"You are lucky we care about you both."

"I hope you two have made up by now."

We were now in the common room with our gang. Thankfully they brought us food since we haven't eaten all day. Draco and I ate quickly since we were very hungry, we sat on the floor next to each other as we ate. Blaise and Pansy sat together and Daphne sat next to Theo. Crabbe and Goyle were in detention for shoving  first years head on the toilet.

"What have you been up to anyway?" Asked Theo.

"Well, if you must know. D and I talked and we are now good. I also taught him some spells, the ones I've been practicing with my training." I said as I kept eating.

"Yeah, we noticed you have made out." Joked Daphne.

Draco and I looked up at them in confused,

"What do you mean Greengrass?" Asked Draco as he frowned his face.

The whole gang laughed, Draco and I looked at them even more confused.

"Come on guys, you didn't even try to hide it." Joked Blaise.

"Hide what?" I asked.

"Have you seen yourselves in the mirror?" Asked Pansy.

Draco and I frowned our faces, too much mystery.

"Would you just tell us what the fuck you are talking about?" Said Draco now getting frustrated.

"First of all, Deli would NEVER wear a hoodie with a skirt." Said Daphne.

"Secondly, that is Draco's hoodie." Continued Blaise.

"GUYS JUST TELL US WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!" I yelled now, getting impatient.

The gang laughed even harder, Draco and I got even more frustrated,

"Guys, let's just tell them. They have no clue what we are talking about." Said Pansy.

"Deli, stand up and balance yourself with one leg." Said Theo.

Draco looked at him even more frustrated but I just did as I was told. I stood up and tried to balance myself on one leg. I quickly fell over and Draco was fast enough to catch me. The gang laughed at me which made us both extremely confused.

"What the fuck Nott?" Draco yelled.

"It seems you two had a very busy day." Daphne chuckled.

"At this point I will use Legilimency on all of you!" I said annoyingly.

"Don't get mad amigos, all we have to say is that we know you had sex, that's all."

Draco and I widened our eyes and looked at them embarrassed. Our faces turned red and we looked at each other. The gang laughed once more. I then noticed the hickey on Draco's neck. My mouth opened, that is what they were talking about. Of course my balance was weak, since my legs were weak. It all made sense now.

Draco coughed and then looked back at them. We acted as if we didn't care and ignored them.

Daphne gave me a look, and I looked back at her with a stare saying 'i'll tell you later'.

After a while we talked normally, about classes and the new gossip regarding Sirius Black and the golden trio.

"Did you guys notice Potter had a hickey?" Said Pansy.

Blaise and Daphne looked at me with widened eyes as I choked on my food. Draco looked at me instantly confused but worried at the same time.

"You good Dels?" Asked Theo.

The Serpents, Slytherin Force 🐍 DRACO MALFOY 18+Where stories live. Discover now