Let's Go On A Date After The Exam

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The night self-study was over. As I was about to walk out the back door to go home, I noticed a big figure standing in the street. It reminded me of a bear I encountered while hiking late at night. As expected, it was Tay. He held something in his hand. I tilted my head and approached slowly. When I held the bag strap, I focused my strength on my hands and toes.


Tay greeted again. When I listened to it, I noticed that the voice wasn’t as ferocious or as low as it had been. It was also a little upset. The previous incident depicted the expression of someone who had forgotten everything. As usual, he was deafeningly quiet.


I also greeted him and lowered my gaze. He was holding a fan. It wasn’t distributed as a flyer at the art academy and it was shaped like a strawberry. There were a lot of cute items that didn’t go with the owner’s style. “Uhm,” Tay replied. Then he gently waved the fan in front of me.

“You said you were hot.”

“… Did you buy it yourself?”

“They only have this.”

Tay used his chin to point to the stationery store at the back door. It was more akin to a small store than a stationery store. There weren’t many students stopping by. After the night of self-study, all of the students went out to get snacks. There was no reason to come this way after leaving the front door. And the store had already closed, and the door had been shut.

“Did you go through the back gate? As far as I know...”

I kept my mouth shut. Tay was well-known as the son of Vihokratana, but it may be upsetting to hear about it. Anyway, you had to take a bus or train from the main gate to get to Chiang Mai. I stared at Tay, who gently waved a fan in front of me, without saying anything.

“Let’s go home. I’ll take you.”

“Are you going to take me home like this every day?”

“Uhm. Can’t I?”

On the contrary, I shook my head in response to his question. I don’t mind… but wouldn’t it be difficult and inconvenient for Tay? I had this thought all of a sudden. I thought I’d be lonely if Tay took me and picked me up every day and then left me alone at some point. But I wasn’t stupid enough to get all these thoughts out of my mouth.

“It doesn’t really matter.”

And we walked slowly down the street. As usual, this place was quiet. Chirp chirp chirp, cried the night beetle. Even though there was a faint sound of people coming through the open window in the villa, the atmosphere was strange.

My tongue lightly moistened my dry lips. There was something I wanted to discuss with Tay, but I don’t know what to do. I bit my lower lip and glanced at Tay's eyes.

“Earlier… Because of Book…”


“Are you angry?”


This person was too honest. You should be able to hide it somewhat. I let out a sigh. Only then did Tay, who closed his mouth and answered like a cuckoo, said.



“You said you were sorry earlier.”

“Uh, Yeah…”

Book you bastard!

I let out a swear in my head.

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