Give Me A Heart

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Autumn, when the sun shone brightly and the horses grew fatter.

In this autumn, when rice was colored golden and bent its head, ripe fruits were collected, and everyone was bountiful, I felt unbearable anger for the first time in my life.

“Oh, the sleeves are short.”


“Hey, I’m going to get a new uniform.”


“Neww, you too, pfft, ah, no.”


The culprit of my anger was none other than Book.

Book grew taller. He, who was previously a few inches shorter than me, now looked down on me because he was no longer on the same level as me. The summer uniform was shorter than the spring and fall uniforms, and the sleeves were half-cut, so it was barely noticeable until today when I wore the spring and autumn uniform. I wasn’t sure if it was truly that big difference because it was only a few centimeters apart from me, but Book stretched out his arm and pointed his shortened sleeve at me.

Of course, I couldn’t help but feel envious. I just didn’t say it out loud, but height was one of the complexes for me. Speaking of my family, my father was 180 cm and my mother was around 170 cm. My older brother was around 180 cm and inherited both of their genes to his heart’s content. And Tay, who I am always with was around 190 cm.

“… I have to study.”

I averted Book's sight by lowering it slightly. My hand reached for the workbook I hadn’t even opened. I curled my wrists and pushed my school uniform’s sleeves up so they wouldn’t be obvious. It was utterly miserable.

“Didn’t you say you were going to get taller, so you got a bigger uniform?”

Book remembered useless things. That was something I said shortly after starting freshman year. I suddenly grew taller while I was in middle school. I said, ‘Ah, now I’m getting some of the heredity’s influence in my body,’ I bought a one-size-larger school uniform when I started high school. The results, however, did not change significantly. I was only three centimeters taller than I had been when I was in first grade. It couldn’t help but be miserable.

“I warned you. You eat so little, don’t you? I mean I’ve known you since you gave me stir-fried glass noodles.”

Book talked endlessly. Despite even the small distance between his chair in the front row and my desk, he dared to sit in between them and chat nonstop. It looked like his mouth would float even if he fell into the water. He’s going to get scolded again. If you look closely, Book was a guy who wanted to be bullied. And suddenly a gloomy voice was heard.


Tay's low voice could be heard from behind. Book, who had been swinging his arms and legs, stiffened as if he had been hit by a light beam. He clicked his tongue inside and forcefully raised the corners of his mouth.

“It’s noisy.”

“… Look at yourself.”

Book complained so quietly that I was the only one who could hear him. “You’re always being mean to New Thitipoom.” It was strange that he grumbled even though we were dating. He openly says it to Tay. I turned around with a frown on my face. I put one arm on my desk and the other arm on Tay's desk.

Tay rubbed his ear with his finger. There was no way he could not hear him, no matter how quiet Book complained. Tay looked at Book. No matter how many times you threw an egg on a rock, it wouldn’t break. It was very sad.

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