34. Victoria and Gossip/Panic

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Sorry y'all been busy getting ready for a hurricane. Also picked up an extra class this semester so It's a tad busier for me than usual. For my Sirius Black lovers these next few chapters are for you! <3

Victoria was lounging in her room with Alex and May. Renee hadn't spoken to any of them all summer which was a bummer, but they couldn't force her to be friends with them. May was reading a book on Victoria's bed as Alex and Victoria talking on and on about her most recent date with Remus. She also had to let them know about the reunion between her and James which resulted in endless teasing from Alex. 

"Awe the quidditch star took your virginity how sweet of him." Alex teased trying to embarrass her. Victoria smirked looking at him with an arched eyebrow. Alex narrowed his eyes at her questioningly, but May already knew. 

"Actually, it was Lupin." May corrected as she continued to read her story a very subtle smirk on her lips. Alex looked between the two girls in shock. Victoria's face red and embarrassed. "He's an animal in the sheets from what I hear." as if he wasn't stunned before Alex's jaw was on the floor now.

"Okay May thank you!" Victoria yelled tossing a throw pillow at her. The girl taking it to the face without a fight. 

"So, James is sweet, and Remus is a total freak! I would have never guessed that about either of them!" Alex spoke excitedly with wide eyes as he looked at her. "Who's bigger?" it was now May's turn to throw something as the pillow hit Alex in the back of the head. "What? I'm just curious." he said defensively looking at May who gave him a not so convinced look. Alex turned back to Victoria with a smirk. "Lupin definitely gives big dick energy. They always say to watch out for the quiet ones." he whispered both of them looking back at May. 

"What?" May asked finally looking at them. 

"Apparently you have big dick energy." Victoria said through her giggles.

"Alex would know." She replied with a sigh rolling her eyes. 

"Holy shit!" I laughed as Alex gapped looking at her in shock. Unfortunately, the upbeat mood was damped by a panicked Remus running into her room. The lanky werewolf busted through the door looking around frantically till his eyes landed on his girlfriend. 

"Rem what's wrong?" She asked taking in his disheveled appearance. He looked like he just woke up. 

"We have to go it's Sirius." He said quickly before grabbing a small bag shoving clothes into it. 

"Remus slow down what about Sirius?" She asked confused as she tried to take the bag from him. Remus proceeded to grab another bag moving towards her connected bathroom. Then he started packing her toiletries hastily. 

"He's in the hospital. We're going to see James. He's losing it." Remus huffed before slinging the bag over his shoulder. 

"We're going to head out, you need to be with them. Keep us updated, okay?" Alex said with a sad smile before pulling Victoria into a hug. May quickly joined rubbing her back soothingly. 

"Okay I will." Victoria sighed as she let them go. They left her room meeting her dad downstairs.

"Let's get you to the in laws." Victor teased though his features were tense and eyes full of worry as he reached out grabbing both Remus and his daughter's hands. "You two stay safe."  he said nodding to Alex and May who agreed before leaving. 

With a loud crack the three appeared in the Potter's living room. Without a second thought Victoria looked around the room to find it empty. Immediately moving up the stairs toward James room. The only problem was the door was locked. 

"James." She called out knocking on the door softly. Without a sound James approached the door. He opened it briefly long enough to pull her into the room before shutting and locking it agaiRemus didn't mind. He understood James needed comfort. A kind he couldn't provide. He took their bags putting them in their respective rooms before deciding to take a nap. The full moon was coming up and he was exhausted. 

"I missed you." James said through sniffles as he nuzzled his face into her neck soaking in her scent. 

"I missed you too." She whispered as she ran her fingers through his curls. A few silent moments passed between the two as James picked her up bringing her over to his bed. They laid there enjoying the others presence. "What happened to Sirius?" 

"He almost died. His parents are pricks. Finally ran away." James sighed feeling his heart break a little more at the thought of his best friend bloodied and battered on his front step.

"He's staying with you now?" She asked trying to keep the conversation flowing. He nodded humming in response. "That's good." She sighed as James pressed small kisses to her neck and shoulder. 

"I really don't feel like thinking right now. Can we just sleep?" James asked quietly peppering soft kisses across every piece of skin he could. 

"Of course." She whispered pressing a quick kiss to his lips before settling in his arms

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