A month has passed and things have been, well, a rollercoaster. Let me give you a resume. Draco and I have spent most of our time together catching up. We would have constant sleepovers and I've managed to convince him to take pictures together with the phone Mione gave me. He won't admit it, but he likes it. We would constantly play with my phone with its features. Fascinating these Muggles.

Blaise forgave Draco, but it was not easy. Blaise made Draco beg on his knees in front of me, which was hilarious.

Speaking of Blaise, he has a crush on Ginny Weasley, although he went to the ball with Luna Lovegood.

The Serpents have managed to have peace with Harry Potter, and they wouldn't tease him. Him, Draco and Mattheo don't like each other, but they don't make nasty comments towards each other.

Draco started to accept Hermione. After hexing Ron, and her spending time with us, he noticed she was a good person, but he kept his distance.

Harry and I have become good friends. We don't have feelings for each other and haven't kissed. He actually confessed he has a crush, but wouldn't tell me who it is.

Hermione, Daphne and I have gotten even closer, if that even is possible. Hermione and Theo talked and decided to take things slow.

Blaise has also gotten closer with Hermione, and claims she is his bestest friend, constantly teasing us about it. Daphne and I, of course, act jealous.

Mattheo has dumped Astoria, which lets us have a fight because of it. As much as I don't like Astoria, he shouldn't do that to any girl. I once saw Astoria crying because of it, and I managed to console her.

Crabbe started dating the Ravenclaw girl. And Goyle lost his virginity, apparently.

Cedric and Cho started dating, which Daphne didn't care about anymore. Cedric apologized to her and they became friends again. Cedric would spend time with Draco, since they are really good friends.

So, that is the peaceful side of what has been going on.

Mattheo has been his usual self. He hates having Hermione around, but neither of us care. I have tried to talk to him about the upcoming Dark Lords arrival, but that leads us to constantly fight. This kid has serious mood swings.

Our mother came to Hogwarts once and apologized to us in tears, saying she regretted the way she has treated me. Apparently she has been treating Mattheo worse. I forgave her, but not fully. Mattheo didn't care about her apology.

She is in fact pregnant, though she wasn't too happy about it. She was happy to have another baby, but not because of the circumstances. She asked me if I would be the Godmother, which of course I accepted, this is my sibling after all.

Mattheo and I haven't told anyone about the Dark Lord's return, nor when we would get the Dark Mark. We were terrified but we couldn't show it. Mattheo and I have practiced our powers with Snape. Although, Mattheo would constantly tease Snape jokingly, which causes Snape to want to kill himself.

Theo's visions have been on our minds. Lucius and our father told us that we needed to get rid of them, which I had an idea for. Mattheo agreed with my idea, to my surprise.



"Come on Dray!"

"No Daphs!"

"Seriously you two, are you sure you are not really siblings?" I joked. Daphne has been trying to convince Draco to braid his hair, but of course Draco doesn't want to.

"If we WERE, Dray would allow me to braid his hair!" Daphne complained.

"Well, not all siblings would. Mattheo would kick me in the face if I got 4 feet near him." I chuckled.

The Serpents, Slytherin Force 🐍 DRACO MALFOY 18+Where stories live. Discover now