Side Story : The Best Birthday

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Tay, who had awoken from the commotion outside could barely raise his drowsy eyelids. There was only darkness in the bedroom. He tried not to study until after 4 a.m., so he barely finished studying before falling asleep, but he heard glass colliding outside and someone making a fuss.

There was only one person who would show up. Today is April 18th. Tay's birthday had arrived. Tay eventually stood up. Nonetheless, he took the hoodie from the chair and put it on his body. He thought his head was floating as he walked, so he put on his hoody hat and went outside. As expected, it was New Thitipoom.

“Ah… Did you wake up because of the noise?”

Surprised, New curled up and turned around.

He was standing in front of the gas stove, holding an instant seaweed soup. He was shy and kept it hidden behind his back. Tay finally smiled.

“You said you’d cook for me.”

“Oh, that… I really wanted to.”

Pancakes, ribs, and glass noodles in a glass container. Two instant rice. Even though the side dishes and rice were the same, the noodles appeared to have been made from scratch.

“If that’s the case, how can you look at my parents’ faces later?”

New shook his head as Tay gave a reminder rather than a reprimand.

“You family won’t eat it anyway!”

He raised his voice as if he was embarrassed. Then, for no reason, he widened his stride and approached him, and shoved Tay's back towards the bedroom.

“I'll call you when I'm done.”

“No, New Thitipoom…”

“Oh, sleep more. You can sleep more.”

Tay turned around. New, who suddenly hugged Tay, buried his face in his chest and opened his eyes only.

“Do you have anything to say?”

New, who had chubby cheeks, wrapped his arms around Tay's waist. Then he buried his lips in the hoodie. He felt a warm breath near his chest.

“… Happy birthday.”

Tay could only get up about an hour after that. New shook him awake with an excited voice, but after a little more playing in bed, he managed to get up. He hadn’t gotten enough sleep, and fatigue was piling up on his body. There was a lot of food when he came out of the room after washing his clothes and putting on his school uniform.

Well-cooked ribs and golden brown pancake. The rice was well placed in the rice bowl after it came out of the instant container, and the steaming seaweed soup smelled fragrant. He pulled his phone from his pocket. He then took a picture without hesitation. He didn’t have to read through all of the happy birthday messages on the messenger.

Tay picked up a spoon and ate the soup. It tasted exactly like the ones sold in shops. New looked at him with eager eyes, despite the fact that he had just boiled the entire thing in a pot.


New wore a relaxed expression as Tay ate the soup and praised it. Tay also took noodles and put it in his mouth. He chewed and rinsed his mouth with water.

He closed his eyes and then opened them again. He was so tired that it was difficult for him to open his eyes properly. Unlike his body, which was suppressed by fatigue, a smile and laughter filled his lips.

“New Thitipoom.”


“This is the happiest birthday I have ever had.”

Tay said in a low-pitched voice as he felt sleepy.

It was true. He’s never been happier to receive a congratulation from anyone. He was joking around, but he was extremely happy that New had come to his house to cook for him at this time. Tay did not hide the smile on the corner of his lips. New, on the other hand, had an embarrassed expression.

“Oh, not yet.”

Then he stood up and opened the kitchen cabinet. A shopping bag was presumably hidden there. It was quite big. It was a sportswear brand that Tay often wears.


New hesitated to hand over the bag that he carried behind him. The sizes were also quite large it seemed like there would be ten problem books.

“I bought this thinking you could wear it to college.”

New stood up again as soon as he finished speaking. “Wait a minute!” he says. He raised his voice and walked directly to the refrigerator, opening the door. There was a cake inside. It was early in the morning, so there was no cake shop open.

When Tay, who had never planned something special for his birthday, couldn’t say anything in response to the unexpected event. New put the candles on his own on the cake. Tay then lit the match for the candles.

“Where did you…”

“I bought it yesterday, the cake.”

“You are, really.”

Tay hid his face behind his hands. He bit the soft flesh on his lips. It was the best birthday for him just to have New, but he wasn’t sure how he’d react since New had brought everything like this.

However, contrary to Tay's reaction, New, on the other hand, was embarrassed of himself and stuttered a happy birthday song.

Tay bit his lower lip strongly. He was embarrassed and ashamed because he thought he was about to cry. It was overwhelming to think that such days would continue in the future. He held his hands over his face until New sang the song by himself. Soon the song ended.

“Te Tawan.”

Tay slowly removed the hand that was covering his eyes when New called his name. He expected New, who sang all the songs awkwardly until the end, to appear, but instead, New, who had shyness all over his face, appeared. New then gave him a firm order.

“Make a wish and blow the candles.”

Tay clasped his hands and closed his eyes. Then he hoped that reality, which was neither a fantasy nor a dream, would last forever.

May he always be happy with New Thitipoom. May he be by his side forever.

It was the best birthday ever.


If it's not too much to ask for, I would really appreciate a shout-out for this book. Thank you everyone <3

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