26 - Now everyone knows

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*Sofia pov*

We're back in Boston and in a few minutes we have the 20th week scan and hopefully our baby will cooperate so we can also find out the gender and announce it today to our family and friends.

The press started to promote THE AVENGERS and all the fans are wondering why this isn't there so after he talked with his publicist we decided that it's time to come out with everything but only after we had our appointment otherwise paparazzi's are gonna follow us around here too...

"Mrs. Evans...doc is waiting for you" Camille says walking us to his office
"Good morning" we both say waking in
"Morning, how are you doing?"
"Great thanks!"
"Are we ready to see baby?"
"We are" I say sitting on the bed and pulling my t-shirt up.
"Ok, let's see if your baby is cooperative" he says putting gel on my stomach
"We hope so..." Chris says
The first things that the doctor does are taking the measurements and doing alle the 20 weeks exams, making sure everything is ok before proceeding to check if it's a boy or a girl.
"Have you thought of names yet?"
"We wanted to know the gender first..." I tell him
"It looks like you should be looking for a girl name!" He says
"Oh my god" I hear Chris whisper as he looks at me
"Baby girl"
"A girl" he says leaning in to kiss me gently in the lips "are you happy baby?"
"Yeah, the most important thing is that she is ok"
"Right" he says kissing me again,his tears mixing with mine
"Congratulations! I'll print this up for you and wait to take our next appointment, take your time"
"Thanks doc"
Chris helps me get the gel off my belly and to stand up.
He hugs me as close to him as he can and kisses my head a few times before we head out.
We collect the photos and get our next appointment that is just in a few weeks.

For the reveal to family and friends last month I bought  blue dress and a pink one and till wear the pink one and everyone will see it as I come down the stairs.
"So I told the cast that we will be ready at 4pm and they all said it's good"
We reach our house and we have about an hour to get a few things together, we have to take out some drinks and snacks.
Even tho Chris and Sam told me I can go sit down or nap I really want to help cause being so excited prevents me to actually stay put in one place.
Sam is doing better with her para yes lately, they've been talking, mostly in the phone but she went to see them a few times. She's still with us and sometimes she stays with Seb to leaves us alone.

When it was five minutes before everyone would arrive I went to our bedroom to change into the pink dress to surprise everyone.
From upstairs I heard the bell going off and Chris welcoming our mothers, after them in the span of 10 minutes the rest of our families arrived.
"Sof..." I hear Sam saying from behind the door "everyone is here, you can come down"
"The cast is connected?"
"Yeah, Seb has the phone"
"Alright, I'll come down in a minute"
I check myself one last time in the mirror before putting my shoes on and then leave the room.
"I'm coming down!" I announce as I reach the top of the stairs.
As I go down I see Chris waiting for me in the last step and once parti of my dress is visible everyone cheers.
"I'm getting a niece!" My brother says excitedly but still making sure he doesn't drop the phone
"Congrats girlie" I hear Scarlett say and I thank her and the rest of the cast before they tune the call off, they only had a few minutes.
Soon enough both Chris and I are engulfed in a gigantic family hug.
"Congrats, I'm so happy" Carly says to the both of us.

We start the party and we all mingle around as soft music is playing in the background. The snacks we bought at a local bakery are super good and thankfully the weather today is a little bit hotter so we can also spend some time in the backyard.
"So my bestie and my brother are having a baby girl" Scott tells me circling an arm around my waist
"Yup, we're both very happy"
"Doc said everything was good?"
"Everything perfect, he thinks I won't have any problems but he's still cautious and I still have to be"
"Of course, I'll let you go now, I think your brother wants some time with his little sister"
"Love you Scotty"
"Love you too"
I meet Seb and we sit on the porch, we talk mostly about the baby and then I ask him about Sam. He tells me he has a crush on her but he's not acting on it cause of the 10 year age gap. I say I understand but I tell him I think he should go for it.

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