46 - Baby's first christmas

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*Chris pov*

It's finally Christmas, Sofia and I, as-well as the rest of the family, have been so excited for it to come to see how Jade reacts to all the twinkly lights and decorations.

We've spent lunch at mom's house, both families together, there were also Sam's parents, I'm happy they reconciled!
Lunch was awesome and as always we all pitched in to cook something.

After we got done eating and cleaned up a bit, we all sat down and exchanged gifts. Jade received new clothes and books mostly for when she grows a bit, it was funny seeing Ethan trying to help her open the gifts when he only just learned...the Lee two are gonna be best friends, and I'm sure my sister's new baby, once he'll be here and he'll grow up a bit, is gonna hang out with the other two. It's kind of crazy to think that in just about three months there are gonna be three kids around here!

After all the wrapping paper was picked up and thrown away we got out our usual games and played a bit before settling down on the couches, all cuddled up with some hot cocoa in hand and watched a family movie, this year strangely enough we didn't fight over the games...must be a miracle!

"You ok?" I ask Sofia as she cuddles further into me
"Yeah, just getting a bit sleepy that's all"
"Mhm, as soon as this finishes we're getting you home ok?"
"Yeah" she says before leaning up to kiss my cheek softly
I smile at her before looking down at Jade that is soundly sleeping into my arms
"A year ago exactly..."
"It's crazy isn't it?"
We go back to watch the movie that ends after about half an hour, I put had in her car seat and help Sofia gather all of our things, we say goodbye to everyone knowing that we'll see each other other in two days to finish to plan for New Years family party and get in the car.

When I reach home Sofia has fallen asleep, I decide to bring the gifts in first and our other things like her purse and baby bag, then I grab Jade and walk in the house with her then go back for Sofia.
I gently unclasp her seatbelt so I don't wake her up and then once she's secured in my arms, I close the car and walk in.
I set her in the couch and take her shoes off, she doesn't even stir, she must be very tired.
In the mean time I get Jade and change her diaper and put her in another outfit then setting her in the little cot we have in the living room.
I change myself and join Sofia on the couch, once she'll wake up I'll probably do us a nice cup of tea, I'm sure we both won't be hungry cause there was so much food at lunch so a tea should be perfect.


Sofia only wakes up after two hours and she hugs me tightly thanking me for letting her rest

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Sofia only wakes up after two hours and she hugs me tightly thanking me for letting her rest.
I pick up a now awake Jade and hand her to Sofia so she can feed her while I do some tea for us and also grab a couple of cookies cause let's face it, I'm stuffed from lunch but my sweet tooth never goes away!


By the end of the day the three of us are all cuddled up in bed, the fire cracking and setting a nice glow in the bedroom, Sofia and I watch the snow fall, Dodger is laying at our feet with his head between his paws and from time to time he softly...

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By the end of the day the three of us are all cuddled up in bed, the fire cracking and setting a nice glow in the bedroom, Sofia and I watch the snow fall, Dodger is laying at our feet with his head between his paws and from time to time he softly snores, Jade is next to Sofia, she's awake and is looking at the glow from the fire on the walls. Perfect end to a perfect first Christmas as a family of three!

Hope you guys liked this chapter, we're gonna get some drama soon! Wanna try and guess what it would be???

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