We are one week away from going to Hogwarts, and Draco and I will meet at Diagon Alley to go shopping

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We are one week away from going to Hogwarts, and Draco and I will meet at Diagon Alley to go shopping. Honestly, we are just going to get our wands and get some food. Our house elves will get our books and the rest of our things.

Father and I arrive at Diagon Alley and I spot Little Malfoy.

"I knew I smelt hair gel and green apples." I love messing with Draco.

"Delilah Leonor, be nice." Father said, looking at me with a frown, while Draco and Lucius walked towards us.

"Hello, I heard you. And I knew I smelt an excessive amount of flower perfume and stinky socks."

"Draco, be nice." His father said and lightly hit Draco with his cane.

I giggled at Draco.

"The day you two stop trash talking towards each other, it's the day we like Mudbloods." Our fathers laugh.

We just gave them disgusted looks.

"Draco, why don't you and Dali go to Ollivander's while Sirius and I go to the pub. And remember what I told you."

"Yes father." Draco extended his arm for me to take his hand.

We always walk holding hands in public places. Draco is such a gentleman and he always keeps me safe. With other girls, such as Pansy or Daphne, he offers them his arms, meaning that I am the only girl he allows and wants to hold hands with.

"How about, we get our wands and then go for an ice cream."

"Draco, you know I can't say no to that."

Once we arrived at Ollivanders, Draco was the first one to get his wand. His wand is 10" long, made of hawthorn wood, and has a core of unicorn hair. My wand is almost the same as Draco's except mine is Dragon heartstring.


"Now that we have our wands, we should get ice cream."

"Draco? Who is that huge oaf?"

"Hmm, I don't know. I have never seen him. He probably has never even showered in his life."

"I know right, just look at his hair, it looks so... disgusting. If my hair ever looks like that..., well I don't know,  it never will. My hair is too gorgeous to ever look like that."

"Yeah mine too."

"Yeah sure, with that amount of gel that you use, you will go bald and have no hair."


I gently push Draco by the shoulder and we both laugh. As we kept walking a red headed walked through us and hit Draco by the shoulder.

"Watch where you are going carrots!" Draco spat at him.

The red head looks back at us and stares. He made eye contact with Draco and slowly made eye contact with me. He is a ginger, with freckles. He kept eye contact with me and he looked embarrassed.

"S-S-sorry-" He said in a shaky voice.

"W-w-whatch- w-w-where- y-ou ar-e go-go-going!" Draco said, mocking his studderness.

I just laughed and Draco soon joined the laughter.

"Let's just go Draco, let's waste no time with him."

Draco and I left the redhead behind and talked towards the ice cream shop.

"Merlin, did you see what he was wearing?"

"Honestly darling, not even dead you would see me dressed like that."

"I know right, he is poor and he might as well just act like it. DId you see that he couldn't even talk?"

"His parents are probably that poor that they can't even afford talking to him."

I laughed at what Draco said.

"What flavor of ice cream would you like darling?"

"Draco, you know what my favorite flavor is. Or have you forgotten?"

"I know you love chocolate darling, but you always get that same one. Don't you want to try a new one?"

"Never in a million years will I cheat on my chocolate ice cream." I said looking at him with a serious face.

"You know, it's scary when you make that face. Your green eyes are too light that it makes it even scarier."

"Says the one who has silver eyes."

"Hey! My eyes are beautiful, you are just jealous."

"You are not wrong there."

"What do you mean?"

"I like your silver eyes, they are very unique."

"Thank you darling, I like your eyes too. They are a very unique type of green eyes, they are really really light."

"Tell me something I don't know." I chuckled.


Once we made it to the ice cream shop, Draco opened the door for me. Once inside, we spot our favorite person in the world. Our chocolate guy. None other than our best friend and brother, Blaise Zabini.

Of course Draco and I love to team up, and we love to scare people. Blaise is always the best target, he gets scared too easily and screams like a girl.

Draco and I walked slowly towards Blaise, he was reaching towards his ice cream and once he had it in his hands Draco and I scared him jumping in front of him.


"Hello to you too Zabini." Draco said with his signature smirk.

Blaise was not amused, he looked at us with sad eyes and looked back to the floor to see his ice cream on the floor.
"As much as I love you guys, I am upset that you dropped my ice cream."

"Come on Blaise, WE didn't drop it, YOU dropped it. It was in YOUR hands. We just came over to say hi. Oh and by the way, you scream like a girl." I said in a sarcastic manner with a devilish smile.

"You just insulted yourself Del. And I DO NOT scream like a girl.

"We are still waiting for our hug Zabini." Draco says as we both stretch our arms for a hug.

"Not until you apologize and get me another ice cream."

"You know we never apologize for anything." I said still with my arms open.

"Fine." Blaise says in an annoying manner as he opens his arms and hugs us.

"Come on, I will buy us some ice cream." Draco says.

"Wait, are you also inviting me?"

"Of course I am darling, you know I will never let you pay for anything."

"What about me Malfoy? Will you always pay for me?"

"No, just this one time Zabini. This is a one time thing." Draco says in an annoying manner.

Blaise and I just laugh.

A couple of minutes later, we decided to walk towards the pub to wait for our fathers, while eating our ice creams. Blaise came with us since he was waiting for his mother who was shopping for him so that he could look presentable for events.

"Hey Del, you look more beautiful. I would just get on one knee right now if I were any other boy. Since I am your brother, that would be weird."

Draco looked at him and elbowed him on the stomach, Blaise dramatically whines and I laughed.

"I hope it bruises Zabini."

The Serpents, Slytherin Force 🐍 DRACO MALFOY 18+Where stories live. Discover now