10 - Good luck kiss

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*Sofia pov*

It's Saturday, Chris left yesterday to finish filming his scenes and I stayed home of course.
I'm in the bookstore right now, on Saturdays we're open only till 12 pm, so I have the afternoon free to do what I need to do.
"Thank you Sofia, till next time!"
"Bye Julie!" I say waving to her
As there's no one right now I take this time to put some book in their places and add the new ones. Oh and also print and put on the door a paper that says that I'll be closed from the 30th of August to the 4th of September.


It's right after midday when I hear a knock on the door and as I turn I see Sebastian with a smile on his face

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It's right after midday when I hear a knock on the door and as I turn I see Sebastian with a smile on his face.
I walk to the door and open it for him since I locked I already.
"Hi, what are you doing here?" I ask as I give him a hug
"I was free and I thought to surprise you and if you don't have any in particular to do I'd like to spend the day with you"
"Absolutely, let me just close the laptop and we can go"
"No worries, start thinking where you wanna go for lunch"
I hurry putting everything where it belongs cause I'm pretty hungry and I'm already savoring some KFC.

Since Deb came on foot we're going with my car and make small conversation as I drive.
"I've got this" he says when it's time to pay
"Thank you Sebby!" I say kissing his cheek
We sit down at a table and he asks me if I had to do anything in particular this afternoon. I really don't have anything to do but since the wedding is pretty close I asked him if he wanted to see a few dresses I've seen in a magazine and give me his thoughts on them.
Sebastian and Scott are gonna be Chris best men, and yes even tho Scott is my best friend, I do have girls besties too, so they are going to be my bridesmaids and you still don't know but Scarlett, yes Chris's costar, is one of my besties. We've met when Chris filmed the perfect score movie and we've been really close ever since.


After lunch's we walked a little in the park before driving back home

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After lunch's we walked a little in the park before driving back home. Once there we settled down outside and Sebastian went through a few magazines with wedding dresses on it while I wrote down a few things in my diary.
"I love this one" he says turning the magazine towards me
"Me too"
"Have you already find a shop?"
"I did and called them, I have an appointment next week"
"Oh! Can I see what dress you choose?"
"Why not?"
"Cause I want to surprise you"
"You wanna make me cry as hard as Chris while I stand beside him?"
"No. I want you to walk me down the aisle so you'll cry before then that..."
"You want me to walk you to Chris?"
"Of course! You're my big brother, you e thought me so much of life, you always protected me and I know you always will so yeah"
"I'd be honored to" he says bringing me in a sweet hug
"So no, you can't know what dress I pick! Mom is gonna come and Elise too while hopefully I can manage to FaceTime Scarlett"
"I can't wait to see you in that dress" he says
"Can't wait too"

After he was all done we just fooled around for the rest of the afternoon, we even swam a little and sunbathed.
"Why don't you stay for dinner? I'll make some pasta"
He started to set the table as I cooked some pasta and added fresh tomatoes to it.
"Have you guys decided where you want to go on your honeymoon?" He asks as we eat
"We've never been there so we figured we could go"
"It's a good choice"

Once we were done and he helped cleaning up we decided to watch e few episodes of grey's anatomy old seasons, but we mostly talked through it.
"You're phone's ringing" he says as I was in the kitchen to grab myself some water
"Oh yeah...injection time"
"Can I do it?"
I tell him blow he has to do it and then I raise my tshirt a bit.
He does it and I felt a little sting as usual and then he kissed my belly and I looked down at him
"It's a good luck kiss" he says smiling
"You're gonna be a good uncle Seb"
"And you're gonna be a very good momma"
"I hope so"
"You will"

After about an hour or so he left and I started to get ready for bed and once I laid down Chris texted me.

Hi baby
How was your day?

Love of my life💙💍
Good, Seb came over!

I saw it
Hope you had fun!
My day was good,
I'm pretty tired tho

Love of my life💙💍
We did!!!
He also did my injection
for me and kissed
the belly good luck!
I bet you are baby...
long day tomorrow too?

That was sweet of him
I'm glad he took my place💙
I'll thank him for that
Pretty long tomorrow as well yeah...
The cast says hi btw
and Scarlett told me
she'll call you tomorrow

Love of my life💙💍
Thank them for me
and say hi to them too!
I'll let you go baby,
you need your beauty rest💙

You too sweetheart
I miss you already
and I can't wait to
be back in your arms💙

Love of my life💙💍
Can't wait too
I love you so much Chris💙

Love you too baby
Good night 💙💙💙

I didn't bother to put an alarm cause tomorrow is Sunday and I want to rest a bit more, I read a little bit and then fall asleep.

Hope you liked this chapter, give me your opinion, it's really important to me🤍

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