It's 2011 when Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan find themselves into the end of an interview to promote Captain America The First Avenger and the interviewer asks them how come their are so close and shows a photo of them hanging out before filming st...
I got back home yesterday with my mom and Lisa, yes Chris and Sebastian stayed in Los Angeles cause they still have press to do for the movie. God knows how much we already miss each other, but it's ok, it's his job and I'm so proud him and my brother. Before leaving both mom, Lisa and Sebastian stayed like half an hour staring at my ring.
Being back at home means I have to go to work, I LOVE my job! Three years ago I opened my own little bookstore in Sudbury and it's even pretty close to our house. I always loved reading and once I was out of college I started working at the local library and then I realized I wanted to open my own little bookstore. I did it all on my own, working my butt off not wanting help from my parents nor Chris, I only asked for help once it was time to bring in the furniture and paint the walls. I'm proud of my little shop and all the young boys and girls, the kids, the adults and even the older generation love coming in here, relax and read a good book.
I woke up not too long ago, showered and had breakfast already and now I'll just put on some light make up and get dressed. I truly just put on some mascara cause I don't want anything else on my face and then get dressed in a light pair of pants and a white t-shirt, I add some jewelry and I'm ready to go.
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While I drive there Lisa calls me and invites me to lunch, she says my mom is gonna be there too and all the other Evans siblings and the newest addition to the family, Carly's first born Ethan, he's just a few months old and he's the cutest little guy!
When I arrive I open the door and switch the tiny vintage sign from closed to open. I turn on the register and set down my laptop and all the other things I might need and wait for the first customers of the day.
Fiancée💙 Morning baby! Hope you have a good day today! You look so beautiful! You always do I love you💙💙💙
Love of my life💙💍 Hi baby! Awww thank u🥺🥺🥺 I love you too💙💙💙 Your mom invited me over for lunch everyone is gonna be there
Fiancée💙 That's good! At least you won't spend it all alone in the shop and I bet they all want to see how gorgeous that ring looks on your finger! I wish I could be with you right now!
Love of my life💙💍 They will!😅 I know baby, me too Ten more days and then we're back in each other's arms and we can start planning our wedding... how's that?
Fiancée💙 I love that I can't wait to plan it all with you I love you (almost) Mrs Evans💙
Love of my life💙💍 Love you too Mr Evans Gotta go, first clients are in 💙💙💙
Fiancée💙 Bye💙💙💙
I set my phone down and look and my first three clients of the day. "Good morning, I'm Sofia, can I help you?" I ask coming out from my desk "I was looking for a few books for my sons, at least two each so they can read them before school starts, they finished the ones their teachers asked them to read" "Of course! How old are you boys?" "I'm ten, and my brother is six" "That's a cool age uh...what's your names?" I ask as I walk with them and their mom to the kids section "John" the older says "Rickie" "I love your the most important question...what do you boy like to read? Or just like in he real and we see if I have books with subjects you like" "I love dinosaurs, mama can I read about dinosaurs?" Rickie says and turns to his mom "Of course honey, if Sofia has one we'll get it" "Ok Dino's and?" "Cars" "Dino's and cars for Rickie, what about you John?" "Uhm...sports..." "Any sport?" "I love soccer but I would like to have a science book too" "Ok science and soccer, let's me see if I have something you boys might like"
Most people come here and go straight to the books and look for themselves, I always ask if I can help them and I really love to do this with kids and their parents. As they look around a little I browse the shelves and look for the perfect books for them.
It takes me about five minutes and I hand the four books to them, their mom also looking at them. "We're getting these" the mom says "Perfect, you can follow me if you're done looking around, if not there's no rush!" The three of them follow me, I put in my computer which books their borrowing, their mom name and todays date, same thing on the books, using and piece of paper. The mom pays me and I explain some rules to the kids. "I'll see you next month when your bringing these back, have a good day!" "Bye Sofia!" They boys say "Bye!"
By 12.30 I close the shop and drive to Lisa's. It's a short drive and there little to no traffic, so I get there pretty fast. "Hi gorgeous!" Scott greets me opening the door "Hi!" I hug all of them and my mom also and then as Lisa serves lunch my hand is swooned by my family members. "It was perfect" "I bet, he's been planning this for so long and he was so nervous" Shanna says "Yeah he was a little weird all night but I thought it was for the premiere" We dig in and then I spend most of the time remaining of my lunch break, that ends at 3.30, cuddling with Ethan on the couch, heat five months old, he giggled at me and made cute sounds and I made silly faces at him.
At the end of the day, I'm back home and in comfy clothes in the bed with a movie going while I text Chris.
Love of my life💙💍 I cuddled for an hour straight with Ethan today😍
Fiancée💙 Ughhhh Lucky you!!!
Love of my life💙💍 It's gonna be the first thing you'll do once you're back right?
Fiancée💙 Yeah... After giving you a big fat kiss... Oh Seb took this today
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Love of my life💙💍 Awwww you look soooo handsome!!!
Fiancee💙 Thanks baby I'll let you enjoy your movie 💙