Side Story : Cooing, Cookie

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I ordered braised spicy chicken for dinner. The mildly spicy one was delicious, and there was plenty of meat. Tay had given me all of the drumsticks and wings, so I gave him the remaining meat. I leaned back and sat on the sofa for a long time, reading and memorizing the concept book. It was more convenient to memorize the entire research topic I was currently reading.

Tay frantically scribbled something in front of the sofa. It was incredible that he continued his studies while putting in so much effort. It was nice to hear the sound of a pencil constantly hitting the table.

It was around this time that my body began to drowse and my consciousness began to fade.

Beep, beep, beep, beep-

I opened my eyes to the sound. My older brother said he wasn’t coming in today, and Mom and Dad also went on a trip. Who is it?

Soon the middle door opened. I had to walk down a long hallway to get to the living room, so I didn’t know who was coming in.


Tay got up. I rested the back of my head on the armrest and looked at the person coming in.


My older brother, who had said he wouldn’t return, returned to the house later in the evening. He was holding a bag of chicken. I was extremely embarrassed. It was because I was doing things with Tay while my older brother was away until a few hours ago.

Nonetheless, I tried not to make it obvious. My older brother, who had no idea what was going on, looked at me and Tay, then placed the bag of chicken in front of him.

“Eat this.”

“Thank you.”

Tay bowed his head slightly. My older brother entered the room with a rough wave of his hands and poked his head out.

“Are you going to sleep over?”

It was ambiguous as there was no subject to whom he asked. Tay responded softly.

“I don’t have clothes.”

“Wear mine and sleep here.”

“My clothes, I will lend you my clothes.”

I thought my older brother’s clothes would fit Tay, but I felt bad for some reason. I got off the couch and unwrapped the chicken bag. My older brother lowered his gaze and looked pityingly at me.

“Will your clothes fit him?”

Then he actually hit me with a fact.

After washing up, my older brother went out with two cans of beer from the refrigerator. He placed one in front of himself and another in front of Tay. My older brother raised his chin to motion him to drink when he looked at him silently. Tay nodded and pressed the can lid’s ring to open it.

As I was eating the drumstick, I noticed Tay naturally handing over the beer, and I moved my hand to the can. My older brother took a deep breath. When I quickly let go, Tay looked through the chicken box and placed another drumstick in my bowl.

“How long have you been dating?”

My older brother asked calmly. I stretched out my voice and answered cautiously.

“It’s been over a year.”

At my words, my brother said, “I see.” I passed the beer back. Tay drank along with my older brother. I just picked it up to eat the drumstick that Tay had put up. This time I wanted to eat it with salt, but I couldn’t find it.

“What are you looking for?”

Tay asked. “Salt,” I replied succinctly. He found salt in the bag that my older brother had been packing chicken in. Then he ripped open the bag and sprinkled salt on my bowl. Instead of beer, I drank Coke. I looked up to see my older brother looking at me with a lukewarm gaze.

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