My dearest sweet girl,

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My dearest sweet girl,

I can't imagine what you must be going through right now. My only wish is for you to feel nothing but happiness, because you deserve it my love. You and Draco are my biggest pride and joy and I couldn't be any happier and proud with your triumph with your first task in the tournament.

If you have read this after your brother's arrival, I must apologize my love. I know your brother is not the best person in the world and I know the pain and suffering he has caused you throughout your life. I'm so sorry my love, but Lucius and your father had the order to send him back to Hogwarts. Please don't let your brother get in the way of your happiness. I know we have taught you all that family comes first, but in this case, put yourself first when it comes to Mattheo.

Defend yourself my love, don't let him manipulate you, hurt you, cause you pain and definitely don't let him get to you. I know his words hurt Deli and I know he means most of them, but deep down he loves you Deli and I know you do too.

I read the Daily Prophet and I know your situation with my boy. I want to apologize for his actions my love. I thought I have taught him better and I will never forgive myself for letting him hurt you, because I know he did. I'm so sorry. Nothing justifies Draco's actions and how he cheated on you. I never knew you were a couple and my wish, along with you mother, has always been for you two to be able to grow together side by side.

I know it's all rumors of what the Prophet says except for what happened with Draco. I know for a fact you have nothing to do with the Potter boy, or with Diggory and of course not with Theo. I've seen you grow Deli and I've seen the way you and your friends treat each other with pure sibling-hood love.

As for your mother, I'm sorry for the Howler she sent days ago. I know she hurt you Deli but there are things going on with her. Things that I wish I could tell you, but I don't know myself. She has never been like this, not even when her favorite handbag was ruined. I know deep down she doesn't mean all the things she says to you Deli, but she says them for some reason. Please don't let her hurt you Deli, she is your mother I know that, but she's not really your mother. She is hurting right now, and she's not herself my love.

As I said, I'm extremely proud of you Deli. It's emotional for me (in a good way) to see how far you've come. It seems like yesterday you and Draco were running around your manor in your diapers and Draco took his off and threw it in your face.

Remember when you and Draco used to pull pranks on each other? I still remember when Draco hid your favorite plushie, Mr. Bunny, and you decapitated his Mr. Teddy and placed his head on his pillow and he cried until he was fully fixed. To this day, Mr. Bunny has never been found and Draco still holds a grudge for what happened with Mr. Teddy.

I hope I've cheered you up, my lovely girl. Please remember that I love you with my whole heart. You are the daughter I've always wished to have and I will always see you as my beautiful daughter. I hope for things to work out between you and Draco. The love you two have for each other is extremely strong and I hope that love you two hold for each other never dies and I know it never will.

Once again my love, I love you. Please don't hesitate to owl me whenever you want and please update me, love.

Yours truly,
        Mummy Cissy (Narcissa Malfoy)

Yours truly,        Mummy Cissy (Narcissa Malfoy)

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Dear Delilah,

I'm proud of you Delilah for completing your first task, but I'm disappointed in what is being said because of the Daily Prophet. I know it's all silly rumors, but it's affecting the Monroe family name. Please Deliah, compose yourself and don't let your silly teenage drama affect our name.

I know you have the pressure of the tournament, but you need to focus on what is important Delilah. The Dark Lord's return.

The Dark Lord has plans Delilah, with the Nott's, Crabbe's, Goyle's, Greengrass', Parkinson's, Malfoy's, myself and you.

I'm sorry I was not able to tell you sooner about your brother's return. I hope things change between you two Delilah, please make me proud. Don't let the Monroe name down.

I spoke to Mattheo before he left and we came to the agreement on him changing, and I take his word for it.

I need to speak to you face to face, and I will let you know when.

P.S next time don't punch someone, there is a reason you have powers and a wand. I'm proud of you for sending that Parkinson's girl to the hospital. I despise her family, you did me a favor.

I love you Delilah.

    Your father (Sirius Monroe)

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