"Hello Mione!" I walked into the library on my search for a specific someone.

Hermione looked up confused, but relaxed and smiled as she noticed me sitting across from her. "Hello Deli, it's so good to see you."

"It's so good to see you too, love." I smiled and Hermione blushed. "Hey I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go dress shopping with Daphs and I, you know, for the Yule Ball."

"Oh," Hermione's smile faded, "I- I would love to but-" She paused for a moment and looked embarrassed.

"But what Mione?" I asked, "If it's because of Draco, don't worry about him, let's make it a girls day." I suggested, concerned.

"But-" She looked down avoiding my gaze, "But I haven't got any money." She confessed softly.

"Mione, what are best friends for?" I asked her cheerfully and leaned in and put my hand on top of hers.

"Oh no, no, no Deli!" Hermione protested hesitantly. "Deli, no I'll just wear one of my old dresses."

I gasped in horror and held my hands on my chest as if I couldn't breathe. Wear a dress TWICE? That is a crime! Luckily she said this in front of me and not Blaise or Daphne, if not they would've had a heart attack.

"Deli, are you okay?" Hermione asked concerned.

"Yeah, yeah." I breathed heavily and calmed down, "I just thought I heard you say you would use one of your old dresses."

"No, you heard me rig-" I cut her off before she could actually give me a heart attack.

"Shush!" I put my finger to my lips, shushing her. Hermione startled a little. "You are coming with us and that is final Hermione Granger!"

"Deli, you don't have to-" She was cut off again by a familiar fluffy brown hair boy standing next to us. Hermione turned to look at him and blushed.

"Ah Theo! Please help me convince Mione to come with us dress shopping!" I said enthusiastically. Theo didn't pay attention as he and Hermione stared at each other shyly.

I watched them and couldn't help but to smirk and cross my arms. I knew they fancied each other. But what about Daphne?

I cleared my throat and they both shook their heads snapping back into reality and faced me. I kept my smirk which grew bigger.

"So, dress shopping?" I asked flirty.

"Right yes, I love dresses. My dresses- I mean-" Theo stuttered, Hermione giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine Deli, I will go with you!" Hermione said in surrender. I clapped my hands cheerfully and stood up.

"Great! I will see you later!" I said to Hermione and looked at Theo, "And I will see you later too Theo."

Theo smiled and nodded shyly. I walked towards Theo and kissed the side of his cheek and then leaned down to Hermione and kissed her head.

"Oh right, Dels before you go," Theo stopped me from walking away, "Professor Snape wants us in the Great Hall later this afternoon." I nodded and walked away leaving Theo and Hermione.


I've always been a very confident person, and nervousness isn't one of my qualities. I've dated Daphne for years, and I love her and I loved being with her, but I never felt butterflies with her. Don't get me wrong, it's just that we started dating at such a young age and we weren't mature enough to know what a couple's love is.

Ever since I saw Granger with our friends by the lake, I couldn't help but to admire her beauty. I've been so focused on Daphne and blinded by my father's beliefs on 'Mudbloods' and 'Blood-traitors' that I haven't noticed Hermione.

The Serpents, Slytherin Force 🐍 DRACO MALFOY 18+Where stories live. Discover now