It's A Food Torture

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Tay fell asleep as soon as he arrived at school. He spent the morning like a dead mouse, clutching the peach emoticon arm pillow.

His friends in tight trousers would often approach him and act cute, saying, “Tayy~, Tayy~,” whereas his friends in short skirts and heavy makeup would approach him and say, “Hey, Tay Tawan~.” He only wrinkled his impressions a few times and continued to sleep.

He must have been tired because he arrived at school early. The teachers in each subject didn’t even say anything to awaken him. Despite the fact that he was clearly present at school, he was treated as if he were absent.

While Tay was in a deep sleep, I just spent the day as usual. I listened to the class and laughed at the teacher as Book jokes. During the break, I peeped at the Tay's seat while listening to the guys who were passionate about games and soccer.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

And after about the fifth time I glanced at the Tay's seat, Book spoke with a strange expression. He obviously widened his eyes and looked at me while talking about the new skin of the game.


I replied quickly for no reason other than I didn’t want to be caught peering at Tay. Book followed my gaze and looked at me looking at Tay. My entire body flinched.

“Be honest with me.”


“You can’t fool me.”

“About what.”

Book lowered his voice as much as possible. “He’s bothering you.”


“No, fuck, those bastards are just like that. They say you are their friend, but they want your money.”

“Oh, no… it’s not like that.”

It’s hard to say we’re friends…

Book's face filled with determination as I faltered in my response. I became anxious. He had a corner where he was looking for loyalty or justice in a strange place. I looked through Book with dismal eyes. Book nodded and curled his upper and lower lips. He closed his eyes, then opened them again and patted my shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry.”

“… What.”

“This brother will protect you.”

My anxiety rate increased.

When it was time for lunch, Tay got up from his seat because the surroundings had become too noisy. He approached a passerby and asked if it was lunchtime. Then I shifted my gaze. He had a very broad shoulder. He must exercise a lot. That had to be the case, given the amount of food he ate.

Tay's gaze turned to me as he moved his head and touched his shoulders. When our gazes met, I turned around. With the sound of the dragging chair, I could notice Tay approaching me.

That was then.

“Hey, let’s go.”

Book grabbed my wrist and pulled me up. The back door was where Tay came in, and Book led me towards the front door. He crossed the desks and walked loudly as he moved forward.

Book, who grabbed me and dragged me to the front door, seemed strangely desperate. Our class had already ended a while ago, so we had no choice but to eat late and we dashed to the canteen. As a result, I was able to leave the classroom without talking to Tay.

“Ah, I’m alive.”

Book held his chest and exhaled after finishing his task. “Let’s tell the guys we’ll go first.”

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