.19 The Deserter

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After spending yet another day at sea, they finally made it to the earth village. Iskra was thrilled to be free of her cell and off the ship, she was eager to show her father that she was deserving of his love.

They marched in unison, dressed in fire nation armour and ready to take control of the village.
A horn sounded throughout the village and screams erupted as they hid in their homes.

Zhao lead them, heading towards a young man carrying a tall spear and wearing earthly attire. Iskra smiled, she hadn't seen anything related to the earth kingdom in years.

"What are you doing on our land," The leader asks as Zhao stood face to face with him.

"We've come to offer you a proposition, lay down your weapons, submit to the fire nation, and no one gets hurt," Zhao shrugs with a smirk.

"We don't fear the fire nation," He spits.

"You will soon, I suggest you prepare your men for battle, hmm?" Zhao chuckles.

"Taking advice from a fire nation man? That's the last thing I'll do," The leader shakes his head. "Tell me, why do you think I should prepare my men?"

He was stalling, clearly. Asking Zhao questions and extending his sentences. Iskra didn't know why he was stalling but Zhao did. His people were being rushed into a large hut, supposedly safe.

A man ran up to the leader, whispering in his head which caused a smirk to break out on his young face. The man ran back to a hut, hiding inside and leaving the leader alone.

"It seems your out of luck, crossing onto our land was a mistake you never should have made," He begins his bluff. "Our army of earthbenders decimates your firebenders."

"There may be some truth to your words," Zhao clicks his tongue, nodding softly. "But unfortunately for you we have something you never will."

"And what is that?" He asks.


Iskra jumps forward and claps her hands together, then divides them and lashes out fire at the leader from between her palms.

He falls back, covering his face in pain. She grabs his collar, punching him in the face with a fiery fist and he falls unconscious immediately.

"What would you like us to do??" A soldier asks Zhao.

"Burn every hut down but that main one," He points to the large hut everyone was in. "Iskra, come here."

She leaves the leader on the floor, coughing for air in pain as her steps quicken to reach her father.

"Excellent, it seems the cell taught you a lesson on showing mercy, now you must help burn down the empty huts," Zhao orders.

Iskra nods and bolts for the huts. There was only the largest hut remaining after all the soldiers set fire to the others so she ran to it. Zhao smirked as she stood before it, breathing deeply in preparation to release hell from the tips of her fingers.

"Wait!" He demands loudly and Iskra freezes.

As the leader groaned painfully, sitting up and coughing, he clawed at the ground to try and escape but Zhao grabbed his hair, pulling it back so he could watch his burning village.

"One hut left, the one containing all your people, bow down to the fire nation and I won't make her burn it down," Zhao gives him an ultimatum.

"We will never bow down to you, the earth kingdom is mighty and fierce, strong and capable, you flames won't hurt us," He coughed.

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