*Chris pov*
After about ten minutes of our pep talk she fell asleep so since for now she was peaceful I decided to call Sam and tell her Sofia was feeling sick so she could go back to work. She said it was totally fine and not to worry.
She's been asleep for two hours and as she woke up and realized she was late for work she panicked.
"Baby I told Sam you were sick and you wouldn't go back today"
"Oh...thank you"
I nodded at her and hugged her asking if she needed something, she told me she was ok and wanted to go downstairs.
She grabbed her coat and went outside, Dodger sensing something was wrong filled her in the backyard.
I wish I could cancel my meeting but unfortunately I can't. Seb and I have to meet with Joe Russo while he's here in Boston, for now I'm not gonna say anything cause we don't know what this is still but once we know and it's not good news I think I'm gonna try and push filming back...I showered and asked Sofia if she wanted to be just the two of us tonight or if she wanted to stick with our original plan of me going to pick up Jade from Georgeta later, the answer to that was that she wanted her baby girl home tonight. I kissed her goodbye and left.
The meeting was fast and everything was good. Seb did ask me if I was ok but I politely dismissed him...
After that he came with me to Georgeta saying he wanted to spend some time with his mother before going to pick up Sam from work later, although I told him that Sofia was sick otherwise if he found out from Sam he would have run to our house later.
"There's my baby" I say picking Jade up from her playpen "so cute! Thank you Georgeta for watching her today"
"No problem, you know I love too"
"Thanks. Say bye to grandma and uncle Seb" I say I'm a sweet voice to Jade and make her wave to them.
I also say bye and drive back home.Sofia smiles brightly as soon as she sees Jade and brings her close to her chest cuddling up with her until dinner is ready. We decided we would have it a bit earlier so we can rest from the bad day we had.
~ Saturday ~
We've been anxiously waiting for today to come and it's here...
I just picked up Sofia from work and we grabbed that KFC we wanted the other day and went home.
After lunch and putting Jade to bed we received the dreaded call from Dr. Morgan.Dr. Morgan
Sofia"You have us on speaker doc"
"Hello you two...want me to get straight to it?"
"Unfortunately the blood tests confirmed its cancer...it's stage 1b ovarian cancer, so the good news here is that we caught it on time"
"What...what do we do?""Sofia you'll have to have surgery. They need to remove your tubes and ovaries, I'm so sorry Sofia..."
"Oh ok..."
"Will she have to undergo treatments too?""Usually for type 1 cancer no, I already talked with the best surgeon here in Boston and he gave me a few free dates for your surgery. Of course you'll have to have a meeting with him first and talk about it and I'd all the exams you need to do. He's one of my best friends and I trust him with my life"
"Thanks doc"
"I'm really sorry, I'll text you his number so you can call eager and make an appointment, if you want I can also come with the two of you"
"That would be nice, thanks"
"No problem"
"Bye doc"
Once the call was done we took a few minutes to take this all in and then called the surgeon Dr. Morgan suggested and made an appointment for next week...now we're gonna have to tell our families and I'll have to push back filming cause there's no way I'm gonna go away in two weeks and leave her here.
"I love you baby"
"I love you too"
"We're gonna do this"
"Yes" she says smiling a tiny smile at me and I do it back
We spent the rest of the day walking in the park with Jade and Dodger and coming back home for a long cuddling session.A/n
So here you have the results...sorry guys, let me know what you think!

Highschool Sweethearts - A Chris Evans Story
FanfictionIt's 2011 when Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan find themselves into the end of an interview to promote Captain America The First Avenger and the interviewer asks them how come their are so close and shows a photo of them hanging out before filming st...