59 - Pup love

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*Sofia pov*

It's a nice warm September Sunday and since we've got nothing to do Chris and I thought we could go on a hike, there's lots of places just behind our house and we love going, Dodger loves it too!
While Chris got himself and Jade ready I packed our water bottles and snacks as well as something for Jade and dodgers water and a little treat.

"Mommy we're ready!" Chris says coming down from the stairs with Jade on his shoulders
I close the backpack and put my shoes on.
Chris puts the leash on Dodger while I secure Jade on his back. Whenever we go hiking Chris has Jade on the way up while I have Dodger and we Jen it's time to get back down we switch.
"Let's go"
We decided to stay on our favorite path, stopping frequently to take pictures or let Dodger drink some water.
"She's sleeping..." I say while checking on baby girl
"Well the two of us played quite a lot in the morning..." Chris says
"You guys did"
"I was about to call you upstairs cause she was standing without gripping on anything and I thought she was gonna walk but she just turned her head around and sat back down"
"One of these days she will"


We were now walking back home and I was in front of Chris when I heard something moving between the trees"What was that?" I ask stopping"Don't know, stay here Dodger and I are gonna look"I watch as he takes a few steps forward and kneels down"Hi b...

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We were now walking back home and I was in front of Chris when I heard something moving between the trees
"What was that?" I ask stopping
"Don't know, stay here Dodger and I are gonna look"
I watch as he takes a few steps forward and kneels down
"Hi buddy. What you doing there? Come out here...not gonna hurt you..." he said sweetly
"What is it?" I ask stepping towards him
"A lab pup..." he whispers trying not to scare him away
I see Dodger walking to the pup and sniffing him, he lets the pup sniff him too and he finally comes out
"Good job Dodge" Chris says petting him
"Oh hi...you're so cute..." I say leaning down to pet the puppy
At his sight Jade squeals from her spot on my back and kicks her legs in excitement, she's a dog lover for sure!
"Should we bring him to the vet?" I ask

Once we got home we grabbed the car and drove to our Vet.
When we arrived we had to wait a little bit before he was able to visit the little chocolate Labrador.
"He's healthy, you said you found him in the woods?"
"Hiking trail"
"He has no chip or anything, I think he was abandoned not a long time ago cause he's not malnourished"
"So we could bring him with us?" I ask
"He's not registered, you could bring him home or leave him to the shelter"
"If we bring him home and post online about finding him and put some fliers around it's ok?" Chris asks
"It is, I'll call the shelter and tell them then send them and email with his picture that you found him and see if someone comes up"
"Perfect, thank you"
"We'll keep in touch" he says

We go back home and Chris gets to work on his computer and prints several flutes to put around in the morning.
I give both Dodger and the Lab some water and something to eat.
They seem to really like each other and Jade does too.


Tomorrow it's a big day cause we'll also have our second talk with the organizations we chose to adopt through

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Tomorrow it's a big day cause we'll also have our second talk with the organizations we chose to adopt through. As we'll see how things go with the pup!

Finally on vacation!!!
I know this is still a short chapter but I'm not home today so this is what I could do, hope you like it, keep voting and commenting❤️

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