Dear Ced

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Dear Ced,

One of my bestest friends and one of my brothers. Words cannot express the unique love I have and will continue to have for you.

You were our first friend outside Slytherin. I remember when we first saw you. You introduced yourself to Draco. He was hesitant for a bit but managed to become friends. I remember Draco introducing you to us, which was a surprise for all of us. But that was the best surprise ever.

I never would have imagined that, that day I was meeting the person who saw us as who we actually are, and not how we seem to look like.

We never thought a Hufflepuff was determined to even speak to us, but you proved us wrong. You proved us wrong every single day. You were always there to confront us for our bad actions, you were always there for us in good and bad times. You were always there to make us smile, to see the good in life, to think positive all the time.

You were our first friend outside Slytherin. You were the first one to encourage Blaise to try out for quidditch, the first one to check up on Theo, the first one to make Draco laugh, the first one to cheer Daphne up in her bad days, the first one who notice when I made a mistake, the first one to buy chocolate frogs for Crabbe on the train, the first one to find Goyle a date, the first one to encourage the gang to become closer friends with Harry and Hermione and the first one to see the good in my brother Mattheo.

The first and only one to call me by my second name. Everytime I heard 'Leo' or 'Leonor' I instantly knew it was you. I always smiled when I heard you call because you were always the rainbow after a storm.

Cedric, you have impacted our lives in so many ways. So many ways in which I want to thank you. You gave us a little bit of you Hufflepuff Ness.

You were always there for us, cheering for us. Always coming up to our table every morning to say Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Night. You always checked up on us and made sure we were okay.

You made Draco happy. The happiest I have seen when he was with you. Always making jokes, studying together, playing quidditch, and Merlin, even trying to stop him from trying out new hexes.

You always made sure to compliment Daphne with her new fashion trends. You always noticed when she was trying out something new. You were so done with her everytime she asked you what color she should paint her nails next, yet you enjoyed it.

You helped Blaise for quidditch, giving him confidence and always training with him. It was mostly laughs and jokes but you encouraged him to become better and better. I remember going to the boys tryouts, and you were the first one to celebrate their accomplishment and you were so proud of Blaise mostly.

You knew Crabbe and Goyle would always miss the trolley, so you always took the time to buy them their favorite sweets and bring them.

And with Mattheo. Mattheo has always been a difficult person, but with your charms and amazing personality, he managed to open up to you and managed to see you as a friend. Seeing my brother with you made me realize there is another side of him that I didn't know about, and I will be forever thankful.

As for myself, I remember when I first met Hermione and Harry. I remember having my stupid blood prejudiced mindset so I went to you. I told you how I met this amazing smart muggle-born and the boy who lived. I told you how I liked having their company and how I loved being with them, but I was scared of what my friends would say, back in the day, and scared of my parents finding out.

You listened and understood me, and you gave me the best advice. And advice that changed my life forever.

"Don't care about what others think, care about what you think. It's good to be a little selfish at times, and if you want to be friends with them, do it. Real friends are the ones who accept your decisions."

I listened to your advice and now we are all friends, and you couldn't have been any prouder of me.

You helped me find my best friend, Mione, and my other best friend, Harry. You helped the gang to gain friends and become better people and put their beliefs aside.

Now, we will continue becoming better, for you Ced.

Lastly, Chang. I may not like you, but your pain right now is different from ours. And I am sorry. Ced always tried to see the good in you and would always talk good things about you, that hopefully I will get to see one day.

We will not see you graduate, have kids, get married, see you fail, see you succeed, but we will all do all of that, for you. I will, for you because that is what you would have wanted.

You may not be physically here, but you will always be here, watching over us. You will always see us and our accomplishments and failures.
We will miss you Ced, I will miss you. But we will move forward, for you.

I love you Ced. My best friend and brother. I will miss you. Your smile, jokes, laugh, charisma, patience, intelligence, sassiness, advice, everything.

Yours truly,

Leonor (Leo)


"In memory of Cedric Diggory, I will ask you all to raise your wands with me."

I conclude my speech and raised my wand, along with the rest of the hall.

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