It's 2011 when Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan find themselves into the end of an interview to promote Captain America The First Avenger and the interviewer asks them how come their are so close and shows a photo of them hanging out before filming st...
It's finally moving day! It's the beginning of November and for the past months us and our family have been doing little works here and there in the house to get it all ready for today so that Sofia and I only have to unpack our things and enjoy our time here waiting for our wedding day that is in 20 days.
"Come on boys on with the boxes!" Sofia shouts making most of us laugh and start grabbing boxes and bring them inside. All of our boxes are labeled so everyone knows where they have to go without the constant asking of "where do I put this?"... While us guys get the heaviest boxes, the ladies get the rest and start to unpack the kitchen that will honestly be the first thing we'll use.
"Is there something left in the truck?" I ask Ryan who's outside "Nah...all empty!" "Good!" I walk to the kitchen and see that they are almost done "baby I'll unpack our bathroom" "Thanks!" "What can we do?" Sebastian asks coming upstairs with me "Could you unpack the things that are going in the studio? Just take them out of the box and leave them on the desk, at least we won't have more boxes laying around" "Sure" "We've got the living room and downstairs bathroom" Scott tells me from the bottom of the stairs "Thanks"
I walk into our bathroom and start to open boxes. First thing I find are our body wash, shampoos and conditioner as well as our loofah's so I open the shower door and start to put all this thing inside. Then I move to the things that are going under the sink like cleaning stuff for the bathroom extra towels that are in a basket, extra toilet paper. In the drawers I put all of Sofia's things she uses for her skin routine and in the other I put all the things I use for when I shave. On top of the sink goes our toothbrushes, toothpaste and mouthwash. In the last drawer I put some napkins, small towels, pregnancy tests and Sofia's medication.
"Baby?" "Still in the bathroom" "Hi" "I'm almost done in here..." "Good, I was thinking of leaving the bedroom to unpack for tomorrow" "Sure" "I need to pee..." "I'll leave you be and bring this boxes downstairs in the meantime" "Thanks" I grab said boxes and leave folding them up in my way down and put them where the other are. "Lunch is almost here" Georgeta says "Who ordered?" "Your mom and I" "Thank you" I say kissing her cheek as I pass by here "You're welcome dragul" (honey) I smile at her before walking back upstairs and into our bathroom again. "Everything ok in there?" I ask "Chris..." "Something's wrong?" "Did you see pads or tampons while emptying the boxes?" "No...I..." I sigh and knock on the door hoping she would let me in, it takes a few seconds but she opens the door for me "Baby I'm sorry..." Seeing that her period was late of a few days she was really hopeful "I haven't seen them, you probably finished them last month and with all the things we had to do and think of we forgot to buy them" I say kissing her shoulder as she washes her hands "Mhm...right now I've got a makeshift pad of toilet paper...." "I'll run to the store and get what you need. Both pads and tampons?" "Yes please" "Ok, you stay in here and try to relax a little, I know it's not easy but try for me ok?" "I will, I love you Chris" "I love you too"
I make sure I've got my wallet with me and head downstairs "Where are you going? Lunch will be here in five..." Sebastian says "I have to go to the store" "Can't you do it later, it'll get cold" Shanna says "I have to get things for Sofia, so no. She's upstairs..." "Did she..." Sebastian asks "Yeah..." I leave the house and drive towards the closest store I could find near our house. Once is de I make my way over to the feminine products section and get what she needs, I also stop to get some of her favorite snack that I'm sure we're out of and go back home and fast as I can.
When I walk in they are all in the kitchen except for Georgeta. "Both upstairs" Scott says and as I walk by my mom gives me a little hug "Can I come in?" I ask from outside our bedroom door "Yeah!" "Hey...I've got everything you need" "Thank you baby" she says smiling at me "I'll leave you two alone and we'll wait for you downstairs, unless you'd rather stay up here" "No well come down for lunch, thank you mami" We watch as she leaves the room and then I let Sofia get changed in the bathroom. "How are you feeling?" "A bit sad but I knew not to get my hopes up..." "It'll come, I promise" "I hope so" "It will" "How are you?" She asks hugging me closer "Same as you baby"
After a few minutes we come down the stairs and we start to eat with the rest of the family, laughing about funny memories of our childhood. The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly, they all leave around 4.30 pm and all the house was unpacked except for our bedroom. We made ourselves some easy pasta and watched a movie while eating popcorns under a warm soft blanket.
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