IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY! I ran to the Great Hall since none of my friends were in the common room. When I opened the doors of the Great Hall everyone surprised me.


Tears fell from excitement and I thanked everyone, Blaise and Theo picked me up and put me on their shoulders, as a queen.

"MAKE WAY YOU PEASANTS FOR OUR BIRTHDAY QUEEN!" Blaise yelled at the crowd, making me laugh. They put me down and Blaise embraced me with a big hug, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMIGA!"

Then Theo hugged me, "Happy birthday Dels!"

I didn't get a chance to respond since Daphne knocked me over, we both fell backwards "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE" I laughed through the pain as I was laying on the floor and Daphne was on top of me.

"Thanks Daphs but I can't breathe!" Daphne got off me and we laughed.

"Happy birthday Darling! I love you!" Draco hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you D! I love you too" I hugged him back and chuckled.

Crabbe and Goyle also hugged me and Mattheo was the last one. We stared at each other awkwardly and he scuffed.

"I am NOT hugging you, but Happy birthday." He said simply. I rolled my eyes and thanked him.

"DELIIIIII! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Hermione yelled from behind, I turned around and she tackled me to the floor with a hug the same way Daphne did.

"Thank you Mione! But I can't breathe!" I laughed.

I stood up and Harry approached me. "Happy birthday Deli!" He hugged me as well, and I heard Draco scuff from behind which I ignored.

"Thank you Harry!"


Minutes later, we all ate together, Harry and Mione sat with us, to Mattheo's and Draco's annoyance but they didn't say anything.

"Delilah, I have a gift for you." Mattheo spoke up, we all looked at him as if he grew another leg, he rolled his eyes and nodded to my gift.

I immediately stood up and noticed the woman I love most in the world run up to me.

"CISSY!!!!" I exclaimed excitedly as I wrapped myself into her embrace.

"My beautiful girl! Happy birthday my love!" She hugged me tightly. At his point I was crying, she pulled back and whipped my tears, "Hey! Don't cry! Unless they are happy tears!" She teased which I laughed at. I hugged her again tightly and she kissed my head.

"I missed you so much mummy!" I cried into her arms.

"I missed you more my love!"

"HEY! What about me?" We heard Draco protest. Way too ruin the moment. Cissy rolled her eyes.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy! You ruined the moment!" She scolded her son, Draco rolled his eyes and walked up to us, he hugged Cissy.

"Yeah Draco! You ruined our moment!" I teased him, making Narcissa laugh, "Mummy please sit with us!"

She nodded and sat down next to me.

"CISSYYYY!" The gang exclaimed with excitement, mostly being Blaise.

"Mummy, this is Hermione and Harry." I presented.

Cissy looked shocked at first to see Harry, but she shook hands with him.

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Malfoy." Harry said politely.

"Please call me Narcissa." Cissy said gracefully. She turned to Hermione and gasped.

The Serpents, Slytherin Force 🐍 DRACO MALFOY 18+Where stories live. Discover now