?" Sirius said in a strong voice as he sat down pulling her down next to him his arms still wrapped around her. James sat on the other side of her his hand rubbing her thigh comfortingly. Remus plopped down on the floor in front of her leaning his head back into her lap. 

"They're here because the Dark Lord is after me." Victoria spoke quietly as she looked at Dumbledore who looked at her with a sad look. "That prophecy at the beginning of fifth year, it was about me, wasn't it?" She asked already knowing the answer. 

"Yes. It was and that is why we're here. We need to know what you saw." Dumbledore said calmly as Victoria started to describe the dream. 

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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