39 - Bliss

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Sorry guys for not posting on Tuesday but I had family things to do and yesterday I wanted but I woke up sick...Hope you enjoy this!

*Sofia pov*

It's been two weeks since Jade was born. Scarlett stayed with us for four days and the four of us bonded so much. It gave us time to catch up with her and she loved helping us with Jade, she left our house with baby fever...
Our moms always brought us a ready meal for us and our si kings one at a time came to visit and stay a couple of hours so that we could relax a little bit or get some shut eye. We're truly blessed to have them!
I also reached out to Elise, told her our baby was born but she left me on read. I cried a bit and then decided I'm not gonna contact her again until she shows she can behave like an adult and not a child, she reminds me of her when she was younger, something she didn't like? She'd act like a child...

Today Chris has an interview, he was asked to do some sort of emerging Hollywood actors talking about bits of his life and acting career and he took it, so he got the living room set up for it, it's an online interview.
I brought him a glass of water in case he gets thirsty and he asked me to stay close by cause they might want me on it for a few minutes.
It's the early afternoon so Jade is down for her nap, I mean she naps most of the day but...
"Ready?" I ask him as I sit on the end of the couch
"Yeah" he says blowing me a kiss and I blow him one too, just then the screen on his computer comes alive and the interview starts.

He answers some basic questions about the start of his career and the first movies he did, and how was doing them, meeting Scarlett and becoming really close friends...
"Scarlett is also my wife best friend, they met when we were filming The Perfect Score in 2002 and became besties too"
"That's fantastic! And your best friend Chris is Sebastian Stan who is your wife older brother..."
"Exactly! We're joined to the hip!"
"Moving in to something more recent, you became a dad...congratulations!"
"Thank you so much!"
"How's dad life treating you?"
"I'm loving it, every second is pure bliss with her. We're just soaking in every moment with her"
"Awww! And how is she as a baby?"
"She's very quiet during the day, cries only when she needs something from us, she's not a fussy baby during the day, that all changes at night...she starts crying at about 9pm fussing, yo mange to calm her down and ten minutes later she goes again. It's like she transforms at night, completely another baby, but we love her. We're not getting much sleep but our family is truly amazing and our moms have been cooking us meals for the past two weeks, our siblings take turns in coming for a couple of hours every day to help us with her so we can take like an hour nap or shower or like relax for a bit and be just us. You know some people would think we're bad parents to let family watch over a two week old baby and take some time for yourself but I feel like it's very important for new parents to have great support from family and friends cause it's fundamental you take care of yourself too, woman don't have it easy recovering from birth and I try my everything to keep Sofia as comfortable as she can be and help her as much as I can and our family does the same for the both of us..."
"And he's doing a really good job!" Sofia says from out of camera
"And we're glad to hear that! Hi Sofia!"
"Hi" she says popping her head in
"So first two weeks as new parents, you're loving it all..."
"Yup, even the sleepless nights!" Sofia says giggling
"I'm really happy for the both of you and from photos I've seen she's super cute baby, wouldn't have doubt it with such good looking parents!" He says making us both blush
"It's been an honor to talk with the both of you today, wish you the best!"
"Awesome talking to you man, thanks!"

Chris closes his laptop and drinks a big gulp of water before pulling me in for a hug
"Love you"
"Love you too handsome"
After feeding Jade I do some quick work of ordering new books for the library, Sam is doing so good on her own and I didn't have a doubt, I told her I would do the ordering so she could have some time for herself. I'm gonna go back to work in December cause even for us holiday season is crazy...
While I did that Chris started to get Jade and her things ready for her first official outing, except for doctor's visits...



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Once I was done and everything was ready we head out of the house for a small walk around the neighborhood, enjoying the start of the crispier September air

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Once I was done and everything was ready we head out of the house for a small walk around the neighborhood, enjoying the start of the crispier September air...



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