.16 Bato of the Water Tribe

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Once Iskra fainted and didn't wake up they rushed her to a near by abbey that Aunt Wu appointed them to. She said Iskra will wake up when she's ready.

When she was taken into one of the rooms in the abbey Sokka, Katara and Aang all walked out, leaving her in there to be taken care of.

They stood in the middle of the abbey that had no roof where you could see the stars and breath the fresh air of the near by ocean.

"Sokka? Katara?" A man says behind them.

He was dressed in Water tribe clothes and had darker skin. His entire left arm and shoulder was bandaged but he still seemed happy.

"Bato!" Sokka cheered as they ran up to him and embraced in a hug.

"It is so good to see you two! Oh, you've grown so much," He smiles, hugging them back.

"Hi, I'm Aang," Aang bows politely to him.

"Where's dad?"

"Is he here?"

Katara and Sokka both ask immediately, having been unable to see there dad for the past 3 years.

"No, he and the other warriors should be in the eastern earth kingdom by now," Bato explains.

The rough winds howled and they began to shiver from the cooler weather because they were getting closer and closer to the north.

"This is no place for a reunion, let's get inside," Bato suggests as they walk into a room fully decked out in water tribe gear.

"Bato it looks like home!" Katara smiles.

"Everything's here, even the pelts," Sokaka rubs the smooth carpet beneath him.

"Yeah, nothing cozier than dead animals skins," Aang says sarcastically. "I'm going to check on Iskra."

Aang quickly walked out of the room, hating the sight of dead animals. He made his way to where Iskra was. When he was about to walk in a nurse walked out, a very unpleasant look on her face.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Aang asks instantly.

"She's okay, breathing and alive but something inside her that's been 'locked' for many years 'unlocked' recently and it affected her deeply," She sighed.

"How so?" Aang wonders.

"Her brain shut down a certain part of her body for many years and she used that part recently, her brain couldn't handle the sudden switch and so it shut down," She explains more deeply.

"Ok, thank you," Aang nods, walking into the room and sitting next to Iskra's unconscious body.

She looked peaceful lying there. The usual crease in between her brows wasn't there anymore. She was calm.

"Please be okay Iskra," Aang whispers. "I really like you, your really cool and you've saved us one too many times."

Iskra doesn't respond, like usual but this time it was different. This time a response was needed.

"I want to know about your past, I want you to open up to us because we won't judge you," Aang pleads.

As expected he received no response, Aang stood up, sighing as he walked out of the room with slumped shoulders.

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