Do You Have A Girlfriend?

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Tay's walk to my house was slower than usual. His actions were relaxed and leisurely enough to match his personality and outward appearance frighteningly, but today he had a dull feeling.


As I took a step and a half, Tay took a heavy step to take just one step. Even if it was like that at first, I wanted to punch my chest in frustration because he continued to do this until we exited the alley.

That's what I was thinking, but I couldn't put it into action. I also couldn't bring myself to ask him why he was walking so slowly. Even though we were dating and getting along, I still haven't gotten used to Tay's tendency to try to control everything by force. That being said, it wasn't just the body flinched as it had been before, but it was now enough to forcefully show my teeth and smile.

As I was about to leave the alley, I returned my gaze to Tay, who was clutching my hand tightly, and asked,

"What's the matter with you?"

It might be too much for him. We worked hard on these and other subjects until the early hours of the morning. It was a struggle just to get up slowly enough to eat at a restaurant near my house. Tay acted like a junior, although no one had ordered him to do so. He poured water and placed a spoon and chopsticks in front of me. Meanwhile, whenever he heard an "Ugh" sound from my mouth, he would tap my back, then his face would turn blue and he would look sad next to me.

As the main road appeared in front of us, Tay slowly let go of my tightly gripped hand. I was held in his hot hands for a while, and I felt awkward because I had nowhere else to turn. Tay rubbed his hands like flies rubbing their legs. their the sound of his fairly dry palms being rubbed, Tay then slid his hand into his pocket.

"It's too bad..."


"...Sending you home."

Anyway. I laughed for no reason, pouting my lips and hiding my laughter. Come to think of it, Tay was showing a lot of regrets.

Even when we went out to eat, he did not eat quickly and ate more slowly than usual. Even after eating soup a few times, I thought Tay had a habit of only using a spoon. But today, he also used chopsticks.

That's when I realized why he was walking so slowly. I bowed my head and looked at the front of my feet before raising it again. The sky was being colored by a scarlet sunset, and the summer evening was coming to an end.

This summer was the most exciting and thrilling summer of my life.

So, it wasn't that I didn't understand Tay's feelings that it was a pity to send me home. Even if Tay later regretted it, now was the time to go home. To be honest, after being away from home for three or two days, I wanted to be as relaxed as possible when I returned home.

"I'll see you later."

That's all I said. The sweltering heat quickly enveloped us. The school year would begin soon, and by the time the second semester began, summer would have passed in the blink of an eye. We'd be dressed in spring and autumn uniforms as if summer had arrived, and then we'd be dressed in winter uniforms as the seasons changed.

Would we still be together at that moment?

I swallowed the words I couldn't ask. Instead, I glanced at Tay's eyes. He hid his upper lip with his lower lip, and he just silently looked ahead. I looked at Tay's side profile which had a clear line and touched my finger, feeling the space without realizing it.

Tay exhaled deeply and tilted his head for a moment as if thinking deeply. As we walked out of the alley and onto the main road, I noticed the apartment complex where I lived. I cast a glance at the silent Tay and matched his stride, which had suddenly accelerated.

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