After leaving Daphne and Theo at the Astronomy Tower I went to my room and read my letters, one being from my father and another from Cissy

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After leaving Daphne and Theo at the Astronomy Tower I went to my room and read my letters, one being from my father and another from Cissy. Fortunately, they weren't that bad. Of course father is bad but he's right. But I have so many questions. What is going on with my mother? What did Mattheo and father agree to? Why isn't Theo named on the Dark Lord's 'plans'?

I'm extremely anxious. I don't want this for me. I don't want the Dark Mark and I don't want to be involved in anything that has to do with the Dark side. But I have to. It's my fate. I have to be strong and I'm not weak, not as my brother makes me see. I have to protect my friends, my family, and Harry. It's not fair for him to be going through so much and I have the ability to help him, even if it's a risk.

Apart from Harry I must protect my friends. Speaking with Theo made me hurt a little. Seeing his pain, seeing how scared he is made me realize things are not going to be the same. We are just kids. We are supposed to be having fun, not to be worrying or covering for our parents past mistakes and their current ones.

"Amiga, this is so hot!" Blaise exclaimed, holding up my new dress collection my mother changed for me this summer.

Blaise and I are in my dorm right now and he is looking over at my closet. Blaise is extremely into fashion due to his mother. His mother is the most loving person ever as she adores fashion as much as my mother and Daphne's.

"Thanks love. Look at my bag collection." I pointed to my shelf where I can put my purses and heels. They are organized by color and they match which each pair of heels.

Blaise turned from my closet and switched to the shelf where my heels and purses were.

"Amiga! Are these new collections? They are so fine and expensive!" Blaise analyzed each purse with their heels to match.

"You know me love, I always own the best." I winked at Blaise as he turned around and sat at the edge of my bed in front of me.

"So, I wanted to ask you." Blaise paused for a moment, "How are you?" I took a deep breath and thought for a moment. How am I? Today has been a hell of a day. Starting with the Daily Prophet, Draco yelling at me, the letters and my brother's return.

"Honestly Blaise, I don't even know. It started off good, Draco spent the night here and we had relived the time where we used to have sleepovers as kids, he asked if there was a possibility for us to date again and that he was sorry, and in just a 30 minutes he yelled and insulted me in front of the whole school. After that Snape noticed me and Theo smoked weed and gave us detention, then I got into a fight with Mattheo and now I read Cissy's and fathers letter." I hardly breathed as I told Blaise a resume of my day. If there is anyone in this world that would make you feel better, it's Blaise.

Blaise looked at me with a sympathetic smile. "Now tell me all the good things that happened today, and forget about the bad ones."

I tilted and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and thought for a moment. "The good things?" I asked, Blaise nodded.

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